Chapter 2:

My last encounter

nono existen dead

23, november 2023

The cold air blows constantly reminding me of the death of my only friend. Ayasaki, Naoto was only 12 when he passed. 

I didn't have any friends accept for Ayasaki. 

My name is Suzune Sole and I lost my only friend to the monsters in this world. 

I met Ayasaki a two years ago, he was a new student that transferred to my school. I was a loser back then, well I still am but at least I had one friend.

I didn't understand why he wanted to be friends with me but regardless he was the only person I would talk to on a daily basis. 

I remembered our last conversation. We were by the lake in a nearby park. He suggest something rather odd. 

He told me about what he was a spirit, not a human and he told me that he wanted me to replace me when he was dead. 

When a spirit dies, they must choose a replacement. whoever a spirit chose would be a new spirit and their powers get transfer to the new spirit.   

He wanted me to be a spirit."wait, no" I said. I didn't understand, why did he keep this a secret for two year. 

He told me that he chose me from the day he met me. Then it clicked, Ayasaki didn't need a friend Ayasaki just wanted a replacement when he died. 

And few days ago I received the last thing I would ever receive from Ayasaki. A letter his family shipped to me.

I've never met Ayasaki Yuna, I only heard of her from Naoto. 

Dear, Suzune Sole

I know you must be confused. If your reading this then I must be dead. I know I told you that I chose you to be my replacement.

But I would like to correct something I said. I said that the moment I met you, I decided to chose you to replace me.

But, I believe that you misunderstood what I meant, I wanted you to be my friend not just a replacement. 

I will never forget the times we spent together. In Fact my happiest memories was with you. 

   Sole, I want you to know that I will always be there for you even if I'm dead. So keep smiling Sole.

Ayasaki, Naoto 

That was the last thing I got from Ayasaki.

 A few days ago I finally met Ayasaki, Yuna. It was a monday morning when we had a knock on our classroom door. 

A girl walked in the class. she stood about five feet two. Her hair was a light pink almost a white and it was long a wavy. her eyes were sky blue and her skin was light Ivory. 

"hello, I am Ayasaki Yuna" she said. "I would like to know if anyone knew a Ayasaki Naoto" 

the whole class starred at her like she was a crazy person. I raised up my hand. 

"I knew Ayasaki" I said as I stood up from my seat. She walked toward me and stopped at my desk. 

"Your Sole, right" asked Ayasaki. "yeah" I said. I didn't expect Ayasaki, yuna to be like this. she looked kinda sad, Ayasaki Naoto described her as a happy person.

She put a letter on my table and said "I'm sorry, Naoto is gone. His funeral at sunday feel free to come by" said Ayasaki 

Ayasaki was dead. my only friend was gone. I contained myself I didn't cry. "thank you" I said "I'll come" I continued. 

Then she left. 

I will never forget you Ayasaki

thats a promise. 
