Chapter 7:

Chapter 6 The way back home

The Sky's limit (English version)

After the celebration, he walked up to a podium and said “Thank you--” but a soldier shouted “No, we have to thank you” so “Well, I’ve woke up here and I have a home” he said “Thank you for being a home for me, but it’s time for me to return” but then the whole stadium looked nervous “But you will leave us like this?” a soldier asked “I will return” he said “I will be gone not for long, promise”, so the whole army carried him to a place he’d never been to before. “Where are we?” he asked “We are at the border of the legion’s camp” Lyla said “We have to protect ourselves, so we built a barrier” “Okay, thank you” he said “I’ll be back” when he looked back it was nothing, like an entire city plus an army weren’t there before. He looked at a map the legion gave him. They told him that after he fainted they used the teleportation wristband, which contains the power of Mercury, the god of transportation, to bring him back to Rome. No one in the legion knew where exactly the wind kingdom was. “It’s me and you then map” he said to the map “Okay, the wind kingdom was located at the corner of the world” he thought “Aha! Found it” he said while looking at the corner of the map, a small city marked as Wind kingdom. So, the journey started. During the journey he fought with many enemies, sneaked into the Giginea’s camp, Arachne's cave and ran for his life. It was a long journey, but finally after three years, he had arrived at the golden gate to the wind kingdom, which he once guarded. “You shall not pass” the new guard said “Let me pass” he said “Why?” the guard asked “Because I'm a royal knight” he replied “Show the badge” the guard demanded “Here” he said and handed over the royal knight’s badge “Oh! You may pass” the guard said, then opened the gate. When he entered the wind kingdom, he heard a fighting noise. “Give me all of your bread” a voice said “Please sir don’t take our bread” a familiar voice said “Wait, why is that noise so familiar?” he thought “Dad?!”. Then he ran to where the noise was coming from, and surely enough it was his dad. In front of his dad was a group of royal knights, but something’s off, “Their uniform” he thought “The white and golden suit was replaced by white and dark purple!” as his dad handed over the bread he shouted “Stop!” everyone turned their heads to him “Now, who are you supposed to be?” a guy asked “I’m his son, now return the bread at once” he said “If we don’t so what?” the guy asked “I’m a royal knight so I can do what I want” “No you can’t” he argued “The people are hungry, they are living in fear, we are the royal knights we are supposed to protect them not stealing and hurting them” all of the people around them looked shocked “Do you want to die? How can you say that to the mighty Gabilana?” the guy asked “Because I’m a royal knight too” he said and threw the cloak he was wearing on the ground making his royal knight armor and the command’s cape visible. “B-But how?” Gabilina asked with fear “You’re supposed to be dead with the others!” “Well, I’m not” he said “Now return the bread at once”, Gabilina looked fearful, he stepped back a few steps but then Gabiliba realized that Gabilina had four men and he had only himself so “Attack!” Gabilina shouted. All of the four men were down in five seconds “What are these royal knights? Weak” he said looking at Gabilina “What happened since I left this place?” Gabilina tried to run away but he kicked Gabilina in the face, then he looked around “Quite a mess here. two three, okay not bad, five fainted royal knights in the middle of the street” he said “Son?” a voice asked. When he found the voice’s owner, he saw his dad “Hi dad” he said “I’m sorry for missing away for three yea--” but he couldn’t say a word anymore because his dad came and hugged him “I miss you so much son” his dad said “Let’s go see mom”, so he walked back home with his dad. “When he reached his house, his mom was waiting outside “What took yo--” his mom said but his mom saw him first, “Who are you?” his mom asked “Impossible! Dawn?” his mom finally said when she examined him “Hi mom” he said. Then he told the stories he’d faced for the past three years to his parents. “It’s time to go to bed” his mom said “Yes mom” he said, with a smile he walked to his bed, things are getting back to normal. “We really miss you” his dad said then went to the bed and turned off the lights.