Chapter 173:

Sawano VS. Hades & Death, The Struggle To Survive!

Project: INFERNO

(A while later into the battle with Sawano and Death, the two would battle from weapon to weapon combat until Death suddenly dissolved Sawano's Hellblazer, forcing him to summon the prototype within his arm and continue the combat as the revenant Hades stormed in from the skies and slams Sawano down to the ground with a powerful wall of fire which he was protected by his immunity to flames.)

"Death: Hades? I thought we've come to the agreement Sawano's soul is mine to consume."
"Revenant Hades: Even if that's true, I owe this jackass a beating for ruining Tartarus... ruining Hell and TAKING MY THRONE!"
"Death: Then we'll fight him cooperatively. But follow my lead.."

(As Sawano was beginning to be pushed into a corner, he'd then remember his stance for his race's Kabatashi Martial Arts. As Death and Hades storms at Sawano from both sides, he'd close his eyes, breathe in deep, hold his breath and avoid every attack they throw as he then exhales calmly and indents his fist into Revenant Hades's chest, shattering his rib cage along with exploding three different organs within his body, launching him far from the fight as Sawano focuses on Death, by using his martial arts prowess and Unholy Inferno. As Death and Sawano then connects a punch across their faces, the two then separates afar as they was more serious in trying to kill one another.)

"Sawano: I've escaped Death too many times because of Gaito. This ends now and I'll be the one to kill you myself, I'll prove Death CAN be stopped!"
"Death: ...You Senvoinians has always been ignorant fools. Do you genuinely think you're going to stop me with the power level you are now?"
"Sawano: What are you talking about...?"
"Death: You're a very high multiverse threat, there's no doubt about it... But did it ever occur to you that the timeline is reversing? The longer you're here, the weaker you become."
"Sawano: ...! How did you-"
"Death: I didn't do a single thing. In truth Sawano, all of this.. The timeline being violated, abused, broken and repaired so quickly was all. Because. Of you and the people you live upon."
"Sawano: You won't break me with LIES!"
"Death: Who's to say I'm lying? With every second that passes on Senvoinerth is half a day on Earth. With that being said, you're at Demi-God Gaito's full power level now."
"Sawano: ...SHUT UP!"

(As Death smirked, he'd flash step in front of Sawano and lands a thunderous elbow into his stomach, forcing the eyes of Sawano to blacken in blood red by the sheer force of the attack, cough a heavy amount of blood and was then launched away by Death as he began to fall into the main city of his country as nearby Senvoinians fled for safety while Sawano noticed Death was telling the truth which meant he could die sooner if he does not find a way to escape.)

"Sawano (Thinking): My.. Arms.. I can't.. move them..!!"

(As Sawano continued to crash through the city, he'd then slam his head on the ground with full force to anchor himself from going any further. As Sawano then noticed his arms are now blackened and broken from the force of the attack and his vision was now blurry from using his head as he was losing more blood completely. Sawano then notices two clones of Death who is still impersonating as Kirby.)

"Both: Sawano...~ You don't look so good... ready to die...?"
"Sawano (Pained): ..."

(As Sawano doesn't say a word, he'd forcefully call out his chains to spawn out of his back and carry him to the nearest portal to the Time Realm. As Sawano was in the sky, a 20ft tall Hades appears out of nowhere grips the chains of Sawano as he choked back on blood while in pure shock.)


(As Hades swung Sawano around as if he was a ragdoll, swinging and slamming the defenseless Sawano from mountains, to the lava and to the ground as Hades then swings Sawano into the sky, jumps off of Senvoinerth and with a large smirk of bloodthirsty intention on his face, delivers a powerful kick which rockets Sawano through five different planets of his universe's solar system as Sawano was now rocketed deep into the cosmos of space, sucked away by a powerful vortex in space. Death then commands the black hole to explode by his will which now locked Sawano far away from anyone else's presence as everyone realized Sawano's presence has vanished once again.)

"Death: I'll save him for last. For now we-"

(As the two turned around, they'd notice a pissed off Gaito Magachi with his head down and his eyes slowly turning black while his Anti-God energy was unstable to the point his dark aura began to ooze out of his body along with Gaito's lightning surging out of his eyes then his body.)

"Gaito: Return my son... Or you will meet the God I once was."
"Revenant Hades: Your pathetic son couldn't stop us and neither can you-"

(Without any movement, thought or attack, Gaito's aura became so powerful, the entire physical body of Revenant Hades was splattered into a bloody pile of goo as he was killed without moving as Death was not even surprised.)

"Death: I see... You've gotten quite stronger since the last time I've beaten you."
"Gaito: Beaten me...? I consider it more as a lucky shot. Now. Return. My. Son."
"Death: He's in the abyss, far from anyone's reach. It'll take you quite a long time to find him."
"Gaito: ...Give. Me. My... SONNNNN!!!!!"

(As Gaito screamed the word at the top of his lungs, the anger inside Gaito began to spiral into a physical manifestation of aura wrapped around Gaito's body as his eyes were now red of anger and his aura was darker due to the Anti-God energy excluding his red auraed hands.)

"Death: This power... It's the Ancient of Senvoinian Arts! This is going to be quite interesting..."

(As Gaito and Death remained right where they stood, Death's eyes opened immediately as his body was plastered from all sides, dropping and spilling blood from all holes.)

"Death (Pained): WHAT-... T-THE... H-HELL.. DID YOU DO...?!"
"Gaito: ...My anger placed us in a pocket dimension without you knowing. And now, you look like you're ready to die."

(As Gaito licked his lips sadistically, his anger continued to stampede on Death as he remains where he stands and does absolutely nothing, As Gaito then stops, he'd grip the air where Death stands, slams him on the ground, kicks Death's jaw as it was now completely dislocated and dissolved from his head as Gaito screams loudly and rocket punches Death in an omnidirectional state as the speed forces Death's body to disintegrate bit by bit as he was down to an arm and a leg. Gaito forcefully grips the hair of Death, punches through its chest and crushes the heart, forcefully grips his head and snaps it in the opposite direction then pummels the brutally dismembered and assaulted Death with his bare hands as every punch creates a deeper crater for Gaito to endlessly try to kill him. As Gaito then jumps into orbit, he'd force his gravity to increase as he then rockets down onto the brutally beaten body of Death and stomps directly on its body, forcing it to explode into chunks of pieces and bits and creates a storm of debris after the final attack. As Gaito then stares down at Death's remains, he'd talk to him.)

"Gaito: Hey. I know you're not dead you fuck. Give me my son."
"Death: Hehehe...!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH..!!! A shame really... the only pitiful Senvoinian who's strong enough to kill even those who are impervious to deceasing, almost kills me."
"Gaito: Where. Is. My son.?"
"Death: As if I'd tell you, why would I spoil this new fun game?!"

(Gaito then punches Death in his splattered heart once again.)

"Gaito: WHERE IS HE?!"
"Death: Heh. You're no fun. Figure it out for yourself.. I have unfinished business with Sawano, I'll be taking his delectable soul and keep his lifeless body as part of my collection!"

(As Death was beginning to dissolve to Sawano's location, Gaito quickly breathes a mouthful of blue scorching flames as Gaito then scattered the debris, he'd no longer feel Death's presence as Sawano was doomed. Gaito then begins to breathe sharply then begins to scream and curse out Death in anger.)


(As Gaito catches his breath, he'd launch himself into the depths of Senvoinerth's abyss to find Sawano's exact location before Death could consume him.)

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