Chapter 174:

Unleashed Potential/Assassin Gaito VS. Death!

Project: INFERNO

(Meanwhile in the Time Realm as most of civilization across the entire timeline was hiding there, the Magachi's were indefinitely worried that Sawano could no longer be sensed but along with Gaito going after Death, they were sure of their impending doom.)

"Kazuya: What the hell is going on...?! Power levels are depleting left and right, my brain can't even take it anymore..."
"Amisate: Kazuya..."

(As she hugged Kazuya to calm him, he was then in relief to be comforted by her arms.)

"Amisate: We'll get through this... Everyone here is strong, all hands will be on deck but we need a way to become immune to the timeline reversing."
"Raijin: Easier said than done. Without Gaito or Goxius, we can't be given immunity to the timeline's effects."
"Okisaki: Wait... S-Shibuto!"
"Shibuto: Hm?"
"Okisaki: Isn't it possible for your Cosmic Aura to manipulate time's reversal effects?"
"Shibuto: Unfortunately, I've even tried that in testing against Gaito. It doesn't work."
"Hinami: So we sit here while we wait for our timeline to shatter apart..?"
"Akira: No way..! There has to be a way to fight somehow..."
"Chimon: I don't believe its possible at the moment."
"Ankoku: Actually..."
"Everyone: ...?"
"Ankoku: There is one way to fight. But in order for us to truly get back out there and defend those who are dying, we need all members of the Magachi blood here."
"Johide: You don't mean..."

(As Ankoku then sits on the ground, he'd begin speak in the Senvoinian Tongue while releasing his race's horns and tail as all who then stepped in did the same.)

"Ankoku (Senvoinian Language) : ...In ancient times of war, in order for peace to truly come true, we would have to win with the Senvoinian Gods as our aid. If the obstacle is too difficult to pass through-"
"Johide (Senvoinian Language): -...the summoning of Gods is the quickest way to."
"Okisaki (Senvoinian Language): To win the game of melee and blood-"
"Sosu (Senvoinian Language): -All must sacrifice a memory to the trail of blood."
"Masunashi (Senvoinian Language): To summon the gods of which we seek-"
"Shibuto (Senvoinian Language): -The offering of our power will push them to their peak."
"Hinami (Senvoinian Language): To the gods among War, Sun, Nature and all-"
"Fuchibuto (Senvoinian Language): -the death of our enemies will befall..."
"Ikehara (Senvoinian Language): To the mighty gods below and above..."

(As everyone else backs away from the uniting Senvoinians in one circle, the power source was beginning to spread and affect other timelines causing them to quake and feel such power as most other interdimensional timelines began to feel the source of power too.)


(As the cast was complete and the power presence was reaching greater and greater heights, everyone in awe would notice fifteen transparent bodies appearing out of the white ray of light. Meanwhile with Sawano and Death, the two were continuing to battle in a dark pocket dimension as Sawano was severely hurt but began regenerating at a fast speed.)

"Death: So you're beginning to regenerate quicker now, hm? Is it that damned beast you keep stored in there?"
"Sawano: ...Stay.. away... from Zugarian...!"
"Death: Oh right, you named that repugnant creature. You know Sawano, you do realize you're back at your Emperor Of Flames level just like you were against the Anti-Gods years ago? Shorter terms, I could instantaneously kill you, but one kick or punch from me and you'll actually lose a limb or an organ, maybe both..."
"Sawano: ..."
"Death: What's the matter? Life flashing before your pathetic eyes?"

(Death then appears in front of Sawano's handle of Hellblazer and kicked it to his feet.)

"Death: Fix your sword in six seconds or you die."
"Sawano: ..."

(As Sawano then stands right where he is as Death counts down, Sawano prepares a familiar stance while charging a powerful amount of Unholy Inferno into his entire right arm. Death then chuckles as he then generates two hook blades out of shadow to decapitate him with.)

"Death: You really are amusing... but very stupid."

(As Death flash steps in front of Sawano and swings both blade, Sawano forcefully pressures his entire body to engulf in Unholy Inferno melt the hook blades in time as Death was amazed at the quickness of Sawano.)

"Sawano: Stupid... but it takes a true genius with a high IQ to outsmart the embodiment of Death."
"Death: Your level is rising again? You're once again at the level when you've injured Lucifer."
"Sawano: When you're in a fight, there are two ways a fight can go. Strategically or brutishly, I brutishly fight when I don't get seriously but I play it smart against worthy opponents like you."
"Death: ...? Your ass was handed to you many times by many villains over the years, what the hell are you blabbering about?"
"Sawano: Don't you get it Death? I fight brutishly because using my brain in a fight is what unlocks my hidden potential I sealed away ever since my awakening verses Hades."

(Death's eyes suddenly opened as Sawano now realized he wasn't afraid of Death or anyone else but his mind was closed shut for years. As Sawano began to unseal his brain for his high IQ, his flames immediately vanished for they were now unable to be seen.)

"Sawano: You can humiliate me, you can come for my soul, you can strike me down and kill me limb from limb. But when I unleash the inner beast.."

(As Sawano takes one step, the pocket dimension began to break apart which shocked Death.)

"Sawano: ...It takes one step at a time... To become a True Senvoinian God!"
"Death: INSOLENCE!!!"

(As Death forces the dimension to cave in on Sawano, his eyes then switches to the return of a bloodshot color and overtakes the dimension by gripping both sides and uses Incursed Shadow to escape the dimension and hold it in the palm of his hand, forcing Death to take a step back as Sawano then engulfs it in white hot flames and crushes it. As Death finally gets a glimpse of Sawano's true power, he immediately sensed a returning presence which forced Death to freeze and decide between Sawano or deal with the presence of a returning God.)

"Sawano: What's wrong? Trying to run?"
"Death: Tch..! I was looking for Sawano, the Senvoinian who was scared to die. Seems like you no longer fear me... Then have fun!"

(Before Death could vanish, Revenant Hades returns along with a killed Lucifer and the entire evil, revenant Umezaki army as Sawano was to fight two former rulers of Hell and his wife's deceased clan members. While Death quickly rushes to deal with the source of power, Gaito immediately kicked Death in the face whom was still taking the form of Kirby Magachi. Gaito then grips both arms of Death and begins stomping him directly in the face as the two plummets to the deep abyss of Senvoinerth's space as Gaito then delivers a punch so powerful, the force rockets Death back onto the planet as he then scoffed at his entire face being scrapped off his own head as he then regenerates as if it was never there.)

"Gaito: We. Have. Unfinished. Business. FUCKER."

(As Death's voice began to become corrupted after such an attack, Gaito then realized Death was playing tricks the entire time on his power.)

"Death: Firstly Sawano gets saved by the damn Plot Armor and now here comes Mr. Untouchable..."
"Gaito: ...Again with this 4th wall shit...?"
"Death: Allow me to come clean... Do you understand why I had to play along...? Because if I went anywhere above 10% of my power, your son would never come back. But... Your son decided to use that disgusting "I'm The Main Character" card and began to defeat me.."
"Gaito: ...Because, it's not plot armor."
"Death: What?"
"Gaito: You really don't get it don't you Death...? You're everywhere yes, but lets get one thing straight. You're in a novel. I'm in a novel and I could beat the shit out of the writer if I wanted to."
"Death: ...A novel?!"

(As Gaito began taking over a row of rings off his left hand, Gaito began to cave in a large portion of the ground they are standing in as Gaito was now at 50% of his power without powering up.)

"Death: THE HELL?!"
"Gaito: Now, I don't have plot, gag or any kind of armor. Because, I'm just Gaito."

(Gaito then puts on his newly cleaned blindfold which was affected by the reversing timeline as he was preparing for the affects knowing he was going to be blind again soon. Death then wastes less time and begins to attack Gaito with countless attacks blasting from all sides as Gaito stood where he was but also is eating a hoagie behind Death without him noticing. Before Death could notice, Gaito slaps Death in the face with the end of his hoagie and blasts him across the main city of the entire planet as Death was utterly embarrassed that he was losing quickly but began to fight aggressively and use whatever he could to attack Gaito while he was hopscotching from left to right, up and down before he then stops, reaches into his panther's pelt and pulls a wooden sword then swings upward, instantly cancelling out Death's copy of a Relic Rush while also splitting the clouds and two nearby planets in half.)

"Gaito: See this is why I choose weaker swords, how did this even.."
"Death (Thinking): WHAT.. THE HELL..?! WHO IS THIS BASTARD...?!?!"
"Gaito: You're thinking who I am? I'm Gaito Magachi, the meanest bastard on the face of the planet and the most disrespectful among any other creation."
"Death: What you blab from your mouth is hypocrisy and ignorance, have you no shame when in combat with an opponent you couldn't defeat before?!"
"Gaito: My cards wasn't in my favor that time. This time, I have you read like a book. If you want prove me wrong, go ahead and draw your best weapon. I'll stick to using..."

(Gaito looks around the rubble and grabs a dead flower stem from from the carnage then sharpens it to point directly straightforward.)

"Gaito: This flower stem."

(Gaito then yawns as he was bored but immediately realized he was suddenly stronger than before now with the time continuing to reverse. As soon as Death then awakens himself into his Combat Form in the form of a deceased Destroyer, he'd release an army of swarming skulls at Gaito which are engulfed in nullifying magic. Gaito then parries the skulls targeting a specific spot on Gaito's body with the sharpened flower stem while effortlessly redirecting the rows and hordes of dark skulls to go around Gaito and miss. Death then begins to become irate and charge a deadly large scale attack to wipe out Senvoinerth and Gaito along with it.)


(As the wind begins to pick up violently as if it was a black hole vacuuming away the surface of Senvoinerth, Gaito then uses the flower stem to tickle his own nose as the blast was finished charging, Gaito was about to sneeze.)

"Gaito: Ah... Ahhh... Ahhh...-"
"Death: Midnight Conjuring: RAGING DEATH RAY!"

(As the incoming blast was large and powerful enough to truly obliterate Senvoinerth and the surrounding dimension, Gaito then finally sneezes which was powerful enough to not just cancel Death's blast but to also cancel his Combat Form Awakening which forced him to fall to his knees as he could not understand what is truly going on. As the debris cleared up, Gaito was seen sitting down on the air, writing on a notepad and was evaluating the rounds against Death and his own defense attack which was just a SNEEZE.)

"Death: ..."
"Gaito: Let's see... Fooled you, check. Deflected and cancelled your attack, check. Made you fall to your knees... Check. Guess I was right again."
"Death: ...This is impossible... How dare you.. rely on the future to outsmart me...?!"
"Gaito: Ah, the question finally comes. But before I tell you everything, let me tell you how embarrassing our second fight is."
"Death: ..."

"Gaito: Around fifteen seconds into our fight, you've used large and medium ranged attacks in hopes it would somewhat unbalance me or land a direct hit while successfully targeting me. Thirty seconds into the fight, you was recovering for ten seconds before coming at me five seconds later. You should understand it, our fight actually didn't last two minutes. That's how embarrassing it is fighting you in my Assassin years. I didn't even have to forward time for myself to turn into the King of Gods. Because I don't find this fake worthy. The real Death would've found ways to counter me without skipping a beat. Summon the REAL Death here now or I'll just kill you right here."

"Fake Death: ....Hehehehe... You really are troublesome... You're right, I'm just another clone... The real Death has been on Earth this entire time. And your son..."
"???: Is right here."

(As Sawano arrived with Lucifer and Hades' heads with the surprise return of Kenta standing behind him, he'd throw them on the ground as Fake Death was amazed but expected the result.)

"Fake Death: ...You'll find the real Death in Hakodate, he's there fighting off.. Gods. You'll ne-"

(Gaito then uses a copy of Zanbato to swiftly decapitate the Fake Death and begin plunging the sword multiple times into its dismembered head before eating it whole and watches the body vanish into a shadow.)

"Kenta: Brother."
"Gaito: Kenta, I take it the mountains has been well?"
"Kenta: Yes. When I felt the presence of Death, I had to assist somehow, so I sent out my disciples and enchanted them with immunity to time's effects."
"Gaito: Good. Sawano, keep that potential unleashed. We got a dance with Death."
"Sawano: ...Yes."

(As the three then walks out of Senvoinerth, it was moments before three powerful titans would arrive on Earth to battle Death.)

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