In a world teeming with colossal monsters, alien invaders, and super-powered villains, humanity relies on the Hero Association to defend the planet from catastrophic threats. Among the countless heroes is Trent, a seemingly unremarkable figure with a calm, detached demeanor. But Trent harbors a secret—he can defeat any opponent in exactly three punches.
Cursed with overwhelming strength and an unyielding three-punch limit, Trent often finds himself bored and disconnected from the chaos around him. Despite his incredible power, he remains largely unnoticed and unappreciated, overshadowed by flashier, more famous heroes.
As villains grow stronger and more dangerous, a shadowy organization stirs in the background, seeking to unravel the mystery behind Trent’s power. From the earth-shaking might of the mutant Titanus Rex to the time-bending Void Sovereign, these formidable foes push Trent to his limits, forcing him to confront his true potential and the burden of his strength.