Chapter 7:
The Electric Heart Club!
Sakura POV
Day : 3
"Welcome to my room..." Daiki sheepishly said as he waved his hands to the enormous mancave of his.
…"room"... Sakura mentally repeated to herself, looking at the insane size of it.
It hosted what could be called a double king bed (two king beds conjoined to make one) sat perched in the centre of the room.
God knows why the bed was not pushed to one side of the room like any normal person would, this feels psychopathic, but Daiki did not seem to have a grasp of normalcy.
An enormous projector was projecting a slideshow of nature shots on one of the walls (this literally felt like she was in some nature museum).
Another wall was covered with numerous shelves stuffed with random memorabilia and toys. It seems to be merchandise and tokens given as gifts from celebrities that probably collaborated with his parents and any of the discarded gifts was stuffed in his room. There was no theme to the toys on the shelves, rather it looked like a clutter of randomness.
He definitely has communication issues with his worst they pretend to be wholesome parents when they don't even try to understand him....I can relate to that.... Sakura made the assumption given the empty hallways of the house and the near absence of any presence of any aid or any parents. It reminded her a lot of how her parents were to her.
She did not give a damn what her parents thought of her, but she knew the huge gaping hole someone has when their parents do not check in with them, and Daiki seems to exhibit all the symptoms of a neglected child.
Sakura's main mission was to get an opportunity to scope the house of one of the government's biggest sponsors. In a way she was certain that there were eyes on her movements and she might as well be playing into their hands, but she did not care.
She was not going to let a chance like this pass on.
Did she care for Daiki?
Well it was complicated.
She was not a stone cold person who would only use Daiki as a means to her goal and discard him once she was done, in fact, she hoped that while she was taking a chance with Daiki to uncover more of the way the government operates she also gets a chance to save Daiki from falling into any government schemes.
However, she felt bad with leading him on this romance game. Of course she remembers being all funny on the rooftop and messing with him, but she meant it when she said it when they first met.
She did not find that love spark.
As much as she wants their love to be true, there is that issue of compatibility.
She mentioned it already to him, and he was trying to improve on himself, but that was still an issue that needed to be mended.
This date was not just a spy mission, it was meant to try and expand on the love they got so far. Sure, it was only been 3 days since they started but she wanted them to close the gap sooner rather than later. To make this love work before they start to feel like strangers.
She is not sure why her watch does not have Daiki's full name on it, but in a way, she thinks this could be a way the government was punishing her. Not giving her partner a full name might be so that she would have not able to find one, or also potentially giving someone who might not...dare she the right person for her.
Would they go that far? Would they think she is that much of a threat?
Sakura highly doubted it, but she could not take her chances.
Right now, Daiki was patiently hopping excitedly on his chair, staring her still standing and expectantly waiting to hear her talk about anything, most probably about how she thought of his room.
"oh...the room? its cool. Definitely some evil villain lair vibes, in a cool way like if this was a James Nond movie."
"No...babe..." he tried using the word, shyly, Sakura found his attempt amusing.
He continued, "...I know you asked nicely and thats why I brought you over but why did you want to come to my house? It feels like for a first date we would probably go arcade or a café..."
Sakura just smirked and closed the distance between them before running her hand on his cheek and placing a kiss on his nose.
He turned an extremely bright red.
"Don't question it babe, we should just skip all the dating foreplay and just jump into getting into the heart of who we are right? What better way is there other than to explore and ask about the house of our partner? Once we are done here you can come over to mine..."
Sakura laid down her explanation in a very seductive tone.
Daiki being the sweet trustful boy he was nodded along.
Sakura inwardly felt guilty, she felt like she was playing up the seductress trope and she hated it. She knew that it had a bad reputation for a reason, people disliked it heavily in romcoms or in dramas, it was overused and annoying
She felt she was being super cliché and annoying herself, but she promised she would make it up to Daiki once her investigation is over.
She sat with her legs crossed on the bed as she enquired about the house, his parents and the company. Daiki was a bit confused as he felt that he was describing to her things that do not necessarily count as these questions furthering their relationship, but maybe this had a good reason.
Daiki was getting more concerned as time went by and as the conversation drifted between the history of his parents and the company, away from himself.
This feeling remained as Sakura dragged him along his own house, enquiring about different aspects of the large house, the many vacant rooms and the story behind them.
Sakura stopped mid sentence, asking a question, when she noticed his solemn face.
"Hey hey hey...what's up Daiki? Everything alright?"
"Do you care about me?"
Sakura was taken aback by his statement. Her eyes widened as she noticed his dark expression and she then mentally slapped facepalmed when she realised what has happened.
She got so carried away by her golden opportunity to crack open 'secrets' about the company and his family, she went overboard with the questions.
Wow good job Sakura, really nailing the whole spy aspect.
Or maybe her consciousness wanted this to happen? Maybe her brain forced her to be this obvious so that she could have this important conversation with Daiki now?
Nah screw that... I am not going to reveal to Daiki that his family might be con people and that he is stuck in a gross ecosystem that only favours the rich and controls the rest Sakura thought, I would just have to be honest about the other part of our relationship, the big bombshell should come when I learn more about his family
Truth be told, the house tour and questions she asked so far only gave her surface level pointers. She was very quick to realise that Daiki had zero idea of the family business, and she realised if she wanted to learn more, she needed to be on his good side.
But she needed to be truthful too.
"To be honest Daiki...I don't know about us...I know we promised we would try and I know we are working on the compatibility with us...but I have to work really hard..."
Sakura hated making this guy feel bad, he has been nothing but good to him.
Surprisingly, he seemed to nod with understanding.
"I felt the same with you Sakura...I mean I found myself really thrown off with you initially and I have been building myself up ever since, but honestly you seem to be operating on a different frequency than me, even now it seems this house seems more attractive than me to you..."
"Hey, D... it really is my fault. I was going off tangents even though I suggested to come to your house. Do not blame yourself and be a pussy, sorry for the bad language, but I have been asking and dodging questions the past 3 days and saying soft romantic stuff like they mean something. I want them to mean them but my heart is not believing them I should be the one that is sorry. Blame me."
Daiki sighed as he took all what she said and then nodded with a newfound understanding.
"I think at least for now we should not rush the whole love thing then. We should just let it happen naturally. Let us just be friends till that 'spark' comes I suppose..." he said.
Daiki did look a bit down and Sakura felt horrible.
She acted like a bad bitch but in reality she was a softie.
Yes she was a typical gap moe character, sue her.
"Well...I am glad you are able to understand Daiki, and I promise, whatever happens when we figure out what we are to each other, I will either be your best friend or your partner in the future. I always got your back..."
"Well Kenzo my best friend is the guy I would call up usually, so I don't mind you having second place" Daiki attempted a joke to lighten the mood, there was clear restraint in his face but he tried his best to smile.
Sakura needed to put her mission aside for now, a boy was going to break into pieces if she did not try and at least mend his current volatile heart. He seems calm and understanding but mutual or not, breakups are always hard.
"Ok friends with benefits, want to watch a movie? You can pick it for me being a godawful date!"
"Please don't call us friends with benefits..." Daiki chuckled.
Sakura pressed forward, happy to see the man distracted.
"Bro I definitely bet you had some crazy dreams of us for real, if you act nice who knows what might go down tonight..." she said with a smirk.
"Aaaand I am going to be a good boy and take up your movie offer and pretend I did not hear that..." Daiki marched straight to his room.
Sakura chuckled at his wholesome nature.
"Pussy" she said light-heartedly as she followed him, seemingly feeling a little lighter having being truthful about something. She still had some ways to go though and she promises to make it up to him fully.
Seems like she is not going to be an issue for now..."
The shadowy figure that had been watching his screen for the past 20 minutes finally reached a conclusion as he got up to stretch himself, happy to finally take a break from the spying.
Kids these days...they think they can carry anti government sentiments and not have their ass marked like a sniper target.
Sakura right now might not be a threat, but it is good to keep tabs on those who might, at least the obvious ones.
The figure cracked his neck by shifting it side to side, his eyes running through all the other monitors placed within the dark room. The walls all covered screens from all sides, with extremely tired out men and women watching the screens and taking notes.
The Observation Room, an important asset to the government.
What a room, it does give evil James Bond bad guy evil lair vibes.
Are we the bad guys?
Naahh, the shadowy figure brushed that thought aside as he made his way to the exit to take a coffee break, the screen he was staring at was currently pointed in the direction of the wall where the projector was now blasting a movie on, with the view sometimes shifting to the right to get a closeup of Sakura's face staring intently at the action on the wall before the view itself shifting back to the wall projecting the scenes.
The camera feed was able to seemingly observe whatever Daiki could observe.
The camera was in Daiki's eye.
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