Although we are the ones who created this space, how Honeyfeed grows will depend on how you, the users, use the site. We want to make Honeyfeed into a lively community and a comfortable space for those who love to read and write web novels.
That’s why you, the users, are so important to us. You’re the ones who are contributing to and making the community full of spirit. To that end, we want to increase opportunities for contributors’ works to be seen by more people. How can you help liven up the community? It’s simple. One way is to write comments on the novels you read, and another is to always hit “Like” on the works you enjoy.
These two simple things also link to what you’re all interested to know: how to get more views on your own novels.
Write Comments on the Novels You Read
When you comment on a chapter, a link to your latest novel is shown in the comment box. The more you comment on other people’s chapters, the more likely it is that other people will check out your novel. When you read a novel, make sure to let the author know your thoughts— even if it’s just a few words!
When you read a novel, make sure to let the author know your thoughts - even if it’s just a few words!
Always “Like” the Works You Enjoy
When you click "Like", your icon will show up at the bottom of the chapter. Make sure to set your icon, and make the most of your profile page!
Badge System
Through our badge system, you earn different badges depending on how much you contribute to the community. Badges will be shown on your icon and will show up wherever your icon is shown. As you contribute to the Honeyfeed community by commenting on and liking chapters and novels, your icon will show up in more places, and you will collect different badges. This will make people more likely to take interest in you and your work! (Please note the design of the badges may change without notice.)
The details of the badge system are as follows:
There are three levels of badges; gold, silver, and bronze.
Users will earn points through certain actions, and the type of badge shown will depend on the number of points earned. The number of points will not be shown.
Total points will be counted once a week, every Saturday night at midnight (01:00) PST.
Validity of total points: 180 days from the point of calculation.
Point-earning actions: liking and commenting. Comments are worth more points.
The color of the badge will change depending on the number of points. This will not be based on a minimum number of points needed to reach a certain level, but rather a relative system which compares how many points other users have.
Let’s make Honeyfeed the best place to be, together!
If you have any suggestions for improvements or ways to make the site better, please let us know through the "Contact" form.
About the Ranking System
The weekly ranking and monthly ranking system is based on the number of views. For more details, check out the "FAQ".