Chapter 62:

The true power of the seven deadly sins.

Sokka's Chronicles

The 7 sins in addition to the superhuman abilities they possess also have weapons that possess magic, each sin has a weapon that has the color of magic used. 

Pride has a purple color. 

Greed has a yellow color.

Wrath has a red color.

Sloth has a blue color.

Envy has a green color.

Lust has cyan color.

Gluttony has a orange color.

All seven every time I turn these weapons or hit with these weapons from the tip of the weapon come out the colors of sin with these colors they can afford many abilities. 

Pride has a katana and a nuncheag, with these two weapons he can manipulate human energy and make a demonic energy that allows a moon to come out of the sword and make it dark and blind the enemy, another power of Pride is to use the color purple which allows him to fight the enemy as he wishes it can make the Katana 2 meters or the size of a knife.

Greed has a stick and two swords which allows him to use the stick as he pleases Greed has a power that is based on how much hurt Greed is, the more wounds he gets the stronger he becomes, once he gathers the power he needs to use his yellow color as demonic energy and people who hurt him fall at a disadvantage.

Wrath owns two fighting gloves and a one-meter axe, given gloves allows him to hit more, Wrath beat Pride by 180 constant shots, The harder the victim gets angry on Wrath, the harder the blows are, every time he hits with a gun you can see the color red. 

Sloth has a one and a half meter scythe plus many knives, Sloth has advantageous powers over other sins, he can use his scythe to hit his opponent by teleporting next to him hitting the scythe of soil or slap the scythe, with its color it allows itself to handle the fire by rotating the scythe 360 °.

Envy owns a hammer the size of a katana and also has two knives, Envy can control the size can be the size of an ant or can be the size of a giant of 10 meters maximum her clothes she wears in battle allows her to stretch to any length or to become small which allows him to do a lot. 

Lust has a kusarigama that allows it to stretch any distance Lust needs with its color it can destroy any bullets that approach it and every time a bullet is damaged you can see the color cyan or it can counterattack the bullets towards the one who fired but this requires Lust to hit the gun thus the market will make a cyan-colored energy that will contrattack the bullets. 

Gluttony has no weapons, but he is also the only one who has nothing in common with humans, his main strength is the ability to eat anything including humans, plus he has a power that no one else has, that power is bullet immunity, at the same time Gluttony is very hard to kill, apart from bullets Gluttony with his belly can repel anything.