Chapter 3:

Ted and Elizabeth

Eastern North's Death

At the first sight of the next moon when the shade of purple turned to light blue, the Sheriff looked up and behold was the two moons of the night, two gigantic orbs ominously rising from the horizon. He named them Marie and Maxwell. The Sheriff had tracked time with the cycle of the 12 moons that would hover by the sky. In this world, time flows differently. Seconds, minutes nor years nor decades would bring a sense of the passing of time.

The Sheriff had sat alongside Elizabeth for many moons. You would call it decades, but to them, it felt like just a few weeks, a single month even.

"It's about time the both of you to move, both of you, Elizabeth and Ted. It's ol' Marie and Maxwell, they're here." The Sheriff pointed towards the sky.

Elizabeth barely moved, she didn't look excited, nor enthusiastic. "I really hope something changes today. I really, don't want this to be for nought."

"I won't be for nought. No. It won't, Elizabeth. You got to see things differently."

"No, Sheriff. What I mean is, well... the chances of success are very low."

The Sheriff turned towards Ted, whose eyes were dark and droopy yet prepared for battle, despite his right leg's condition which forced him to limp wherever he goes.

"You hear that, Ted? Elizabeth, the young woman here is determined to return that relic, what say you... Ted?"

Ted gave a long nod and cleared his throat, his voice rattled within the armour he was trapped in.

"Sheriff... It's not determination. It's just that, the owner of this... 'bear', is somewhere waiting... And I've failed so many times. I don't have the hope to venture out again as much as last time."

"Elizabeth," said Ted in a rugged voice. "It's not about hope and determination, (coughs) it's about fulfilling your duty."

Ted pointed directly at the teddy bear Elizabeth was carrying around her arms. "That is your burden. (coughs) Whoever's out there (coughs) has your relic with them. What do you think you expect them to do?"

" deliver it to me?"

Ted became quiet and gave a nod. He now returned to a calm state and sat with his arms crossed and his leg resting against the soft sandy floor.

"Elizabeth. This is the first I've seen you so frustrated. You, Elizabeth, you rarely show that that... look. Why?" the Sheriff asked.

"I..." Elizabeth pondered at the question which had unexpectedly left her stumped. "I don't know."

The Sheriff let out a chuckle. "My dear Elizabeth. Humans nor we lost souls, us, lost souls would ever understand why we do what we do, see? You best use your journey here with me and Ted... To understand. To learn. What drives us to act?"

"And you already figured that out?"

The Sheriff replied to Elizabeth by giving an enthusiastic nod.

"See me? Look at me. I'm feeling enthusiastic and hopeful, even though I do not have your spirit, Elizabeth. You push yourself. You feel pain, pain inside and yet you still act. Look at me, I'm sitting here at peace, yet I'm hopeful."

Ted gave a scoff. 

Elizabeth was confused. "Sheriff... what are you trying to say?"

"Ol' Marie and Maxwell will not wait for you Elizabeth. You will have to learn to understand yourself, yourself only... What makes you act, despite the terrible pain you feel inside? Despite not knowing why?"

Ted and Elizabeth would soon prepare themselves for a long and hazardous journey to a place called 'The Caverns'. 

Ted's only weapon was a long wooden spear while Elizabeth would always carry a bag of herbs and strange vegetation she had discovered all over the land of the dead.

"Be safe now, the both of you..." said the Sheriff. "Elizabeth, don't you worry too much, in my eyes, Elizabeth... you are on the right path." He turned his attention to Ted, "and you, Ted, my friend. Don't need to protect Elizabeth all the time. Elizabeth... she can handle herself well, you'd be surprised."

Ted nodded.


Ted and Elizabeth walked across the lonely desert, they would soon realise that from where they were, they could not see the camp nor The Sheriff anymore. Only the soft wails of the sands accompanied them, alongside an eerie feeling that rested on their shoulders when trekking across the sea of sand.

"That man, who is he?" asked Ted, his voice croaked.

"The Sheriff?" replied Elizabeth. "To be honest, I know nothing of him."

"I'd say you are not a fool to not trust me..." Ted gave a shrug.

"No, that's not the case. He has been here longer than I have. And, he remembers nothing about his past at all."

"He could be lying."

"He wouldn't."

Ted was deep in thought about the man named 'The Sheriff'. It was apparent that both of them have met before. 

"I've met many liars in my life. I also doubt The Sheriff is one himself. He seems like a very wise man."

"The name he gave you... you seem to accept the name 'Ted' rather quickly, you don't mind if I call you that?"

"No. I like the name. It gives me the feeling of duty. It makes me feel important. Considering it's from your friend, who I do respect."

Ted, stopped walking, or rather he stopped the effortful process of dragging his right leg and took a break. He stopped while leaning against the long pole that was his weapon.

"What about you, Ms Elizabeth? Do you still remember your past?"

Elizabeth's body became stiff at the rush of thoughts from her past life. "Sorry. I rather not talk about it."

Ted scoffed. "It's considered cowardice to not face your darkest moments, Ms Elizabeth. Trust me, I've already faced mine. Eventually, you will have to."

Eventually, Ted managed to start moving again, to which Elizabeth followed him from behind. She was taking small steps as to not offend the man for having difficulty in walking.

"Ms Elizabeth, knowing you, you might be too polite to ask for my past, considering you haven't shared yours yet."

Elizabeth fell silent for a moment. "Ted, I'm sorry for being weak. But I don't feel ready to share my past. It's too recent and painful to me, even if it has been years..."

Ted stopped to look at Elizabeth. "Miss, I've already noticed the scar on your face. You try to hide it with your hair. It's useless to hide. You try to hide your wounds but for what reason? To pretend it doesn't exist?"

Elizabeth slowly covered her side of her face after hearing what Ted has to say. It felt crisp and rough, the burnt scar she was hiding had surprised her because she was so close to completely forgetting it.

"Do you want to be like 'The Sheriff'? Forgetting your past entirely? Forgetting even your name? I believe you have yet to experience that horror, Ms Elizabeth... I believe one should accept and hold dearly to their past, no matter how much you despise it."

"Well... maybe it's a good thing to forget about your past! Maybe, the reason why The Sheriff seems so wise and genuine while you are all gloomy is that he forgets!"

Something about what Elizabeth had said inadvertently brought forth a violent flame inside Ted's cold heart, whom he tried his best to swallow. Ted knew Elizabeth was still inexperienced with the afterlife, considering she had fully underestimated the utter terror of losing one's self. It was something Ted had considered an enemy throughout his life here in the new world. Forgetting is something Ted would never accept in his heart.

"Ms Elizabeth, I'm sorry for being too pushy. It's fine if you don't feel like sharing your past with me."

Elizabeth, still being trapped in her thoughts, took a while to acknowledge the change in Ted's words. She rarely had an argument with another person before, since she had gotten used to listening to The Sheriff's entrancing wisdom and his comforting words.

"It's useless to be arguing when we should be working together, Ms Elizabeth. I'm sure you agree to that as well."

Elizabeth felt bitter. Because the dispute with Ted did remind something about her from her past, that she was difficult with people. Elizabeth had a past of uneasiness with dealing with others. To which had caused her that scar on her face, and her death.

Eastern North's Death
