Chapter 6:

Chapter 6


“What?!” Clive soon realized before Mason even spoke that he was serious.

“Yeah I am, and I need a lab. No employees but it will need a metal chamber. I will make a powerful sedative so you can drug one. Then I will be able to study it!”

“What are you going to do with it? Keep it caged, chained down, what exactly?”

Mason went on to explain his proclamation in more detail than earlier. He needed a Building large enough to hold one of the creatures and sufficient living space so he can record any activities, habits or otherwise. That way Mason can begin to get in their minds. To understand them better. Maybe he thought just maybe he would be able to understand his friend’s notes better due to connections with behaviors as well as features on a poetic level.

Clive seemed not to be too thrilled at first but he realized just how important it might be for understanding the motives, and ideals of Miles if Mason were able to understand the creatures that had been created by Miles. Plus it would fill the possibility of Mason’s thirst, and need for science.

Later the next day both Mason, and Clive ran the idea by Miller personally.

“Let me see if I understand this correctly or if I am just a crazy old bat. You not only want me to expend resources for some sort of super studio of a lab?”

“But you want me to allow you to risk resources on bringing an iron into the city, is that correct?”

“If anyone were to be hurt getting it into the city I sir will take full responsibility!” Clive said almost bringing the general to tears laughing.

“Oh come on Clive! Commander, you’re smarter than that!” Miller begins pacing back in forth in his office.

“I can’t risk soldiers on something like this!”

“I will arrowhead the mission myself, with my own team sir! Plus on top of that, Mason has a plan to help acquire one with a little less effort!”

“And that is?”

At this moment Mason feels only right that he should explain the situation.

“Grunting” “Well sir, even though I won’t be there myself I believe I will be able concoct a sedative strong enough to drug the creature. Though you will not be able to simply shoot the drug at the monster. Clive has volunteered to take the drug, and inject it through a syringe. The operation in order to be safe must take place during the day in order to find an iron that will be somewhat smaller than others, not getting snuck up on, and keep an eye on the team. Of course the skin from what I know is hardened during the day so Clive will mount the creature, find a soft spot, and then put the bitch to sleep!”

Scratching his head Miller looked as though he were unamused. This was partially due to the fact that he was not in fact amused. Miller then started to wonder what good acquiring an iron would even do. He wasn’t quite satisfied with the idea of trapping one into the city either.

“How exactly could this help us?”

Clive beginning to speak was interrupted by Miller. “Not you Clive! I let you have enough freedoms as it is. You Mason, what is it?”

Mason looks at Miller with a slight of tensions. But he is only a little nervous that his answers won’t suffice. Despite that his palms are sweaty, and he feels as though he will be rejected. Miller now raising an eyebrow, expecting an answer soon. Soon is exactly when he’d get one too.

“Well sir for research purposes of course.”

Miller noticing how nervous he is tries to ease him. “Now now Mason. It is still me Miller, and I am not going to get angry. I just need to know if this operation is worth the risks.”

“Well I believe that not only would my studying these things allow me to understand my friend’s research. But also allow us to understand these things for combat purposes.” Miller then puts his hand up to halt Mason.

“Mason we already know so much about them from on-field combat and study.”

“Yes sir but we could do this to better determine habits as well as abilities through habitual activity. Plus the study of this may allow me to develop weapons that will aid in fight through exploiting their weaknesses. I mean that is war 101 sir. Yeah we know that at night they don’t like bright light, and they can’t tell when there are human voices through radio frequencies and speakers but that doesn’t begin to being able to exterminate them like the bugs they are sir!” Mason screamed with powerful conviction.

Miller paused in the moment then sits down lightly stroking his mustache. Both Mason, and Clive sees the struggling debate going on within Miller’s own mind. And to Miller his own hands are tied. He doesn’t know why Clive even fetched Mason. He doesn’t know why Mason wants an iron to be fetched. But regardless of eithers motives Miller knows he needs to make use of Mason to make up for the men who died retrieving him.

“Well I can tell this means a lot to you, and if this will seriously help as much as you promised me it would then I will be happy to oblige.”

Mason and Clive now smiling shake each other’s hand with great enthusiasm. They did it, they’ve convinced him. Clive didn’t completely understand why Mason needed an iron himself but he felt as though he didn’t need to. He needs Mason to fill in the blanks for his own plan. He feels Mason will find what he doesn’t. Miller now looking out of the window of his office says something worrisome.

“I just hope if it fails I won’t be around for civilian backlash.”

With Clive gathering up other members of his team. He gathers up Sylvia. He then shows up on Mason’s district 2 doorstep. “Knocking” Mason then opening the door to see Clive, and a man and woman standing behind him.

“Mason before were off I would like you to meet Manny, and July. They are part of my squadron along with Sylvia.”

Mason upon shaking their hands asks “Where is Sylvia?”

“Sylvia thought the mission was dangerous, and unusual so she wanted to spend time with her family before embarking. To be blunt she thought the mission was a stupid idea.” July said.

“It took everything I had to convince her of this mission’s worth. I told her that as Squad leader I would pull through with no casualties.”

“She changes her name to something girly and what do you know she turns out to actually be one.” Manny says. Mason not happy about that last statement ignores it.

“So Mason, how about some stiff drinks before I’m off? Miller is working on your lab as we speak. He will let us know when the iron holding station is complete, then we will be on our way!” Clive said clapping his hands then rubbing them together.

Mason shakes his head yes to drinks while allowing the three soldiers to walk in to his new home. Clive then has everyone seated at the kitchen, then quickly popping the cork to a bottle of cheap champagne. The bubble gurgling out of the top.

“I know it isn’t fancy guys, but I am saving the good champagne for a job well done gathering.”

Clive smiling allows it to lessen. “Hey Mason. Miller wanted me to tell you his nephew Sam was awake in the hospital over in district 3. While we are on the mission you could go visit him.”

“I can’t find a reason not to.”

“Good! I know you didn’t really get acquainted with him much but I am sure he would appreciate it.” Clive said while pouring champagne into four cups.

July already finishing her cup asks for more to be poured.

“Shouldn’t you guys maybe go easy on those drinks before a mission?” Mason then says.

Clive taking a gulp puts down the cup to state “What’s the matter Mason? Didn’t you partake of alcohol with Rust, and Romeo while on the Damn mission? Yes? Well I guess you are right, it isn’t really the best idea.”

Putting down his cup Manny says “Don’t listen to this pansy commander. He aren’t nothing!”

Clive then slamming his cup down “Don’t call him nothing Manny!”

Manny now backing off with July shocked off to the side. Manny used violence in a humorous light but Clive was using it to make a point. Clive didn’t find it all too funny. He looked at Manny with devilish eyes. He gritted his teeth before speaking.

“Two good men died retrieving this man. Now this man is helping you and the rest of humanity so you don’t have the right! The right to call him nothing!”

Mason sitting back appreciative of Clive’s gesture was still scared by the angry scowl given off by him. He felt pretty worthless when he first woke up as if his own existence was pointless. And the task that Clive has given him helped fill the void of self-worth he had. He needed that someone too to tell him that he’d be useful. To tell him that he’s needed.

“Is that sedative here Mason?”

Mason gains his senses just long enough to go grab it and hand it to Clive.

“Mason. Thank you for just letting me have this drink, because in a few hours I will be riding one of those irons. And I may die along with all of my hopes and dreams. So let the good times roll I guess.”

Mason smiled and nodded as Clive smiled and nodded back. Mason knew Clive dint mean to say that just because of what he was about to do but because he could die at literally any moment. Clive then shakes Mason’s hand and orders the team to move out as they all stand. Getting up to exit Clive opens the door to Wayne standing there fist pulled back and now swinging full force then hitting Clive, this knocking him to the ground.

“I will show you Clive!”

Everyone just sort of stays back shocked at the sight they were witnessing. July had to move out of the way just so Clive didn’t knock her over. Wayne now swinging his fists angrily and fast. With both Mason, and July going to pull him off while Manny who was angry on the inside for Clive’s earlier remark sat back watching. Not caring so to speak.

“Calm down Wayne! Cool it!” Said Mason.

Wayne done hitting started yelling at Clive.

“I will make you believe in us! Even if it kills me!”

“Believe in us?! We who attack, rape, and kill in the middle of the day while labeling ourselves as united or creatures with conscious. Yeah Wayne, you try!” Clive said wiping blood from his mouth.

Clive now ushering Manny, and July out get in Clive’s car then drive off making skid marks on the road. Mason who has calmed Wayne down sits him on his couch. Baffled Mason doesn’t even know where to begin. All he knew is that so many curse had come to mind all at once.

“First off, what the hell! Damn it Wayne what was that?!”

Wayne breathing heavily pulls Mason down next to him on the couch. Mason sniffing can smell alcohol and it wasn’t himself because now he smells beer. Lots of cheap gas station beer. Then he knew Wayne was drinking. But even after smelling the alcohol knew from his first impressions of Wayne that Wayne wouldn’t do this without good reason.

“You’ve been drinking too! And violently assaulting people.”

Wayne who has his mind in the right place again talks. “Listen man I was drinking and heard where you lived so I was going to come hang out you know?”

Wayne pulls out a half smoked cigar, pulls out his brothers finger then proceeds to light the cigar. Angrily Mason licks his own finger then puts out the cigar. Not just because he is angry but also because he didn’t want smoking in his new house among other reasons.

Wayne angry about that at first backs down after Mason gets done explaining his reasons. “Please don’t smoke in my house, my mother died of lung cancer!” Mason fiercely informed so Wayne still breathing heavily says

“I am sorry Mason, I saw Clive’s car then just got really pissed off!”

“Now Wayne just tell me why you are so hateful toward Clive?” Mason asks as he gets Wayne some water to cool down.

“Am I the only one who sees Clive for what he is!?”

“What do you mean Wayne?” Mason said looking at Wayne puzzled.

Wayne can feel himself breaking out into rage so he drinks some more water. He gulps as he feels his head begin to level. He can feel his temperature drop slightly and it was very soothing. He then gains his focus on one subject.

“I guess I will start with Requiem. This city is a technical wonder! There are other cities but this one is by far the best. But that doesn’t matter. Have you ever wondered how in the midst of the apocalypse we were able to do this?”

“Well I have and it had seemed like the whole city was far-fetched.”

Wayne put his hand on Mason’s shoulder. “Yet it exists doesn’t it?” Wayne then stares deeply into Mason’s eyes. Mason’s peripherals are then blinded as he focuses on Wayne’s words.

“Clive hates what people have done in the past. In every moment human beings share love affection, and compassion. But when building these cities the government evacuated all civilian personnel also leading soldiers to believe that there was sanctuary in the center of the country. They used them as a buffer before the irons could make it to the cities!” Wayne said as he looked deeper.

“Clive knows that he is better than everyone else. It isn’t that I’m not ashamed of what we have done, but Clive who knows or at least thinks he is the best human alive probably believes that humanity isn’t even worth it! He is basing the entirety of humanity off of history Mason. I don’t know Mason. God bless him I guess.”

Mason was hit with a staggering feeling that left him paralyzed in the heart. He felt as if bubbles of red were boiling under his skin. That his blood was raging. It was one thing that Wayne was bashing the one person who was Mason’s reason for being here but then bringing up the one thing he despises the most was just going too far.

“God? GOD!” Mason now flared with anger.

“You mean God, the creator of the black plague, and cancer?! The one who destroyed cities, and flooded the earth out of rage?! What can God do for me or Clive?! I will tell you Wayne, NOTHING!

Wayne wasn’t shocked, or scared from the violent rage. He looked at Mason who was technically ninety-four years old, and saw an angry child. A child throwing an angry fit over the mistakes that he, and humanity has made as well as freak accidents that he angrily, and confusingly blames it on the figure he thinks he doesn’t believe in. Bitter irony, if he doesn’t believe in God then why is he angry? From where does the rage emerge?

Wayne stood up to match Mason who in his rage had taken a stand. The tall muscular Latino man was a skyscraper in comparison to Mason. Hair that spiked to the middle, a tattoo of prayer hands on his arm. Someone who looked as if he was pulled straight out of a Mexican drug cartel and also has the moral high ground over Mason.

“Now Mason, I like you. And I know I haven’t been the calmest person this last half hour, but if you disrespect the one person who has done the most for me personally. Jesus Christ, then you are not going to like the end result.” Wayne said as he poked his finger into Mason’s chest.

Mason scared simply nods his head. He may let his anger get the better of him sometimes but when he snaps back to reality then just like that reality kicks in. Wayne is a big scary person who Mason has no chance against, and at the same time no real reason to fight in the first place. Wayne really felt as though Jesus was real, and Mason had no proof to tell him he was wrong. It still angered him despite the fact.

“You think of what I said about Clive, okay Mason?”

On his way out the door Mason follows up behind him to say “Well I think Clive knows what he is doing. I trust him more than anyone else right now. I understand him, he is just like Miles when I knew him!”

Wayne upon hearing that statement turns around saying “Mason, if you truly believe that. Then I fear for your life brother.” Said Wayne before fetching a ride out.

The next hour Mason sat staring outside at the kids playing in neighboring yards. He then thought of what the United States government did to those poor people in order to build this basically small square of happiness. Those actions made him think of Wounded Knee, as well as most American wars in the middle-east basically being squabbles for oil, and land. Continuing to look outside he thought to himself.

“All those sacrifices, and from what I have seen, it isn’t even sunshine and rainbows here in this city! This quote on quote utopia. Maybe Clive has reason to hate us.”

Mason grabbed his shoes. He looked over at the pair of baseball cleats he had on while on the outside. That moment he thought of Sylvia. He then walked out. Hours later he turned up at the only district 3 hospital there was to see Sampson or Sam. He asked for the room of a Sampson Miller then was shown the way. When he got there Wayne was on the edge of the bed praying with Sam sleeping, laying peacefully, and breathing lightly.

Mason knocked lightly though the door was open then he walked in. Wayne looked over his shoulder at Mason. “Come to visit Sam?”

Mason sat next to Wayne. “Yeah. It was actually Clive who relayed the message of where he was to me.”

Wayne stopped praying then walked over to sit in one of the visitors seats. He then signaled Mason to do the same. Giving a light hand gesture for Mason to sit down. Mason walked over to him across the shiny marble floor as he then sat down next to Wayne. Mason adjusted himself to get comfortable.

“I guess even Clive is good for something. You see Mason my men mean a lot to me. So much so that if my entire squad was in a coma, I would visit them all every day until they woke up.”

Wayne wiped his nose. “And if I were in a coma also then I would visit them all in my dreams! I believe that to be so.” Wayne said with such conviction. It sounded farfetched but Mason respected it.

“You really care about your men. I mean you only had Romeo for three months and you talked at his funeral. Don’t listen to me and don’t let Clive get to you. And though I don’t totally agree with your viewpoint of Clive you are still better than Clive in a lot of ways, and though that may be too hard to understand at the moment just believe it!”

“Well somebody needs to tell Clive that.” Wayne then smiled at Sam.

“What a brave soldier Sam. Fighting to avenge his friend. And Dean, he went out like a warrior!” Wayne then hugged Mason real quick.

“Thanks for the visit Mason, I will tell Sam you stopped by when he wakes up but I want to be left alone right now okay?”

“Sure Wayne.” Mason said as he stood then walked toward the door.

Mason walked out leaving Wayne be. While preparing to leave Requiem Clive had his team assembled. Sylvia was there, arming her arsenal as she was getting to know the new member July. Since July was a new member of the squadron she would be left to co-pilot and gunner of the Armored DB, while Manny, and Sylvia would both be in a mechanic watching Clive’s back.

“Okay squad. To do this we will be staying on the outskirts of Requiem and will be venturing no farther. We will have a sniper in the tower watching far off to warn us of any oncoming irons. The sniper is codename: Holden, and his spotter codename: Jean so when radioing them those are the names to use!” The squad then saluted Clive with Clive returned the gesture.

During this operation, Clive who will be drugging the iron will ride on the back of Sylvia’s mechanic targeting the back while Manny grapples the front going toe-to-toe with the creature. They will then have the creature chained up to bring back to Mason’s new lab. The draw bridge was let down as final prayers were being made. Though not many people apart from Miller and the team were told about this mission, they were about to make what would be Requiem military history. Unnecessary history but history nonetheless.

Clive could feel it in his bones that this mission as crazy as it was would lead him another step in the direction of his goal. Another step toward understanding Miles. And steps even further than that toward the unimaginable. The team of four rode across the draw bridge with an Armored DB, the two mechanic’s, and the sedative needed to bag the monster. In the front seat of the DB sat Clive, and July.

“It may be your first time with us but it won’t be your last. Just stay in the vehicle, and cover my ass. It is important I get out of this alive!”

July had never heard a commanding officer sound so sure, so correct about their own life until now that all she could do was agree, and say she would do her best. Manny, and Sylvia were on each side of the draw bridge. Though they hadn’t been on the best of terms both agreed that they must do what they must to protect each other, and to protect the commander. Both have been angry toward Clive but both hold immense respect for him. Believing him to be the man of all men.

The vehicles grinded against the metal of the draw bridge. That short instance it would take without even looking to feel that you would now be driving on dirt and sand. That’s when relaxation turns to tension. Heavy physical tension. There were already plenty of candidates upon exiting Requiem for Mason’s little experiment.

“What do we do sir?” asked Sylvia.

“We trim the fat from the pack. Fire!” He ordered.

The group began shooting up oncoming irons in spectacular fashions. Limbs outreaching, getting shot off by one mechanic as arms would then go flying into other vehicles. July spitting off rounds from the main gun of the Armored DB was plowing through different irons, taking down droves as veins popped, and bones split. Clive spots an iron away from the pack with smaller features than the others.

“Regroup, to each of my sides!”

Following immediate orders, both Sylvia, and Manny pair with the DB as quickly as possible. Treading through the dry dirt of that wasteland as they set their sights on one iron. The smallest of the pack. Sylvia prepped herself for this.

“On my mark, we grapple that one then I will mark it! Don’t kill it as we then go back to taking down its support!”

The two mechanics go into a walking stance then grapple the beast. At that moment Clive rips his sleeve then jumps out of the DB and ties the piece of his sleeve around the beast so they will know which one to leave alone. And all this was done while July covered them with suppressive fire. Clive ran back to the DB.

Upon reentering the DB, then driving off both mechanics returned to driving mode then sped away. Though he marked the beast, Clive had not yet scaled it. That would have to wait till there were no irons coming to the little ones help. Clive then prepared the rail gun in case of emergency, as well as activated the rotating blades to chop up incoming irons. The blades made short work of the creatures but July had to make sure to shoot them before getting to the blades in question or else they would be too much as the blades would jam up with guts and gunk.

Though there were certainly less of the beasts than initially Manny was beginning to grow tired of the monsters. He detached his Gatling gun in exchange for the grenade launcher. A decision that Clive wasn’t too thrilled about. One that could endanger the marked iron.

“Manny! I order you to put the launcher away! If you damage the target who has been on our asses for some time now, I am going to make you climb on the replacements back!”

Clive cleared his throat. “And the odds are the replacement will be much bigger!”

Ignoring this Manny began popping off grenade rounds taking out irons left and then right, even taking out two at once on occasion. One split through the skull of an iron imploding it from the inside. Sylvia kept up along with July a constant flow of machine gun fire on their part. They were down to their last few extras as a grenade round from Manny finished off the last one.

“Fat officially trimmed! Right sir!?” Manny said looking for approval from Clive.

The remark Manny had been waiting for never came. Instead orders for formation to take the creature were made. Manny detached the grenade launcher replacing it with a hand as did Sylvia with the gun. Manny then grappled the beast as July kept a lookout, and Clive got out then jumped on the back of Sylvia’s mechanic.

Sylvia sped up behind to flank the creature as Clive rode on the back of her mechanic. She then grappled the back of the beast which was putting up a fight. Clive leaped on to its back trying, struggling to hang on. It didn’t help that the creature had its closest available pair of hands grabbing and ripping at Clive. Sylvia who saw it fitting grabbed that set of hands with the mechanic, squeezing then breaking the hands causing the iron to scream in pain, and terror.

“So you too feel fear do you? Or is that my imagination?” Clive whispers as he pokes around for a soft spot in the skin.

Upon finding it he pulls the cap of the syringe off with his teeth. It was almost as if he were riding a bull. In that moment he had faint memories of his mom taking him to see a man who rode a mechanical bull for hours. He then focused as surgeon-like as possible before sticking the beast with the sedative in what seemed to be the softest spot. Clive pushed his thumb down as the liquid entered the beast’s body.

It took a second before the sedative would kick in, giving the feeling to the crew that it might not work. But eventually sure enough the beast fell asleep. Climbing down Clive stared at the beast a second. He put his hand on the sleeping iron. Feeling it reminded him of feeling any other animal. It was warm, peaceful. Unlike the dead ones that he had examined before. This however was a whole new experience. In that moment, Clive Crews would become one of the few to ever touch a living iron up close, and live to say so.

Clive now looking over at Manny’s mechanic he walks up to it. He then gives Manny a signal with his hand to exit the mechanic. Though Manny clueless, both Sylvia, and July know it was about his disobedience. Stepping forth from his mechanic with a smile he is soon shown the wrath of a man who in a somewhat different way from Wayne cares about his team all the same. Even though he also wants the job to be well done. A quick yet brutal knee to the stomach from Clive to Manny was met with barfing on Manny’s part.

“You disobeyed a direct order! Do you know what that means?”

Manny squabbling on the ground is unable to answer due to the pain from Clive’s attack.

“It means if you had failed in your little endeavor then you would have failed the team! The grenade launcher in a mission of this nature was an emergency only weapon! MEANING ONLY IF YOU HAVE TO!

Clive angrily said while poking harshly at Manny’s head. “Yes it would not have immediately, and directly affected the team but if the target was lost we would have had to mark a new target, a tougher target I might add. In that event we would be spending more time on the activity, which would put everyone at risk!”

Clive picks up the partially recovered Manny to his feet. Now brushing the dirt off of Manny Clive whispers in his ear.

“Now you don’t want these lovely ladies, or maybe General Miller to hear about your mistake last mission would you? When we were recovering the journal.” Shaken up and sweaty Manny while trembling nods his head no.

“Then remember Manny when mistakes are made, people die.”

After ushering Manny back into the mechanic Clive opened the back of the Armored DB. He then pulled out a long, and wide black board with chains, and metal restraining mechanisms. He then ordered Sylvia, and Manny in their mechanics to switch to walk mode then on each side of the iron to lift him on to the black board. Then Clive, July, and Sylvia climbed around and over the monster restraining it. The board with the creature was connected to the back of the Armored DB. Clive drove while he had July sit at the back of the DB with the back doors open and a shot-gun fixed on the beast’s head. She was only a foot away from it. To July that was so surreal. Very, very dreamlike being close to a creature she usually only heard stories about.

While in the DB, Clive radioed Holden “Holden! Could you please let down the bridge?!”

The bridge was then being set down, allowing them to drive across it. Clive was sitting in anticipation. He felt oddly eager to see crowd reaction, even though it would be most definitely a negative reaction from them. Ground between them and Requiem was beginning to fade. Then they made it into the city walls. They still had to pass through a checkpoint before proceeding but Clive could feel it inside.

A guard looked at the creature strangely. After all nobody really knew of the mission to begin with. Bellmore stepped out of one of the checkpoints quarters. He ordered the man to return to normal duties. Bellmore looked at the creature with shock. He then saw Clive driving and his face grew very red.

“What is the meaning of this monstrosity being behind city walls!?” Asked colonel Bellmore furiously.

Clive handed Bellmore a piece of paper signed off by General Miller himself. At first Bellmore just looked at the paper confused. He then looked back at the iron, and then back at the paper again. Itching his head Bellmore crumpled the paper in his hand furious.

“How’d you get clearance for something like this?” Bellmore asked still holding a bit of anger in his voice.

“We spoke to Miller directly. How else?” Clive asked with a smirk as Bellmore grew red yet again.

Bellmore continued to yell, and be angry. Clive signaled the guard to open the door as the guard did just that. Bellmore thought that Miller must be out of his mind. To Bellmore there was no logic in bringing one of those beasts into the city. When the checkpoint opened up Clive started driving through, and into Cage District.

The group emerged from the darkness as crowds of people who heard the falling, and the raising of the draw bridge came hither. “What is this!?” one man shouted as others spewed death threats, and the pain, and fear of the crowd could be felt from the inside of a mechanics cockpit. The captive creature sliding along as dingy children playing kick the can in the streets stopped in awe of the beast.

“That’s right, we caught an iron!” the foolish Manny gloated about it, with ideas far from the others. His spirits were up almost as if he wasn’t recently chastised.

Civilians threw rocks, bottles and other things at the soldiers. As if they were prison guards transporting a serial killer yet them getting the backlash instead. While driving the Armored DB, Clive sat up front, fist clenched. He felt the same irrefutable rage that Mason had felt. He knew that they couldn’t be blamed but he still did.

“You ungrateful bastards! We fight for you! Everything I have done was always for you! And every time I return from a mission, it is like a spit in the face!” Clive thought to himself.

Clive breathing heavily feels immense rage. Unlike Mason who had experienced this reaction for the first time, Clive had no outburst of rage.

“I wouldn’t mind if every human here were to die!” Clive thought.

“You cowards!”

From early in his adulthood Clive fought through his situations. He was the perfect human being. He was strong, fit, smart, and ambitious. Ladies would fawn over him, as well as some men but he thought nothing of it. He just trudged along like the rest of humanity. He cared little for material things as well.

Since the death of his mother he thought only one thing. To fulfill his life’s mission. How he would do this he wasn’t entirely sure, but he had an idea. It would seem a man’s ambition was fueled by a want of success due to the death of a boy’s mother. Mason, Miles, and even Clive all felt that. Mason’s new lab was setup in district 3. Meaning the iron holstered to the vehicle would be dragged through two more communities through Requiem. Not the capitol of course. Back at his house, Mason stared at Romeo’s Lady Killer.

“A mighty fine weapon.” Mason said while staring at it.

Then Mason’s stomach began to turn and twist. He fell to the floor as he breathed heavily. He then got a massive headache. He vision blurred as he started wiping his eyes. It was happening again. Just like all the other times it was happening again.

“Well of course it is Mason.”

Mason looking over saw Miles sitting at his side yet again. “Miles, why are your notes so damn complicated?”

“You mean you don’t understand them Mason, my research?” Mason motioned his head horizontally back and forth.

“Well Mason, after a little hands-on here soon I am sure you will understand just fine!”

“What do you mean Miles?” The thought of his friend vanished with the following ringing of a phone.

“Am I going crazy?” Mason thought before answering his phone.

“Mason it is Sylvia, we sent a car for you, we want to show you your new lab. Well actually Miller wanted to show you your new lab.” Mason on the other end is relieved to hear his friend Sylvia’s voice.

“Sylvia! Glad you are okay! Did the mission go without a hitch?” Sylvia pausing on the other line then tells Mason straight out.

“For a split second I hated you for devising this mission Mason, and I kept thinking what I would do to you if someone had been lost on this little escapade of yours.”

Mason sitting there with guilt over what she is saying is unable to say anything back, because he knew how crazy the mission sounded. He knew he was putting people in danger but at the same time he also knew this. He knew that it would help further his and Clive’s goals. It would further Humanities goals.

“But Mason, if I did anything to you then I wouldn’t be a very good knight in shining armor would I? We will possibly talk about my feeling on the subject later.” Sylvia hung up. After hearing that Mason was relieved. He hadn’t lost a friend over his crazy schemes.

The ride for Mason appeared in front of his home. Mason jumping in the car watches out the window as they drive through district 3. Mason watches the slow, steady change between district 2, and 3. Though district 2 is far from poverty, the transition from 2 to 3 still intrigued Mason. Upon arriving to the lab, Mason could pick it out of a crowd. It was a steel looking building with an almost impenetrable looking garage door.

Though people saw the iron get stored here it was subtle looking, and wouldn’t alarm the average person. Mason opened a doorway leading into a hallway with a staircase. Walking up the stairs Mason begun to feel a swift nervousness. He was about to enter his new workspace, a true lab. He opened the door to the room to see a beautifully designed pearl white room. It had examination tables as well as microscopes, and other things of the like. There was Miller, Sylvia, and Clive sitting at a table anticipating Mason.

“What do you think Mason?” asked a seemingly excited Miller with a father-like charm.

“I think it must be my birthday, supplies, books, and if I look through that big window over there I should be able to see my new roommate right?” Miller nods.

Sylvia asks “Roommate? You can’t live here, it’s way too dangerous!”

Mason now laughing, “But I must. I need to live and breathe that thing in there! I haven’t been so excited in a great 67 years of a while. I mean this is science on a whole new level for me!”

“Don’t worry, the whole structure is made out of inches upon inches of steel, and a touch of titanium. The inside of that beasties room is coated with the same material the outside of Requiem is made from to keep it from adhesively sticking to the wall. There are light switches and air vent controls to conveniently change the irons habitat for research purposes. And no one will come here to cause trouble because of even knowing that this thing is in here so I’d say Mason is safe all the way around it seems!”

Mason walked up to the bullet proof glass casing where he would be able to see the creature had the lights been on. Instead he sees sets of neon green glowing lights just staring at him from the darkness sending chills down his spine. It scared him not because it itself was terrifying, but because when it is sitting down there incapable of going after him, it reminded him of the pale eyed iron back at the Columbus house, just staring him down before eventually leaving.

Wayne sitting at a checkpoint getting ready to go on a mission gets down on his hands and knees choking. Though he is sick he refuses to let another commander to take over for the mission. The mission is to recover military blueprints at nearby military bases in an attempt to increase overall current weapon quality. Finding the blueprints to new weapons is an operation that gets attention every few years. Wayne has decided to take on the mission this year. A few years ago it was Clive. On Clive’s expedition MP5 blueprints were discovered.

On the outside Wayne’s team was not relying on mechanics for this mission. Instead they would have an Armored DB for protection, and the standard four squad team would be required for searching various facilities and to stay back-to-back almost the whole way through. It is a dangerous mission, with several protocols. Although the tight corners and hallways are fine for Wayne who is sporting a 12-guage pump-action shotgun.

With Wayne is his old squad mate who insisted to be back in action, Sam. Having just been through a coma the past week, he was going to get out and start fighting. Sam says he isn’t going back on missions so early to avenge Dean but Wayne can’t help but feel like that is the reason. Two new members include Dexter, a big muscly white man who is almost as big as Wayne using a light machine gun as his weapon of choice. Dexter was requested by Wayne personally as Romeo’s replacement since he has been on Wayne’s teammates before. And last but not least sporting an M-16 would be Joseph, a skinny mixed kid with lots of fiery determination.

Dexter has already been hassling Joseph as the horror film first to die black guy cliché. Wayne not happy about that keeps trying to put Dexter in line. Dexter had originally been kicked from the team on request of Wayne. Just like every other team Dexter had been on had also kicked him off. Wayne is actually the commander who has lasted the longest before having him kicked. Now for such an important mission Wayne saw fit to have as many familiar faces as he could, meaning the only true new face is Joseph.

Joseph who grew up in Cage District, or correctly termed district 1, is determined to get his family out of there. Work his way through the military, much like Sylvia. But he is headstrong, with a strong will. If there were only one word that would be used to describe him then there wouldn’t be a better word than determination. In the DB Dexter and Sam were playing blackjack.

Upfront was Wayne driving, with Joseph at the gun. “I am going to show that Dexter guy who is going to be the first to die!”

Wayne turning to avoid obstacles says. “Well that is fine as long as it means outlasting him rather than killing him.” Joseph’s eyes widen at the thought.

“Oh no sir! I wouldn’t kill him. I don’t know if I could kill anyone!”

Wayne now starting to chuckle a bit. “You joined the military, and you aren’t sure if you can kill anyone!”

“Stop laughing at me sir! I just want to feed my family!” he loudly proclaims.

“So don’t we all.” Said Wayne.

“Don’t worry about it kid, you had top notch marksman skills so if you have to kill someone or something I am sure you will do just fine. With your marksmanship skills you could have been a sniper, made more money, and have a safer job. Unlike a certain sniper I knew who wanted it both. He would come on missions with me, and he would snipe! Isn’t that something? They can’t do that now though.”

Joseph’s curiosity got to him, and he had to ask. “Where is this sniper now?” after asking, Wayne put his cigar in his mouth then pulled out the lighter from his brothers finger causing Joseph’s eyebrows to raise before Wayne said.

“He died.”

Wayne put the lighter away. “Don’t worry about Dexter, he is a major dick but he isn’t going to push you into an iron or anything.” Wayne said cheerfully.

“Well that is encouraging isn’t it?” Joseph retorted with sarcasm.

In the back was Sam getting his butt handed to him in only five games of blackjack at this point.

“So where did tight-ass say we were going twip?” Dexter asked Sam.

“We are going to Blount Island Command, in Florida, and don’t call me twip.” said Sam as he slammed his card down.

“So I heard that “Voice Boxless” died in your last mission, is that true?” unsettlingly Dexter asked.

“Well he isn’t here now is he?” Sam said irritatingly.

“Guess he ain’t here, the nigger is instead. I bet you an iron came up behind dickless and he didn’t know how to scream for help!”

That last remark leading Sam to snap.

“He had a fucking name! Not voice boxless, or dickless. It was Dean! Remember that name! And he died a hero, with a mighty battle-cry!”

Sam screamed while gripping Dexter’s shirt. And a myriad of playing cards got strewn all over the floor of the Armored DB as a display of Sam’s angry fit. Dexter then pushed Sam off. Sam fell back hitting his head on one the DB’s chairs. Dexter spit in his direction before speaking.

“Get off me you little shit! Just because you have an uncle who is important doesn’t mean You are! Hands off!”

Dexter screamed at Sam. Sam decided to just stay quiet. He figured it would have been better for the both of them if he did. Sam just sat back then looked at the floor of the armored DB and all he could see was where he was told Romeo would have been laying. It was the same DB after all. The he looked over at the rear exit and thought of Dean.

Cold night air along with palm trees, and irons lying in wait. The soldiers had reached Florida by driving along the coast of Virginia only stopping for lunch, and piss breaks. They would often see a person. But both the people as well as the soldiers do not show any interest in each other. Ideas of rescuing the people who manage to live successfully on the outside are not anything but an afterthought. Wayne himself had dreams of rescuing these people from the darkness, but he is no longer naïve.

Society as a whole, the city of Requiem, as well as the other cities like Requiem have no desire to help the people outside. This is true even with good people in power like Miller there are three more people like Bellmore who consider their safety first. One of the reasons that Clive allowed Wayne to take the reins on rescuing Mason, was because usually Wayne ate that whole save the oppressed from oppression type of thing up.

Dark halls within Blount Island were hollow and empty. The squad knew that somewhere in those halls of the facilities present that there would be something of value. Something that could help the combat effort, save lives, and further weapon capabilities. Because if there wasn’t, then the whole mission would have been pointless. And as Wayne’s team stands now there are plenty of dangers. A new recruit, someone fresh out of a hospital, and one of the military’s top ten scumbags, who is only matched up in the top ten with corrupted officers, like Admiral Zoe. Bad odds for sure.

Sitting outside the base is the team arming themselves. Wayne looking around outside as well as checking the outside cameras looking in all directions of the Armored DB, and Wayne is unable to spot an iron in the vicinity. The team exits the back of the Armored DB with Wayne giving various hand signals of stop, continue, turn, and crouch on the way to the door, in order to keep an eye in all directions, and also exercise caution. This because of Wayne’s protective nature for his team.

“Stop!” Wayne whispers with force.

The team now at the door of one of the facilities. The group then enters swiftly flailing and aiming precisely in many different directions of the main lobby. Wayne then saw several separate halls he could choose from to search. He dials his finger, strafing it back in forth many times before deciding upon a path he and his squadron should take. He hoped for luck to be on his side.

Choosing the corridor to the right completely off the basis that his brother’s finger was salvaged from his right hand. Taking lead with the shot-gun is Wayne with a light purely for seeing. Each weapon is fitted with a much more powerful second light used to throw off, and irritate an irons vision. Irons will stalk from dark corners, and ceilings waiting to adjust to the first light. Then when they attack they are met with a blinding secondary light source used to great effect. While going down through each hall they inspect office room after office room, not finding anything particularly useful to them.

“Wayne, Wayne!” Dexter whispers loudly toward Wayne.

“Shut up Dexter!” Wayne says as Dexter persists.

Then the persisting stops as corridors away is the stomping of an iron. Even if it were one iron, in the dark, and without a mechanic, it would prove very formidable. There was no way for them to know if the creature knew they were there or not.

They only knew that they weren’t there alone. Dexter who is constantly being shoved around between teams was requested by a commander for the very first time in a while. Needless to say he now remembered the terror of feeling unprotected. The creature could rip him apart in seconds if it were able to get ahold of him. Wayne now proceeded with caution, then pulling his team into the closest office room.

The halls were dark, further in they were stained with blood over the years of people who had made an attempt of scavenging from Blount Island Command. The creatures also feed upon smaller animals such as rats, and so on. And if one of them were to drop dead of starvation, then he would keep the others full for some time before famine would again strike. They were beasts but they were smart beasts. Given to all their different DNA structures it allowed for them to safely act on cannibalism only had they needed to.

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