Chapter 21:



After a couple hours of practice Mason asked Sylvia to go home with him. It would have been the first time in two, and a half months that they actually went home to sleep. Mason was tired too. He had been working nonstop. Mason, and Sylvia made it back home as they walked through the door exhausted. The first thing they did was fall over on the couch. Sylvia’s metal arm, and leg sank into the couch cushion. When that happened she looked back at Mason.

“Thank you so much.” She said. He looked back at her.

“It was no problem at all. We need you against Clive after all.” Mason told her as they smiled at each other.

“It is incredible! After you left I just sat there thinking how ruined my life was. If you never came back then I would have no family, and on top of that I would never be able to work again in my life. My existence would’ve been pointless.” Sylvia said.

“I would be Rust. I would have been powerful steel turned rusted metal.” Sylvia said with a frown. Mason patted her on the back.

“But you’re not Rust. You are Sylvia.” He said as she looked deep into his eyes.

“Let’s get some rest.” Mason finished with as they both fell asleep right on the couch. They lay there holding each other’s hands smiling.

“Mason. Oh Mason! Are you asleep yet?” a voice asked as Mason opened his eyes to see a clear sky above him.

“What the hell!” Mason said as he thrust himself forward to sit up.

“Ah, you are awake-asleep now that’s good. And not hell but the opposite of that.” Said Miles in front of him.

“You again?” Mason said. Miles started walking closer to him as Mason stood up. Miles then put his hand over Mason’s eyes.

“How can you be sure I am me?” Once the man pulled his hand away from Mason’s face it was Wayne standing there now.

Mason looked at him with wide eyes. “Wayne!?” Mason called out as Wayne said “I can be whoever you want me to be Mason.” He said as he quickly switched from being Wayne, and into July.

“I am all in your head.” July said as she switched from herself, and into every former member of Clive, and Wayne’s team from when he was first rescued up to his Mission with Clive originally.

He then stopped as he switched to Clive, what Clive used to look like. “Or would you prefer this?” the man said as he switched into Clive what he would look like now.

“What do you want? Get out of my head!” Mason said.

“I can’t do that yet Mason because somebody has to be told, and you are the best candidate.” Said the man as he switched into a man that Mason has never seen before, a man in a white glowing tuxedo.

“I may be in your head Mason but I am no hallucination. I am very real.” Said the man.

“You can call me Roger if you like.” Said Roger.

“Roger, my dad’s name huh. What are you exactly?” Mason asked as Roger smiled.

“Now that is the right question! Not who am I, but what am I. I will tell you in a way that doesn’t directly tell you.” Roger said. “You see I am not exactly what you would call of this world. Heavens not even of this universe if we’re being straight with each other. I have been visiting you through the form of quote on quote hallucinations, and giving you support, and pushes in certain directions lately.”

“You see I was trying to set up your decisions, and thought process when I needed to so you would eventually be here, and we would be having this conversation. I want you to kill Clive.” Roger said.

“What? Why do you care if I kill Clive?” Mason asked as Roger giggled, and then scowled.

“Because that man is pretending to be god, and that is an insult to my lord, God himself! I am the one who controls possession but of course you don’t know what that is so I will explain. Possession is the orbs of light you have been seeing in the sky. I would have just used it to kill Clive but it won’t affect people whose will is strong.” Roger said.

Mason sat, and thought to himself. “God… he is real? All the doubts, and he is real.” Mason thought. Mason then soured as he noticed something.

“If you do control those orbs then you are the one who killed Emily, and Jack!” Mason said angrily. Roger frowned.

“Well I only wanted to kill one of them to get you started in the right direction as far as mental state goes but you sent Jack in the bathroom and he was killed by his sister. How tragic.” Mason grew angry, and charged Roger but as he rammed he went right through him.

“I am sorry but that isn’t going to work. Please don’t hold what happened against God, it was all me. I am not exactly doing this with his blessing after all.” Roger said. Mason looked at him.

“The Christian God. He is that God?” Mason asked. Roger then laughed.

“Well if I told you that for sure then what would be the point of faith?” Roger said while laughing.

“I will meet you on the battlefield two, and a half months from now.” Roger told him as he got ready to snap his finger.

“Of course I cannot be there physically or I would go, and grab Clive by the neck, and choke him to death till he wakes in the depths of hell but at least I am sure you will do that for me. After all I have faith. Goodbye.” Roger said as he snapped his finger, and Mason Thrust forward from sleeping on the couch.

Mason looked over at Sylvia as he moved her hair from her face, and then looked at his hands. “Was it real?”

FINALE: Part 2

“Sturdier, Stronger, and Faster.” Mason said as he sat in the cockpit of his newly created Combat Engineer.

A crowd of people sat around neither cheering nor booing as Mason, Sylvia, and Sam get ready to exit the north gate. They sat with chair setups waiting in anticipation for the trio’s descent into to hell. None booing and or cheering purely out of respect for them, as well as for Miller.

“They’re not booing at least.” Mason says through the communicator.

“Yeah but they still look like they want to rip us apart.” Sam said as he checked all systems for the Combat Engineer.

“They only look like that because they want Clive dead as much as we do. He killed tons of innocents in cold blood, and on top of all that, the only person they thought cared about them, General Miller was killed. So they may not be cheering now but when we come back victorious they just might start cheering.” Sylvia stated.

“Yeah… I want to kill him too now for what he did to my uncle… Wayne, Dean, and everyone.” Sam said as he clenched the controls to the Combat Engineer.

“So you blame Clive for that now huh?” Sylvia sked Sam.

“Well I need some closure on the subject. Properly executed revenge, and Clive is the obvious choice. Besides Miles was already dead, and then he was alive, and now he is dead again so I can’t count on that. And I don’t think I will live to see every iron die so yeah, Clive is the obvious choice.” Said Sam. The Draw Bridge set ready in the northern end of Cage District as it was now lowering while the group got ready to move out.

“Alright guys, we can’t be like Clive. Cockiness could be the end of us in this battle. We may have all new technology but Clive has newfound power. Clive has had a lot of time to get used to his strength but we haven’t had that much time with the Combat Engineers so be on your toes the whole fight. You were both excellent mechanic pilots but the mechanic isn’t cut out for facing Clive. The Combat Engineer is capable of facing Clive but we are just rookies when it comes to this machine. That being said we are also the best of the best in Combat Engineer piloting.” Mason explained.

“We have to defeat him.” Mason finally said. “Or it just may be over.” Mason ended with.

“Mason, do you think that Clive was always like this the whole time? That he was playing us from the start?” Sylvia asked Mason.

“I don’t know… He is a smart man, so maybe.” Mason said aloud. Mason thought back to the forced smiles while sober Clive had, and the genuine ones while drunk. He thought of what Clive shared of his childhood friend.

“He is Miles son after all. It probably started with good intentions, and evolved into something else.” Mason thought to himself.

The bridge fell to the ground as the smoke from the ground where the bridge impacted flew up into the air. In that moment the three of them darted out, and into the distance. Grinding against the metal of the bridge with their newly created technology. They were ready for a fight.

“To the Requiem Air Force Base.” All three of them thought simultaneously.

“You take point Sylvia, after all you are the one who knows the way there!” Mason ordered.

“Right!” Sylvia said as she rushed in front of the two. Mason then sent a radio signal back to the tower.

“We see irons up ahead! Start raising the bridge!” Mason ordered back to the crew in Requiem.

“But you are still on it.” They said as Mason insisted.

The crew in the watch tower of Requiem started raising the bridge. “It is time to give the jumping ability a shot!” Mason ordered as the three of them thrust forward the lever to jump incredibly high. After each Combat Engineer pressed off from the ground as they propelled off into the sky.

“Yeah!” Sam called out as they flew through the air.

“The jumping prowess in this is even more incredible than the Armored DB.” Sylvia pointed out as Mason agreed.

“Well it weighs less than the DB, and is more aerodynamic as well. Of course it will exceed expectation.” Mason said with confidence. The group landed as the bridge was raised to the point where the irons couldn’t make their way into to Requiem.

“Good, we don’t want another situation to happen like last time.” Mason said checking the monitor revealing the happenings behind him.

“Stay in driving mode for now. We don’t want to strain the vehicles before we even get to Clive, and we will still make it on time at this rate.” Mason said.

“We will switch to walking function when we need to be durable while fighting Clive!” Mason explained.

“Plus this airfield isn’t more than an hour or so off as it is so it should work out fine.” Sylvia said.

“Hopefully he doesn’t teach those irons how to fly any of the left over planes, and helicopters.” Sam said.

“I don’t think we will have to worry about that.” Mason replied.

They were now only ten minutes away from the airfield, and Clive was waiting for them. He was standing atop the largest hangar waiting for them to show. Clive also had a small recruitment of warriors down at the bottom as well. He had a flood of irons all over the airfield in crowds. And to top it off they were moved out of the way to make a perfect path for Clive’s guests of honor.

“I can hear them out in the distance.” Clive said with a straight face.

“I do not recognize the vehicle that they brought with them, it doesn’t sound like a mechanic or an Armored DB but they sound different.” Clive said before creating an evil grin on his face.

“So that is it. An all new weapon for me to play with. It is going to be a fun party from here on out.” Clive said.

The crew came into sight of the airfield, and if it weren’t for the placement they might have considered opening fire on the spot. “Look at all the bugs!” Sam said nervously. “Back when I was angry, and mental I still wouldn’t have been able to take those on. Especially since we used to see any more than six irons it was a code red!” Sam stated.

“Yeah well that is why Admiral Stacey is supporting us. Our coordinates are being refreshed every five seconds she said so we should be safe from artillery, and the irons won’t be. We’re covered.” Mason told Sam, and Sylvia.

But Mason was starting to get incredibly nervous, and the fight hadn’t even started yet. He also had his mind set on the visitor he had in his head. Mason wondered if Roger would actually use possession during battle today, and he wondered if Roger would wait until before or after the artillery started to fire. Whatever was going to happen, Mason was still confident they would or at least could be victorious. Of course he had to be in order to even muster the courage to fight. The entire squad made it to the path that the irons had laid out for them.

“This is incredible. Clive can really control them can’t he?” Sam said/asked. Mason’s eyes kept pacing back, and forth.

“It looks that way but there are several obvious reasons why Clive did this in the first place. First he wants to keep any unwanted visitors besides the three of us out of the way, and second he knows that if he dies then his control over them would cease, and they would rip us apart anyway.” Mason explained.

“Basically Clive has us set to die whether or not there is a happy end at this tunnel, what a bastard.” Sylvia says.

“Well I wouldn’t worry about it too much. We have the artillery to take care of things.” Mason told them.

“Among other possibilities.” Mason finished with quietly.

“Can Clive hear us Mason?” Sam brought up.

“I made sure that when the Combat Engineer is all closed up that it was sound proof, so he shouldn’t. It would be pretty bad if he could hear our collaboration.” Mason said. “That’s why there are a couple secret functions to the Combat Engineer that I have kept secret.” Mason thought with a smirk.

“We are gunning for you Clive! Can’t you feel our resolve!?” Mason said with the radio off in case Clive really could hear him.

They were making their ways down the aisle when Clive halted their advance. The moon sat far in the air above Clive who sat atop the largest hangar. The light from the large moon shone down on them as it created a shadow of the sitting Clive largely on the ground in front of the three soldiers. Clive’s new glowing neon orange eyes resonated as he looked at the group, with his eyes being the most visible part of his body. “Clive!” Mason said as he watched the smug false god sit atop the hangar.

“I am glad you made it!” Clive yelled out as he stood as if he were standing to meet the challenge.

“This will be our arena for as long as we can contain ourselves within it I guess!” Clive called as he was pointing into the hangar below him. Clive then jumped inside from a hole on top of the hangar.

“Well let’s go to meet him in battle.” Mason said as Sam, and Sylvia followed behind him into the building.

It was incredibly dark inside. “Yes!” Mason thought. “The darkness will work well to my advantage.” Mason thought since one of the hidden features Mason had in place was the same function that the mechanics had which were solar flares that would shoot off in several directions since Clive’s eyes worked largely like that of an irons.

“We are here, but please stand by until I say.” Mason radioed to Admiral Stacey. The message was then relayed to her by one of her sailors.

“We’ll hold our fire. We have their coordinates from a coordinate relay every five seconds like a sonar so it should be fine. Prepare to fire on my command though!” Admiral Zoe Stacey ordered.

“Yes mam!” her soldiers said as they prepped all cannons, and artillery batteries for launch.

“I may not be there but I can tell this is going to be one hell of a ride.” Stacey said.

Clive stands in the one spot of light being shown by the moon in the middle of the hangar as he quickly has the entrance behind the team closed by the command of several irons. Clive then puts his arms up as if he were the ring master of a circus.

“Well now that we are here I think I will play the persuasive fingers before we get started.” Clive said as he put his arms down as a gesture of current peace.

“Hear me out, and you can all leave here with your lives.” Implores Clive as the group stares at him with a semblance of hatred that even with their windows tinted Clive can still see.

“Think of how great peace would be with me in charge! Irons would be the world’s enforcer enacting punishment on crimes that I see fit to be enacted on!” Clive said.

“I mean yeah it may be grueling for a few who have to do manual labor to ensure the futures of a few generations down the line but that is all a part of how change happens!” Clive said with a face of glory, and passion.

“I being in charge would basically be the best thing to happen to the miserable human existence. Free will is a thing of the past!” Clive said with passion, and confidence. He then smiled, and giggled even more.

“Judging by the looks on your faces right now I would say your answer is no.” Clive said as Mason then flipped the switch to his speaker so he could speak to Clive.

“Don’t you see you’re a hypocricy!? You speak of freewill being a thing of the past but you will still be the one enacting your own free will upon us! You mean to treat us like we are less than dirt! I have heard enough!” Mason said as he turned the speaker off, and prepped himself for combat as Sylvia, and Sam did the same.

“I guess the dialogue has fallen short. And since you did as agreed then I will let Sylvia live as my personal slave/mistress!” Clive yelled as each Combat Engineer leaped toward him all at once.

“Die!” Clive yelled as he began to bounce off the walls, and back, and forth as Mason sent the order for Admiral Stacey to start firing around them to the irons outside. Mason charged forward once he got a beat on Clive as he orders Sylvia, and Sam to flank him from both sides. But for some reason Clive knew it was coming, and knew the perfect method of getting out of the situation. He jumped back to avoid the two of them as he then jumped forward to leap over Mason.

“Turn and shoot!” Mason ordered as they turned to get a beat on Clive. They then started shooting, and missing but with bullets so fierce it ripped the whole wall behind Clive as Clive glanced back at it in happiness.

“What a riot!” He yelled excited. The order to start the artillery run was then relayed to the Admiral.

“Finally I can blow shit up! I don’t get to do that very often.” Admiral Stacey says with a hint of enjoyment to her voice. “Fire!” She screamed as artillery started zipping across the water, and over the ocean. At that time Clive almost stopped in place as he heard the unmistakable sound of a falling bomb.

“So that is part of your ploy!?” Clive said with a smile.

“How fun.” Clive stated as the artillery started smashing into the irons as they were put into a mindless frenzy. They were being split apart with arms flying, and heads as well as beastly stomachs that began imploding allowing stringy red intestine to pour out, and drag across the dirt. In the frenzy rounds kept pounding as each cannon blasted, bolstered, and recoiled. Beasts being put to rest right and left falling prey to artillery with a sea of blood setting as one wide tide on the ground.

Clive continually looked at the mouth movements of Mason, and Sylvia, and Sam as he used that to determine their movements. Mason was getting frustrated with every bullet fired as he tried to hit Clive. And what was bothering Clive even more was the shear fact that Clive was only playing the defensive role, and not getting close enough to do attacks on him without strategy so he had to collaborate. Mason then noticed that Clive was looking directly as him as he talked.

“Uh! Cover up your mouths with your shirt! He can still read our lips!” Mason ordered as the others gasped, and did as he said.

“Looks like you figured it out. I guess it is time to start playing rough!” Clive said as he darted in closer for the kill.

A move that Mason hadn’t been expecting so soon. “Oh no!” Mason thought as his mind rushed on what to do. He then started backing up as quickly as possible as he lifted his rifle to meet Clive, and as he pulled the trigger all that happened was a subtle clicking noise, in which Mason knew he was now out of bullets.

Mason in the split second that Clive was right in front of him he watched as Clive got ready to do a chop so powerful it would devastate the windshield. Mason lifts, and holds the giant rifle in front of him in order to block the chop. Clive’s hand swooshes down at such speed as it busts the rifle in half with thousands of little pieces from it falling to the ground as Mason’s Combat Engineer holds onto the rest. “Mason!” Sylvia screamed thinking Mason may be hurt as she watches from behind.

She then takes the initiative to start shooting as Clive who while stuck in motion starts taking damage from the bullets as his skin peels away with each shot. Mason who is fine with only a destroyed gun drops the two halves of the gun as he pulls out the grenade launcher, and aims at Clive dead on. He shoots as the grenade shell hits, and pushes Clive back as it explodes. Clive still in one piece gets flung into a landed helicopter. While Clive lay rubbed against the chopper, Sam aims carefully for the helicopter fueling tank. He shoots as each bullet went where they needed to go destroying the helicopter as it blows up, and Clive gets consumed within a ball of fire.

“Keep alert! He isn’t done in yet!” Mason said.

The moment Sylvia saw Clive’s silhouetted shadow within the flames she started to shoot. Clive jumped straight out of the fire. He then ran straight at them as he started doing quick slashes at the vehicles before switching. Although the damage may be small he is still damaging them while at the same time not allowing them to get any hits in. Clive started sticking to the shadows again, and not even the fire from the burning helicopter was enough to reveal Clive’s position. Mason knew it was time to use the flares. “Hide from this!” Mason screamed as he flipped a hidden switch. The Combat Engineer let off several flares lighting up the whole room.

The light was too much for to Clive to handle as he darted back. Sylvia, and Sam noticed that their Combat Engineer had tinted its windshield further upon the use of flares in the room. A useful featurette. As Clive was confused, Mason took the time to aim the grenade launcher carefully. Clive was smarter than that though. He was aware of what Mason was doing. Clive jetted for the wall as he busted out of the hangar.

“Don’t run straight for him! We should jump through the ceiling, and get him with an attack from the sky! That way we can also avoid artillery!” Mason said as they prepped the jumping system. They jumped breaking concrete as they shot through the ceiling.

As they broke through they couldn’t see Clive. Because Clive was right on them waiting on top of the hangar just in case they followed him straight out or tried an aerial assault.

“He is right under us!” Sam stated as Clive jumped straight from the hangar towards Sam.

“Sam!” Mason yelled as Clive was zooming toward him.

Sam took the gun, and aimed it but was out of bullets. Sam like Mason when it happened to Mason didn’t have much time but Sam tried something different. He threw the gun at Clive, and pulled out the Combat Engineers combat knife reminiscent of quickly taking down lone irons on highways. As Clive ripped through the weapon flung at him he then grabbed the Combat Engineers arm, and shoved the arm with the knife right into the Combat Engineer as blood splattered on the Windshield.


Clive pushed off Sam’s Combat Engineer which forced the vehicle to fall at top speed back into the hangar. He used the vehicle to jump his way toward Sylvia.

“Mason! Flamethrower!” Sylvia shouted.

“Right!” Mason replied as they both used the flamethrower as flames splashed at Clive while Clive got right up on Sylvia’s windshield as they were falling.

Clive punched the windshield once as the windshield cracked up but didn’t break. He went to punch again as Sylvia fixed the flamethrower on him again. Clive getting his skin scorched grabbed the arm as he dug his feet into the Combat Engineers metal, and ripped the arm off, and started banging the top of, and denting Sylvia’s Combat Engineer. Mason wouldn’t shoot the grenade launcher, and didn’t have a gun anymore so he drew the combat knife, and lunged it at Clive, and into his chest. He fell off Sylvia’s suit as Clive then scurried his way back down. Sylvia’s suit could no longer wield a gun, and she had to switch to the knife. As Clive made it to the ground he ran off into his crowd of irons being blown away by artillery.

“He is getting away!” Sylvia yelled.

“Not after you killed Sam you bastard!” Mason screamed. As they fell to the ground the irons were now targeting them.

“What a coward!” Sylvia screamed.

The two of them in pursuit of Clive were now in intensive heavy fire from Admiral Stacey’s guns. “Damn it! Stop firing, they are in the heat!” Stacey ordered.

“These irons are getting in the way!” Mason said as Sylvia got in front, and started to slash the irons with her remaining mechanical arm. She slashed left, and then right at the oncoming irons.

“Go get him! You have the room to jump!” Sylvia said.

Mason did a back jump as he prepped the jumping system again, and flew forward upon activating. As he cleared the irons, and could see Clive again he started getting the vehicle at its top running speed as the jumping systems were almost ready again already.

“Your time is near you mutt.” Mason said. Clive looked back to see Mason trailing him. Mason then saw a face on Clive not of the supposed fun he was having earlier but now fear, and desperation.

“This is what you deserve!” Mason said. Clive kept running, and before you knew it they were both running the airfields large runway with nothing around them as Sylvia stayed back, and fought irons.

“There is no point in following past this point!” Clive said as Mason was catching up to him. “How do you figure!?” Mason asked through the speaker.

“I can jump higher than you!” Clive said with a smile. Near the end of the runway Clive jumped forward with all his power as Mason used the thruster on the Combat Engineer to follow him. Clive had regained his smile.

“I will live to fight again, and this time I won’t underestimate you!” Clive said.

“You’re not! You may be right about jumping higher but you can’t fly!” Mason screamed through the speaker.

“You’re bluffing!” Clive replied.

Clive grew farther away as Mason started falling back down. Mason then flipped a hidden switch on his seat. Near the feet popped out thrusters as fire, and smoke flew from it at great speed. Mason started flying his way toward Clive. Shocked Clive submitted, and fell to face Mason head on. Clive rammed into Mason as it became a midair struggle to fight for top spot, and not be the one to take full impact of the ground.

“Even if you get out of this Mason both Sam, and Sylvia are already dead, or will be dead soon.” Clive said as they struggled but Mason wasn’t listening.

His eyes were behind Clive where a ball of light was pulsating, and forming in the sky below them. Clive looked back at it as the light split into thousands of little lights, and took control of over seventy percent of the irons involved. “What!?” Clive yelled as the irons surrounding Sylvia were now attacking the other irons. As Clive watched astonished he hadn’t noticed Mason’s position for the fall. On top.

“It’s over Clive.” Mason said as Clive splattered onto the ground not only taking full force of the fall but having Mason’s Combat Engineer fall on him, and crushing, and trapping him. Sylvia who saw the fall immediately made her way to Mason.

“My Combat Engineers are so badass that I should switch the C in combat to a K instead.” Mason said as he lay drowsy, and bruised in the cockpit laughing at his own joke as if he were outside on his own again.

Clive lay under the machine twitching as Sylvia made her way up to Mason’s mechanic now on foot with no irons trailing behind her. She has the Arkada shotgun that Wayne had developed as she stopped at the weak Clive who looked up at her. She aimed the gun directly at Clive.

“You have been relieved.” She said as she pumped numerous full-auto shotgun shells into Clive until he wouldn’t get up. “Maybe Wayne should have asked me for the fiftieth time to join him.” She said as Clive still twitch a bit. She then thrust her mechanical hand into his face, killing him.

She got on top of the Combat Engineer, and started frantically banging on the window. Mason finally opened the windshield as it raised, and Sylvia got out of its way, and crawled into see him. She saw that Mason was okay laying on his back. He saw past her as the light of possession of Roger’s flew into the sky.

“Well would you look at that. It was real.” Mason thought. He smiled at Sylvia.

“Nice hair.” He said with an exhausted sound to his voice while referring to the short hair she got before coming. Not as short as it had been but down to her neck now. She smiled at him, and gave him a kiss.

“Help me out of this.” Mason ushered as Sylvia was trying to unfasten it, and after frustration she got frustrated, and used the mechanical arm to rip the seatbelt right out. She helped him up, and out as they began walking back to her Combat Engineer. They had noticed that the artillery stopped, and not one iron was left nearby.

“Huh, and here comes a patrol boat!” Mason pointed out toward the shore.

Sylvia kept him on his feet as she said “Maybe we should check on Sam first to see if he is okay before we get on that boat. Besides I am not ready mentally or physically to speak to that woman.” She said as Mason agreed both laughing.

“That probably is the best idea isn’t it? Wouldn’t want a man like him to die when we could have done something to save him.” Mason said as we now transition to somewhere quieter.

Back in the hangar it was pitch black, and quiet. Not a single iron had entered, and the helicopter that had recently exploded was no longer flaming as fiercely but was now giving off a calming and radiant light. A comforting one. And there in the middle of the hangar where Clive had been standing when it started was now where Sam’s Combat Engineer fell. The spot had perfect lighting from the moon. Inside was Sam with a bloody shoulder, and frizzy hair. The knife was actually in his shoulder.

Sam got out some chewing tobacco as he put it in his mouth, and started chewing. He put his finger up into the air, and made a gun out of it. He pretended to shoot the gun off as he said “Bang” while he stared into the light of the moon, feeling awfully drowsy.


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