Chapter 6:

The box

Juice or milk

“… won the game today”

- Hmmm?

- Did you find anything?

- Nothing interesting yet. But I found a video of a nice game.

- I’m going to ask their president.

- No. We are the movie club. For you to do that, we have to lend you our equipment and we’re too busy.

- I know that our club has nothing to do with yours. But you might want to reconsider.

- Do you have anything else to offer, except us watching a game, at which you and the others are playing?

- What about us playing basketball in one of your movies? I’m sure you’ve got to have a scene like that.

- Very good, but not enough.

- We’ll bring you drinks, while you’re filming, at the three hottest days of summer.

- We’re deal.

Shun and me went to the movie club to take the essential equipment in order to watch the game Hideyoshi found and evaluated as nice.

Shun looks bothered.

- What’s wrong?

- It’s nothing. I’m just wondering what deal Raijin and the president of the movie club made.

Shun opened the door right after that.

- We came.

- This is the box with the equipment. Be careful with it.

- Okay.

- In case something is damaged when returned, tell your president that the things he promised will not be enough.

- That’s what he said.

- Is everyone listening? If anyone damages something, he’ll have to settle things with the movie club without the basketball club take any responsibility.

- What’s the deal you made?

- We’ll have to take part in a movie and bring them drinks on the three hottest days of the summer.

- That’s why I was worried.

- Anyway, we’ll train out of school at 6:00pm in the afternoon. Everyone be there. You can all leave now, except Kei, who has to mop the floor first.

- Raijin really doesn’t forget anything. Why has he to remind us whose responsibility is to mop the floor every day?

- Raijin told me about that when I forgot to mop the floor once. It happened when he was a first year. But I can’t remember what.

- It’s okay. This is happening to everyone.

- Because you don’t know where we’re going sometimes for practice, I’ll come by your house at 5.15pm.

- Okay.

- Your dad called and told me that he wants to come.

- He does that every week, but I don’t want to see him.

- Many months have passed. More than six months since he saw you. You have to let him come here soon.

I can’t right now. I’m waiting for something too. I told him that I’ll wait, but it’s painful. It’s painful.

- I’m sorry. I can’t right now.

I made a friend. I met other people because of him. I joined the basketball club and I can say for sure that every day is fun, but it’s just as painful. Why do I have to have all of these? Why did Shun not leave me alone? When someone is spending so much time with someone else and something bad happens, the pain is greater for both of them. I didn’t care about my pain and I wanted to be alone, so I don’t hurt someone like last time. That’s impossible now. I have so many people around me. I…

- Hey, Hayate! Your phone is ringing.

- That’s not mine. It’s yours.

- Ah, you’re right.

- Haa…

- …

- Are you not picking it up?

- No.

I guess he has someone he doesn’t want to talk to, like I do.

- This is the court, at which we’ll play today.

- The sunlight is still strong.

- We’ll have to wait for a while. Who isn’t here yet?

- Jona and Yoshio.

- Let’s begin without them.

- I’m going to buy a water bottle. Does anyone want one too?

- One for me, Hayate.

- Two for me. You’ll play next, so don’t drink much.

- Okay.

So, one for Kei, two for Raijin and one for Giichi. Giichi didn’t talk. I guess it’s true what Jona said. That Giichi talks only when he really has to. It’s the exactly opposite from his brother.

When I came back from the convenience store, a dog was standing in front of the court’s entrance with its leash tied to the fence.

- Here, Kei.

- Thanks.

- Giichi.

He nodded.

- Two for you, Raijin.

He took only one of them.

- Give the other one to Jona.

I didn't notice that Jona came. Does that mean that he knew Jona would be late and out of breath?

- Jona. Here.

- Thanks, you two.

- Also, a dog is standing outside.

- It’s mine.

It’s Jona’s dog.

- What’s its name?

- Cough! Cough!

- Pffft!

When I asked that, laughs paralyzed those who were playing. Shun was going to score, but he fell to the floor trembling. He put his hands on his mouth and was trying not to laugh. There was the chance that he wanted to laugh that hard that he couldn’t. Kei was coughing, because I asked that while he was drinking water. Giichi spitted the water. Raijin stopped supervising those who were playing. He sat somewhere and covered his eyes with his hands. He seemed to know that the game was over.

What is happening?


I never saw Shun laugh that hard.

Why is everyone laughing?

- Dog.

- I know that.

- HA HA HA… I can’t. Hayate, stop asking him that. Pfft! Jona, stop…

Shun is begging him. The others are still laughing too.

- My dog’s name is… Dog.



- What is happening?

- Ah, Yoshio.

- Is everyone laughing because of Dog?


- Yes.

- I can’t understand. It’s a fine name.

What? The one who is laughing with everything else is not laughing with that.

- A fine name… There’s no way! Ha ha ha! My stomach hurts.

- Dog is so cute!

I want to ask if it’s male or female, but I better not. Raijin is glaring at him.

- Yoshio, you’re late again.

We all did a break and watched Yoshio running fifty rounds, while Jona was running ten. While we were returning back to our homes, Shun stopped by mine for a while.

- Good evening, Mizuki – san.

- Hello, Shun – kun! Did Hayate tell you about visiting us to eat here?

- No.

- Geez, Hayate – kun.

- Haa, he comes here every day anyway.

- Could I have some water?

- Sure, I leave it to you, Hayate – kun. I have work as you can see.

- What work is to watch cat videos on the internet?

- Maybe it isn’t work, but many people watch cat videos. You could say that it’s a hobby.

- Okay, okay. Here’s your water.

- Thank you.

- Do you want to come here for dinner on Saturday?

- Wait, Hayate – kun.

- What’s the matter?

- I have a better idea. How about all the members of the basketball club come here?


- Are you sure that you can cook for so many people, aunt?

- Yes!

- I like the idea.

- Right?

Everything was decided by those two, just like that.

- We couldn’t go to the cafe Haruhi – san is working today either. We’ll see about if we can tomorrow.

- Yes.

The next day, Shun was waiting for me as usual. The games we play aren’t boring. The teams change. Sometimes the teams are almost equal, but other times a team is stronger than the other one. Such as now. Our team is composed of three first years and two second years, whereas the other team is composed of third years. The third years of the basketball club are all playing basketball for a long time. They know each other’s weaknesses and their teamwork is especially good.

- All of you do a break from the game. Kei, someone is calling you. I prepared the projector and the laptop, so make it quick.

- Okay.

- Shun come with me.

- He plays seriously, but at the same time he doesn’t.

- What do you mean?

- Haven’t you noticed? He hasn’t any problem catching the ball or giving it. He’s good at defense. But he never tries to score.

- That… is true.

- Make him score some time. Give him opportunities in the games. I want to see how he’ll react.

- Okay.

When all of us were there, the video started. The game was played by professionals. It was worth watching for sure.

- I’ll put the equipment in the box. I would like to return it immediately, but the members of the movie club aren’t here today. The storage room is full and I can’t leave it outside their club’s room. I’m listening to your suggestions.

- If the equipment gets a little scratched, we will have a big problem. But I can’t think of anything right now.

- What if someone takes it home with him?

- That way, that person is responsible for the equipment. If something happens to it, without a doubt he is the one at fault.

- But that way, the equipment is more likely to get scratched. No one knows what might happen to the person who is taking it with him. Each and every one are going home in different ways and regardless the distance, it’s still dangerous. Not only for the equipment, but for the person as well.

- What other choice do we have?

- The drawing club. I can take it to the drawing club. I helped someone from the drawing club to carry some boxes the other day. I’m sure they have room for one more box.

- Okay.

I hope they have room for it. Ha ha, I was quick and told them that I was sure. I’ll never say that again. I guess I have to knock before I open it.

Suddenly the door opened.

- Oh, Hayate – kun.

- Hi, Nakano – kun.

- Perfect timing. I was just going to tell you to help me carry some boxes. What’s that box?

- I wanted to ask you a favor too. Do you have room in here for one more box?

- Sure. We’re going to return two boxes now, so it’s fine.

- Thanks for your help. Where is everyone? Last time there were more people.

- They have their reasons. Give me the box you’re holding. Look, I’m leaving it here. Just so you know.

He put it next to the boxes we carried the other day.

- Take this one. We’re taking them to the teacher responsible for the drawing club.

When I returned to the court, Shun was waiting outside.

- Is everything okay?

- Yes.

- Let’s go to Haruhi – san. You’ve got time, right?

- Yes.

You’ve got to be kidding me. We were waiting for this moment four days.

We arrived at the cafe Haruhi – san is working, but it is closed.

- Let’s go somewhere else.

- Wait, there is a person inside.

- Are you going inside?

- I’ll ask about Haruhi – san. Excuse me.

- I’m sorry, we’re closed. A thief broke in yesterday. The cafe will open in two days.

- Is Haruhi – san here?

- No, I told her not to come today.

- Thank you. Have a good day.

After that, we didn’t know what to do. We had walked a long way and we didn’t want to go back to our houses without doing anything. It was hot. The hour of the day wasn’t helping either. We had to go in a place with a cool temperature. By Shun’s expression and silence, I understood that his mind had stopped working.

I have to find an idea quickly, before we get roasted under the midday sun.

That’s what I thought. My idea was stupid, but I said it anyway, because it was a matter of life and death.

- Meow!

- I can’t believe that you actually came up with this idea.

I couldn’t believe that my idea was to go to a cat-cafe either.

- So, Shun – kun, are you a dog person or a cat person?

- Do you have a cat?

- What color is it?

- Those questions are for both of you.

- Hayate, I don’t know what went wrong and we’re in this situation, but I’m thankful for the air-condition in here.

- Me too.

- I just want to relax. Tell them something.

Why me? What can I say to them?

- Could you please leave us?

- Why? We are just asking about your cats.

- Yes, but… We came to admire Suki!

- Suki?

- Who is that?

- That cat over there!

- Yes, we’re sorry.

- We were standing in front of you all this time. We didn’t know you wanted to watch Suki.

- They’re cat persons for sure!

- Ha ha, I agree!

- ‘We came to admire Suki’, eh? Ha ha. How did you know that there is a cat with the name ‘Suki’?

- I saw her picture and her name on it before entering this room.

- Ha ha…

- Don’t laugh, Shun. You are the one who will find an excuse next time.

- ‘Next time’. Ha ha…

He isn’t taking me seriously.

- Hm? Why did you put her on me?

- We came to a cat cafe. We might as well pet the cats.

Shun picked up the cat from her armpits.

- Meow!

- She is cute.

- Right?

- Wait, you don’t pet any cat.

- I don’t want to.

- Why do I have to pet a cat?

- This isn’t a random cat. This is Suki. She saved your ears before. She wants some petting now.

- You… traitor.

- Ha ha!

Shun said that, but he continued petting the cat.

- What day is it tomorrow?

We are almost at my house. Is Shun still thinking of Suki?

- It’s Friday tomorrow.

- Right. See you.

- Bye.

- I’m home.

- Welcome home! I made a normal dinner today!

- Really?

- Yes! And… Why are your clothes full of cat hair?

We didn’t have another choice, aunt.

The next day, Raijin announced that the trip of the basketball club would be in three days. He wanted our opinions about the place and our decisions if we would go or not.

- You will come, Hayate.

- I’ll think about it.

- Did I give you an inch?

- No.

I’ll try to come with you all. Don’t put pressure on me. Our training is over earlier for today. I think I’ll go home early too.

- Hayate, are you in for one more game?

- Eh?

- We’ll play a three-ex-three basketball game.

- Okay.

- We’re against Kazue, Kei and Takeo.

- Who else is in our team?

- Taji is.

- One player from every team will have to score three times. The team whose player scored all of them three, will have the ball first. Is everyone okay with that?

We all agreed with Kazue.

- Takeo from our team.

- Hayate from ours.

- What?

We agreed that Taji will do it a few seconds ago. Taji isn’t saying anything.

- Hayate doesn’t look sure. You mean Taji. I heard you before.

- No, we agreed that Hayate will do it.

Taji, are you a part of Shun’s plan too?

- Okay then. Let the players begin.

Takeo went first and scored two times.

He is a third year. I can’t beat him at this. Now is my turn.

I scored two times.

- That’s not a problem. The same players will try again.

Takeo scored two times again. I also scored two times.

- Can Kei take my place?

- Yeah, let’s do that. How about you?

- Hayate will try scoring this time too.

Shun, it’s better if someone else takes my place. Takeo and Kei are third years. It’s better to let someone more experienced try. Then again, you insist that I’m the one to try again.

Kei scored three times. I scored one time.

- Our team has the ball then.

- Hayate! Someone is asking for you.

For me? Who might that be?

- He says he’s a member from the drawing club.

It’s Nakano – kun then. I don’t know anyone else from the drawing club.

- Oh, right, Hayate. The box left to the drawing club yesterday, bring it back here. I’ll take it to the movie club myself.

- Okay. I’m sorry. I have to go. Is that okay?

- Yes. Don’t worry about it.

- Hayate left, so we can stop now.

- Thanks for your cooperation.

- Shun, your methods are starting to look a lot like Raijin’s.

- They always looked a lot like his. This isn’t anything new. Let’s not stop the game. Akio, are you free?

I wonder for what reason Nakano – kun is asking for me. Is it about boxes?

- Hello, Nakano – kun.

- Hello.

- Tell me.

- Are you interested coming to the drawing club?

- Do you want me to join the club?

- That’s for you to decide. I’m asking if you want to come for a while.

I have to take the box too. So, why not?

- Okay.

- Sakurai – san told me to invite you, because you have helped me twice.

- I see.

- She says you can draw with us, if you want.

- That will take a while, so maybe next time.

- You know you can come anytime.

- Hayate – kun is here, Sakurai – san.

- Will you draw with us?

- I’m sorry. I don’t have enough time right now, so next time.

- Okay.

- I can keep you all company awhile for the time being.

- That’s nice! You can walk around and watch us drawing, if you want! Give us some ideas for our next projects too!

- Ha ha, okay!

Nakano – kun has already started. I wonder what he’s drawing.

- Is that the night sky?

- Yes. I’m trying to imagine how the sky would be if there weren’t the lights of the city. I know there are a lot of pictures on the internet, which represent that. But none of them are what I am imagining the sky to be. This is what I’m imagining. Of course, it’s not done yet.

- …

- Are you listening?

- I really want to see it when it’s done.

- I’ll show it to you then.

- Nakano – kun is really happy!

- Stop, Sakurai – san. I’m trying to concentrate.

- Good luck, Nakano – kun. I’m leaving now, so I’ll take the box I left here with me.

- Sure!

- Let’s see… Hmm, I hope I’m wrong, but it isn’t here.

- That’s impossible. You saw me put it right there. Eh?

- Hayate – kun is right. The box he’s looking for isn’t here. One of ours is missing too.

What is happening here?