Chapter 7:

[Aika Crisis] Day 11: My Ex-Girlfriend Wore Samurai Armor to the Gym

Death by Ex-Girlfriend

(One has to wonder sometimes, if there's such a thing as a love that should have never happened. Not because it was bead, really. But because the person you loved would've been better off without you. Why do I get the nagging feeling that this is the case with Aika? I wonder if it would be better for her if we had never met. We never did do anything for the rest of the week. All of us stayed home, but it was still pretty fun. Although...)

Osamu remembered a moment where he went out to the kitchen late in the night, and stumbled upon Isabella cooking naked. Stark naked.

"O-O-Osamu!" she stuttered in flustered embarrassment.

Panicked, Osamu looked away and covered his eyes. "Holy crap! I'm sorry Izzy!"

"I thought I was the only one awake!” Isabella lamented.

Then, he remembered a moment when he came home late after taking a walk. The house was completely dark when he entered, so he was about to turn on the lights, but someone turned on the lamp in the living room first. A chair spun around to face Osamu. It was Yoko sitting with her nightgown on, brandishing a knife in her hands and a smile on her face.

"Oh! Yoko! I didn't know you were up." he said with a nervous chuckle.

"Hi, Osamu. So uhh...where have you been?” Yoko asked in a peppy tone.

"Oh, you know, just...taking walks, you know?"

Yoko's tone suddenly went from upbeat to threatening. "Really? Because I think that you think that I think you're taking walks just to get some fresh air and not scout the streets for beautiful babes with curly hair and smooth legs."

“W-what?" Osamu recoiled.

"Give me one reason I shouldn't cut off your feet so you can never walk again."

"Because I didn't do anything! I just took a walk! I promise!" he said, as if he were pleading for mercy. 

The unamused Yoko crossed her arms, making a rather strange command.
"Kiss my feet."

"Are you insane, Yoko?”

"Kiss them now!" she screamed in response.

Yoko's voice immediately brought Osamu to his knees and made him kiss her feet. It was completely subconscious. Yoko put the blade of the knife under his chin and used it to lift up his head.

"You look so cute when you're scared. But don't worry, Osa. I'm not going to hurt you. No, not at all. Instead, if you're truly sorry, you'll be hurting me tonight. Understood? Make sure you leave marks on me, my love."

The rest of the night was something Osamu didn't want to remember any further.

(Hopefully this weekend is better than the last.)

On an early Saturday morning, Aika and Izanami met in the kitchen before anyone else woke up. Aika sat down as she yawned and shook out her hair. Izanami was preparing hard boiled eggs for herself, watching in thrilled elation as the eggs bounced around inside the pot.

"Morning." Aika casually greeted.

Izanami's pale face lit up with joy as she turned to face her. "Morning, Aika! Sleep well?"

"I wish. I can never sleep well." she groaned.

"Sorry to hear. Did you want some eggs?”
"I'm okay, thanks." Aika responded in a dead and flat tone.

Isabella soon descended the stairs with her hair tied in twin tails, eager to join in on all the riveting socialization going on.

"Morning, sluts!" was the first thing that came out of her mouth that morning.

"Morning, Izzy!" Izanami gladly responded, despite being called a slut. 

Aika was in no mood for any of it.

"Where do you get off calling people sluts in the morning?"

“I’m challenging you, of course! Because today, we're going to see which of us is the strongest! Behold!"

Isabella held up an all-day gym pass as if it were the holy grail.

"Seriously?" Aika excitedly shouted, as if it were actually the holy grail. "An entire day in the gym for free?"

"Yep! I got it a while ago but never got around to using it. I figured we could all go together and get a nice workout. What do you say?” Isabella asked.

"Sounds good to me!" Izanami cheered, eager to burn some calories while being blissfully unaware as to what those even were.

Aika couldn't help but join in too. "S-sure! I don't mind at all."

"Sweet! I'll go wake the others and jump in the shower.” Isabella cheered. “Izanami, make me a boiled egg and put it on the side for me, babe."

Isabella ran upstairs, leaving Izanami a tad bit confused.

"Babe?"Izanami pondered.

Thankfully, Aika was more than ready to lead her in the right direction. "I think she's just on a high. You know how gym people get when it's time to work out. They always want to bring their friends and show off their big gains to everyone. Working out is a great, but to hell with people who do it with an attitude." she explained.

Isabella didn't even bother knocking on the door before barging into Yoko's room, waking her and Osamu as she gleefully shouted at the top her lungs. “Good morning sleepy heads!"

Yoko groaned as she got up and rubbed out her eyes. Osamu just tried to pretend she wasn't there.

"What the hell are you doing, you god damned, harpy?” Yoko asked.

Isabella simply held up her gym pass. That was all Yoko needed to see to get hyped.

"You've had that all along and never said anything?” 

"I had forgotten until now! You wanna go? It'll be a good opportunity to start the..."

Yoko's eyes fixated on Isabella's lips as she anxiously awaited what she was going to say.

 Not wanting to put up with another chaotic day, Osamu prayed with mumbled breath to whatever deity was willing to help him

"Don't listen to her, Yoko. Let’s just sleep.” 

"Muscle Wars." Isabella smugly whispered.

"I'm in! Let's go as soon as possible!” Yoko cheered.

(Damn it...)

"Osamu, get up!” Yoko commanded, as if Osamu were but a loyal house pet.

"I think I'll sleep this one out.” he groaned.

Yoko leaned into Osamu's ear. "I wasn't asking. Get. The. Hell. Up."

Osamu sprung up like a plank of wood and immediately got into some workout clothes.

"That's the spirit!" Isabella cheered.

And so, Osamu was roped along on another summer adventure. However, as they were all walking the sunny streets of the neighborhood to get to the gym, Osamu did notice an upside to all of this—a silver lining, if you will.

(I can't believe I'm eying them in their workout clothes like some perv. But can anyone blame me? Isabella's butt look so big in those yoga pants! It's like watching balls of dough being kneaded as she walks. It’s like she's doing it on purpose.)

Then his eyes moved over to Yoko.

(Ah man, I never knew Yoko had such nice abs. They might even be better than mines. Wait, that's not cool! I've got to try harder!)

Then, to Aika.

(Of course she wore sweatpants and a hoodie. What else was I expecting? She's so conservative, even when it comes to workout clothes.)

Then his eyes turned to Izanami.

(I badly want to ask why she's wearing a full set of Samurai armor. No, scratch that. I'm more interested in where she got it. I wonder if Yoko gave it to her just to mess with her. I really hope she won't get heatstroke wearing it.)

"Uhh, Izanami...why exactly are you dressed in samurai armor?" Osamu asked, not knowing what to expect in response. 

Izanami's voice was a bit muffled past her kabuto and iron mask. "Weighted training is the best training! The Way of the Warrior is resolute acceptance of the reality of death!"

"We're only going to the gym, we're not raiding Himeji Castle!" Osamu scolded.

(What am I going to do with you, Izanami?)

After a short walk, they all arrived at the gym. Isabella handed her pass over to the staff. Before them were the instruments of bodily vitality, the tools of burning calories and conquering fat. Treadmills, exercise bikes, ellipticals and more!

"I call the stationary bike!” declared Izanami.

"You don't need to call it when there's plenty of…oh never mind, she's hopelessly stupid." Yoko bemoaned. "Hey, Aika, let's go lift some weights."

"W-weights? I've never lifted any weights before!" Aika revealed, to the surprise of no one.

"No, but you can hold a guitar pretty well, right? We'll start with some light weights for you. Easy as pie, right?” Yoko egged on.

"I guess so..."

Yoko and Aika went off into the other side of the gym to lift weights, leaving Osamu and Isabella to choose what to start out with.

"Want to come on the treadmill with me? It's been a long time since we worked out together!” Isabella gleefully sang.

Perhaps it was largely thanks to her tight clothing and bold attitude induced by her own excitement, but Isabella seemed a lot more attractive to Osamu than any other day before.

(I think a new fetish may be arising...)

"Haha...yeah...sure..." Osamu agreed, with absolutely no ulterior motives in mind. None whatsoever, for he was a true saint down to his very bones.

Osamu and Isabella got on treadmills next to each other and started out with a simple walking pace. Meanwhile, Izanami was pedaling on the exercise bike as if she were trying to get away from the police, which deeply worried Osamu.

"Uhh, probably shouldn't start out so strongly…" Osamu cautioned.

Izanami offered a bold rebuttal. ”There is no reward in doing that which is easy! Great statues are created through the tribulation of painful carving!"

(This is certainly a side of her I've never seen before...)

Isabella sped up her treadmill and set it at a jogging pace. It certainly wasn't the bounce of her hair that caught Osamu's attention.

"Hey, what are you staring at?" Isabella asked, knowing damn well what it was Osamu was staring at.

"Nothing! Your form is just good. I'm impressed.” Osamu complimented. This was the absolute truth, sworn on Osamu's very life.

"Aww, thanks! I used to run track all the time back in the States! My brother taught me all his good habits."

(Now that I think about it, the last time I heard of her brother, I believe she told me he was serving in the military. I wonder how he’s doing these days.)

"All right, let's kick this thing into high gear!" she suddenly suggested, or rather, commanded.

Isabella reached over to Osamu's treadmill and started increasing the speed, forcing him to catch up with it. She did the same with hers, but had a much easier time running at a good pace.

"What the hell, Izzy?!" Osamu wailed in startled surprise.

"You're too slow! We're gonna shave those calories off!” Izzy sang.

On the other side of the gym, Aika was well aware that it was a conscious decision on Yoko's part to isolate them from the others. They both lifted weights together, taking quietly amongst themselves.

"Feeling well, Aika?"

"Are you always this nice to people?” Aika asked, suspicious.

"I'd be lying if I said that were the case. I just worry about you." Yoko said as she tied her hair into a pony tail.

"Huh? Why? I'm perfectly fine, Yoko."

"No you're not. That’s what they all say. I would know.”

Yoko and Aika locked eyes. Aika could see that Yoko already had her figured out. Her sigh was heavy with the weight of surrender as she let down her guard.

"Nothing gets past your all-knowing intuition, does it?” Aika chuckled.

"Honestly, it's not even due to intuition. I've always been able to know almost everything about a person just by kissing them. When I kissed you last week, I saw a lot of awful things. Why don't you seek help? Even I'd be willing to help you if you asked me."

"I don't need help. Really, I'm fine, Yoko." Aika said, sounding more like she was trying to convince herself than Yoko.

"Such a popular lie. I can't imagine being fine after what you went through. You lost your mother after Osamu left, and I lost my father. I know exactly what you're feeling, Aika."

"Does anybody else know about it?" she asked in a broken tone.

"No. Osamu has been digging at it, but I've been trying to keep him from figuring it out. I firmly believe that you have the power to change your destiny. You deserve to live happily, but you have to find your purpose in life. I kept a secret because I think that kind of journey must be done alone."

"Thank you..." Aika sighed in relief.

Aika's face reflected a sense of sadness and shame, but Yoko gave her a smile.

"You know, ever since you, Isabella, Izanami, and Osamu started living with me, my life has been very different. That house used to be so big and lonesome, your voice would just echo through it if you spoke aloud." Yoko reflected, a twinkle of happiness sparkling in her eyes. "As much as I don't appreciate them trying to get their grubby little hands all over the man I love, what I do appreciate is that you all gave my home a beating heart. Even on days where you don't see the point of forging forward, you just gotta take a look at what's been done, and how we've all been brought together by a stream of unlucky coincidences. All of us would miss you if you suddenly left."

Tears ran down Aika's pink face before she could realize it. She immediately wiped them away as Yoko put down her weights to rub her back for comfort.

"Did I say something wrong?” Yoko awkwardly asked, not really knowing what to do when people cry. 

"Not at all!"

Aika laughed and nudged Yoko on the shoulder. "I had no idea you could be mature and sincere, Yoko." she teased.

"Yeah, well don't get used to it! I hardly ever do this." Yoko explained with a dismissive expression."The only incentive here is that your life is at stake."

"The last person to talk to me with that much care was my mom. Thanks. I really appreciate it.” Aika said.

Seeing her light up like that, her beauty revealing itself through her smile, Yoko too felt a sense of content and relief.

"Anytime, Aika. Just have faith that everything will be all right.”

Aika smiled as she closed her eyes. “Yoko…I don’t think there’s ever been a girl that’s had more faith than me.”

After a while, Osamu's legs gave out from the constant running, causing him to fall on the treadmill and get launched into the wall with a hard crash. He slowly got up, unable to feel his legs. They felt like soft butter by the time he got off, but Isabella seemed to be doing fine. She took a big chug of water, sharing her bottle with Osamu.

"Woo! That was fun, wasn't it?"Isabella excitedly asked, covered in sweat and reeking of a successful workout.

(I almost died!)

"Yeah, that was really fun. But how do you do it? Aren't your legs tired?"

"Man, you’re really weak in the legs, aren't you?" Isabella teased with a smug chuckle.

Immediately after she finished her sentence, a pair of shuriken blew past her hair, striking the punching bag behind her. Both Isabella and Osamu only realized what happened after the shuriken hit their target. Their eyes followed where the shuriken came from, and of course, they found themselves glaring at Izanami, her arm still extended outward from the toss. She fixed her posture, stood up straight, and laughed into the air.

"Perfect aim! Not a single wasted movement!" Izanami celebrated.

Confused, Isabella whispered into Osamu's ear. "Did she just..."

"Yeah..." he mumbled in second-hand embarrassment.

"Was she always like this?” Izzy asked

"Well, not really. She was always sweet and mature, but I have no idea what this is."

Yoko and Aika rejoined them all at the other side of the gym, sweating bullets from their workout.

"You guys look like you had a good run.” Yoko said. Osamu shrugged as he took a good look at Izanami.

"Yeah, but I think Izanami has us all beat in terms of exercising the hardest." he admitted.

(Give a woman samurai armor and she changes into a completely different person.)

This day too, at least, ended with everyone smiling. They stayed in the gym as late as they could before it was time for them to close. Now it was night time, and the walk home was quick since the streets were empty. However, on the way there, beneath the dark blue sky, Isabella suddenly issued a challenge.

"Hey, Yoko. I'll race you to the house!"

Yoko scoffed as if Isabella wasn't dead serious. "What? No way, my body is sore after working out all day."

"Wow, I had no idea you were such a chicken." Isabella taunted, clearly attempting to provoke her.

"Do you really think that petty insults like that are going to rile me up enough to hurt my body more than it's already hurting now?"

Such impenetrable defenses required an effective Plan B. Isabella quickly formed the solution.

“Hmm. Hey, Osamu?” Izzy called out.


Isabella grabbed Osamu by his cheeks and gave a nice, long, deep kiss right in front of everyone. The ensuing gasps were like the screams of eagles in the air, and she wasn't done yet.

"Oh Osamu, it's nice being close to you like this when this itty bitty little sports bra can barely contain my breasts!" Isabella flirted, squeezing her chest against Osamu's. The man was completely captivated by their soft, pillowy embrace.

(I'm losing it...I'm losing it...god damn it, I'm losing it!)

Osamu's chest repeatedly pushed into and away from her breasts as his breathing intensified.

"Oh Osamu, what will you do about these longing breasts of mine? They yearn for your touch, for your big, manly hands to-"

"That's enough!" Yoko roared. The plan worked. Yoko's jealousy and wrathful anger were palpable. "Fine, I'll race you to the house. If I win, you're going to be my pet for the rest of the night." Yoko declared.

"Pet? What do you mean I'll be your pet?!” Isabella recoiled.

“I mean I'll have your hands and feet bound by chain, and you'll wear a collar around your neck. You will do everything I tell you to, when I tell you to, how I tell you to, or you will die slowly and miserably."

"S-she doesn't actually mean that Isabella!" Osamu explained with nervous laughter.

"That's not true at all." Yoko rebuked. Her blue eyes shined like a violent ocean wave gleaming in the sun. "Fail me in any way, and I shall force you to rip off all of your fingernails. Fail me a second time, and I will force you to rip off your toenails. Fail me a third time, and I shall whip you bloody. Fail me a fourth time, and I shall surgically sever your wind pipes so that you may never speak again."

(That's going too far!)

"Fail me a fifth time, and you shall be water boarded." She continued, holding up all five fingers on her left hand.

"You're on!” Isabella replied, festering with competitive spirit.

(I think you both need a long visit to your local mental health institution.)

"Isabella, don't agree to anything Yoko is saying! None of that is worth some stupid race!" Osamu pleaded.

"If I win, I get to sleep with Osamu and you sleep with Aika instead!" Isabella bargained.

(What's the point anymore? They're just going to carry on despite my protests...)

"Am I that unbearable to sleep with? I don't snore, right?” pondered Aika.

"On your marks!" Isabella cried out, prompting her and Yoko to get into position. In her usual, cutely dimwitted fashion, Izanami began cheering pre-maturely.

"Woo! Go Isabella!"

"You're supposed to cheer after the race starts, silly." Aika explained as she gently tapped her knuckle against Izanami's noggin.

"Oh. Really?" Izanami asked with genuine surprise. Isabella continued calling out preparations for the race.

"Get set—"

"Go!" Yoko suddenly interrupted.

Appalled, Isabella stomped her foot in vexation before sprinting after her. ”Hey!”
Yoko cheated of course, and got a head start in front of Isabella. They ran so fast around the corner that Aika, Osamu, and Izanami had to start running just to keep track of them. From behind, it looked like they were neck and neck.

”Wew! Go Toyo Carp!" Izanami cheered, much to the confusion of Osamu.

"Who exactly are you even cheering for anymore?!"

At last, it was the final stretch. Isabella and Yoko both pushed themselves to touch the front door first.

"They're going all in!" Aika said. Izanami offered commentary in the style of an over-excited race narrator.

"Isabella had a bit of an awkward start but has caught up with Yoko around the corner on the first turn! Isabella seems to be picking up her hooves now and taking this race seriously, but Yoko is speeding up and is clearly hoping to outclass the other horses in this race!"

"This isn't a horse race, Izanami!” Aika sharply scolded.

Finally, the big moment! Isabella beat Yoko by just a mere second.

"Damn it to hell!” the loser cursed as Isabella jumped up and down in celebration.

"Yes! I get to sleep with Osamu now!"

Humiliated by her defeat, Yoko bowed before the love of her life in tears. "Osamu, forgive me!"
"It's all right, Yoko. You actually did pretty good out there. You gave Isabella a run for her money!" he consoled.

"But I still lost and now I have to give up my by place alongside you in bed to that succubus!"

"Oh, I see. Hate the winner, why don't ya." Isabella replied with a smug giggle.

"Listen, just don't mess around with him, you little harlot.” Yoko sneered.

"Oh I promise, we won't mess around!"


Isabella stuck out her tongue in jest and Yoko bitterly accepted her defeat. But at least now, they were back home and ready to eat. Isabella, Yoko, and Izanami took their places in the kitchen and decided to prepare sashimi for dinner, since it wouldn't require much cooking. Izanami finally took off the ridiculous samurai armor and got back into her house clothes.

"Today was another great day!" Izanami expressed with a happy smile.

"I still can't believe you went out wearing all of that armor, Izanami. You really drew a lot of attention to us! Is it because you don't like the sun that much?" asked Aika.

"Kinda. I mean, I don't mind it, but it feels extra hot to me because my skin is as white as snow, you know?"

"I think you could use the tan.” Yoko teased.

"No way, Izanami is so cute with her white skin!" Isabella chimed.

Izanami's eyes lit up like constellations in the night sky. "I'm cute, Izzy?"

"The cutest little birdie I ever did see!” sang Isabella

"I don't know what to say!” Izanami gushed. “Osamu, am I cute?"

"Yeah, you're really cute actually." he casually agreed.

"I concur." Aika...concurred.

Osamu looked over at Aika, and this time, she didn't look away. Their eyes met for the first time in a week. It was far too easy to get lost in her hazel eyes, as easy as falling sleep in a warm bed in a dark room.

"What?" she asked in a creeped out tone.

"N-nothing! I just agree with you."

"...I know you do. That's why I said, ‘I Concur’."

(Ever have one of those moments where you want to slap the you from just a few minutes ago? This is one of those moments for me.)

The beating heart of the house always seemed to be in the kitchen. The meal was as delightful as the laughter that filled the house, and the night laid the excitement to rest. The only difference this night was that Yoko would be sleeping with Aika, and Isabella would be sleeping with Osamu.

"Come to bed, sweetheart!” Isabella sang with wide open arms.

(Relax Osamu. Its the same bed, just a different girl. Not much has changed.)

Osamu turned out the light and climbed into bed with Isabella, not nearly as nervous as he thought he'd be.

"Hey, Osa?"


Isabella smiled, the blankets covering her up to her neck. "Aika's birthday is coming up soon. Next Saturday I believe."

(Holy crap! I honestly forgot! You're a lifesaver, Isabella!)

"I was thinking we could prepare a surprise for her in secret, you know? We can get Yoko and Izanami in on it too." she whispered with gentle breath.

"Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I'm sure she hasn't had a good birthday party in a while. Thanks for reminding me, Izzy."

"No problem! I'll probably sleep like a rock, but you should go shopping with Izanami tomorrow, see what you can find that Aika might like."

"All right." Osamu said with a smile.

"Nighty night, Osa."


(Aika's birthday. It will be the first time we've ever celebrated her birthday together. Thank you, Isabella. I'll try and make it count.)

Yet again, late that night, Aika found herself staring at her notebook paper, Yoko sleeping soundly at her side. Beneath the heavenly, ghostly glow of the moonlight pouring into the room through the window, Aika's tears flowed from her eyes as she kept staring at the list. 

She closed her eyes and bit her lip, using all her strength to prevent herself from crying aloud.
After swallowing her misery, she sighed heavily and clicked her pen with her thumb. She wrote yet another item upon her short list.

‘Celebrate my final birthday’.

End of Day 11

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