Chapter 10:

Barked - Arc 2

Lucid Memories:The Observer's Servant Eyes「明晰思い出:観察者の従者眼」

I was a child.

Everything was vague, I was in a dark place, it was night, and I was a child, hearing the bark of my dog, I looked at it and saw them, doctors? I don't know who they were, but they were all wearing white cloaks, with eyes covered, and smiles widened, menace everywhere they stood.

The one in the middle took out a gun, and pointed at me, he tried to scare me, and it worked and I fell down as I almost cried, they laughed and pointed at my dog, killing it as they laughed and laughed as I ran as fast as I can, looking behind me with them looking at me menacingly, still laughing, as I cried and cried while running.