Chapter 1:

Chapter 1: The Start Of My Life As An Adventurer In Another World

Welrn's Domain

It was just another ordinary summer morning when Hiroshi set off for work. However, as the day wore on, Hiroshi began to feel a bit ill. So, when he finished his work, he decided to head straight home.

Upon arriving at his house, Hiroshi quickly made a cup of noodles and went to bed. As he drifted off to sleep, Hiroshi's head began to ache. But he thought nothing of it and soon fell into a deep slumber.

However, when Hiroshi woke up the next morning, he found himself in an unfamiliar place. At first, Hiroshi was confused, but he soon convinced himself that he was simply in a lucid dream. Determined to wake up, Hiroshi set out to do something frightening in the dream.

But as he searched the house for something dangerous, he couldn't find anything. So, he decided to go outside. However, as soon as he tried to leave the cabin, he was stopped by an invisible barrier.

When Hiroshi was bounced back by the barrier, he fell and hit his head on a metal stove. As he lay there, dazed and confused, Hiroshi wondered if he had been kidnapped or if he had sleepwalked to this strange place.

As he stumbled back into the living room, Hiroshi noticed a note next to a stick and a sword. With great caution, Hiroshi walked towards the note, but as he reached out to grab it, he tripped and accidentally touched the stick. Suddenly, a glowing aura surrounded him, and when it dissipated, Hiroshi found himself standing atop a mountain.

Just then, an old man appeared out of nowhere. Hiroshi jumped back in surprise and almost fell off the cliff. The old man asked Hiroshi why he had picked up the item that had been placed in front of him. Hiroshi, still confused, asked what item the man was referring to. The old man responded, "The wand, of course."

The old man went on to explain the situation to Hiroshi, revealing that he was now a part of an isekai story. Hiroshi responded with dismay, "So, I'm one of those overpowered isekai protagonists now?" The old man chuckled and replied, "No, you're still the weakling you were before." Hiroshi pleaded for at least some advantage, but the old man simply waved goodbye and hoped to never see Hiroshi again.

Feeling angry and frustrated, Hiroshi set out to find a way out of the cabin. He tried the front door, but was stopped by the same invisible barrier that had bounced him back earlier. Hiroshi tossed a block of wood at the barrier, but it passed through as if it wasn't even there.

Curious, Hiroshi carefully stepped through the barrier, but this time he was not slammed into a metal stove. Instead, he was stopped by another invisible barrier and pushed back with great force, almost causing him to fall off a cliff. But Hiroshi managed to grab the side of the cliff and pull himself up.

As he climbed back into the cabin, Hiroshi realized that he had forgotten to take the wand with him. Finally, after several hours of trying, Hiroshi managed to escape the cabin and make his way to a small village in the distance.

As Hiroshi approached the village gate, he was stopped by two guards. Hiroshi asked them, "What are you two doing here?"

The guard on the left replied, "We are on duty here, maintaining order and security within the village."

The guard on the right added, "We are also investigating a recent incident of theft that has occurred in the area."

The left guard shot his comrade a stern look and whispered, "That information was supposed to be classified, you fool."

Turning his attention back to Hiroshi, the left guard asked, "In any case, what brings you here? What is your purpose in visiting our village?"

Hiroshi hesitated, knowing that he couldn't just tell them the truth about being from another world. He racked his brain for a believable lie, but his skills in deception were nonexistent. So, Hiroshi followed his second thought and began to explain his situation.

Just as Hiroshi was about to speak, they were all startled by an eerie scream for help. The guards and Hiroshi exchanged glances, each one confirming that they had heard the heart-wrenching shriek.

Without a word, the guards left Hiroshi alone and rushed off to investigate the source of the scream. Hiroshi waited anxiously for their return, but after several hours, there was still no sign of them. As the night began to fall, Hiroshi knew he needed to find a place to rest. But where could he go in this unfamiliar village?


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Next Time In Welrn's Domain: Chapter 2 - The Struggle to Find a Place to Rest in an Unknown Village

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