

I Know Nobody really read my stories but I want to pretend someone does

for any violent comment and reaction.

registered at: Jun 02, 2022
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    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2022
    Participant - MAL x Honeyfeed Writing Contest 2023

    "The warrior who acts out of honour cannot fail. [...] Seek honour as you act, therefore, and you will know no fear." -Roboute Guilliman- I'm in love with the arts, especially literature and cinema. Nomura cabrón
    𝓠〘興書家〙20↑ Watch G-witch if you haven't!!
    i want to put my feelings in writing ink will stay longer than my words in your memories
    • Male • First-time novelist • Artist • Musician • Anime Otaku New Author, aspiring to be create a popular Manga and eventually an Anime series! If you like my work please share with your like minded friends and family! 28/06/22 UPDATE: Chapter 3 is now released, I will be taking a few days off over my birthday and will get onto writing Chapter 4 on Monday! Enjoy. Look forward to sharing my Novel with you and please follow me if you would like to follow my novel chapter by chapter! Arigatō gozaimasu!
    Born in '99 - Arts (especially Puppetry), Metal, Occult, Anime + Gaming: Moba, Shooters/ First Person, Role-playing + MMORpg, Action-Adventure, Simulation , Puzzle, Mystery/ Survival horror Games, aaaand ANIME
    Hello there, I am TheHardWorkingStudent and I enjoy writing and reading Isekai, Fantasy, Action, Mytery and much more.
    A few stories had been gnawing at my mind for the past few years. This mght be a a good opportunity to pen them down! Weekdays would be very busy for me but I will be sure to interact over the weekends. ヽ(*゚д゚)ノ
    An otaku from SEA. Enjoying a good time here with you all.
    Male. Early 20s. I'm here to read anime inspired stories. Feed me with honey. uwu
    Here to read some novels!
    Hello lovely people, my name is Alexandria Francetic, and welcome to my collection! I began writing at a young age, mainly writing fan fiction in the beginning of my writing journey. I started writing prose fiction at the age of 15, and I have been creating ever since. I specialize in science fiction, dark fantasy, supernatural, gothic horror, and post-apocalyptic fiction tinged with a heavy dose of romance and existential angst. I live in the backwoods of East Texas, where I continue writing and improving my craft. Anime, manga, and video games are some of my biggest sources of inspiration, and I draw many influences from mythology and symbolism in my work. I am also a full-time college student currently studying in pursuit of my master's degree. When I'm not doing schoolwork, reading, writing, or researching, I can usually be found watching anime, reading manga, playing video games, or listening to music. I am also on Wattpad: