Chapter 39:

The seven sins: Pride.

Sokka's Chronicles

Mendax: Now I have to vanish all the seven sins.

Mendax walks over a cliff and shouts:

Mendax: Pride, I give you the mission to find the other six sins, if you hear me give a sign !!!

Suddenly thunder was heard in the sky, and the tree that was like Mendax caught fire from the lightning that struck it.

Mendax: Great !

Pride after giving the signal to Mendax says:

Pride: I'll have to find a new container if I want to do this mission, it's not like I can't do that, after all I'm the strongest unfortunately. 

Sokka looking up at the sky says: 

Sokka: I feel like it's already starting and ending at the same time. 

Pride goes to a village to find a new container, a new look. 

Simple human: Sorry, can we help you with something? 

Pride: Do you think you could help me? 

Simple human: I don't know, sir, I was just trying to be nice.

Pride: Good joke, but you're no better than me anyway! 

Pride kills him and steals his body, being a new container for Pride. 

Pride: I feel much better in my new body, I feel much stronger. 

Pride goes to the forest where he remembers that he unfortunately lived. 

After a long time, Pride remembers more precisely that he could locate them through a rather difficult trick.

Pride in his mind: To locate them, I have to sacrifice 10 men, 15 women and 20 children, and after I call them, they can be scattered all over the world, the first part is easy the 2nd part maybe I'm lucky and they are all in Japan, in other cases it will be quite difficult, but I will succeed because I am the best.