Chapter 57:

The army of 200,000 soldiers

Sokka's Chronicles

Shortly after the destruction of 15 cities in Russia, Leo, Roy, Edward, Henry, Mirai and Yana decided to leave for the next radius of cities that could be destroyed. 

Meanwhile Mendax has decided that he should introduce the penultimate part in the plan to open the gate. 

Mendax takes the form of a man who has a major power in Rusia. 

Mendax (President): All combat and police divisions to go to the west of Rusia.

Secretary: But sir ? 

Mendax had killed the president and taken his body thus he could be the president. 

Mendax: Do as I said !!! 

Secretary: Yes sir !!

The secretary announces to the police chiefs to take care of this. 

An army of 200,000 men was assembled to stop the 7 sins from destroying the cities. 

Roy talks to Leo and the others. 

Roy: An army of 200,000 soliders is coming to the North exactly where we are to find the bombers. 

Edward: That means we have a chance, because there are so many. 

Leo: And besides, they are skilled soldiers. 

Roy: One of the best. 

Wrath: Pride !!!! 200,000 soldiers are after our heads, what the hell is going on?

Pride: That doesn't necessarily mean our boss did that, maybe they realized we were making a circle. 

Wrath: What the hell are you implying, even if he realized you think the president ordered 200,000 soldiers to attack the Rusia nothern

Pride: It could still be important to do our job properly after all, it's our boss. 

Wrath: Our boss, yes, he will use us as cheap sacrifices as your father treated him. 

Pride: Don't talk about my father, it has nothing to do with it. 

Wrath: As you say, I give up now. 

Wrath is leaving.