The novel begins in the 1920s of this alternate timeline, when the world is under the iron grip of the Unified Khanate, which spans from the farthest reaches of East Asia to the Atlantic Ocean. Our protagonist, Aynur, is a low-ranking scout in the Eastern Outlands, a barren territory that was onc...
In a world where the specter of conflict has been vanquished by unprecedented technological advancements, a shadowy organization threatens to dismantle the fragile peace that humanity has built. Evelyn Carter, a brilliant hacker with a haunted past, is determined to uncover the truth behind th...
In a world where the Axis powers emerged victorious in World War II, the landscape of society has transformed dramatically. The year is 1965, and Europe is dominated by a totalitarian regime, ruled by the German Empire. Advanced technology, stemming from military innovations, is used to maintain ...
In a world teeming with colossal monsters, alien invaders, and super-powered villains, humanity relies on the Hero Association to defend the planet from catastrophic threats. Among the countless heroes is Trent, a seemingly unremarkable figure with a calm, detached demeanor. But Trent harbors a s...