Chapter 3:

Intercession I

A Wish

“Do you regret it?” Cheshire asked the boy walking next to him as the pair was guided by Skuld down a long corridor.

“Regret what?” the boy replied.

“Your decision.”

Chuckling the boy answered, “I think the time has long pass for that. All good things must come to an end.”

“I supposed so”, Cheshire replied. “Even the goddesses of fate are at a whim of something else” Cheshire said as he pointed his cane at Skuld who was walking ahead of them. “Humans may call them goddesses, but they’re merely witnesses of the events unfolding, simply being able to see farther than an average human.”

“What about you?” Cheshire continued.

“I am neither the playwright nor an actor. As you said, simply a witness that can see farther ahead.”

“I supposed. However, this play of your, how long do you intend to keep it going?

“As long as it’s necessary”

“Do you feel no guilt?”

“That would be unnecessary. There are far more at stake. She would agree with me”

“I believe that would be a highly subjective evaluation for a being such as yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember, you can play the fool out there with the general audience, but in here, the theatre can see all. All scripts are submitted and recorded, without exception.”

“I truly do not understand your meanings.”

“I will let it go for now as a favor. It has been long since I’ve seen a grand play like the one that’s about to unfold. Out of courtesy, I will let it slide and simply enjoy the show.”

“That would be best,” the boy answered as the pair arrived at a large door.

Standing to the side, Skuld pushed open the door revealing a large auditorium, with rows after rows of empty seats.

“After you,” Cheshire said. “We are the only audience here for this performance.”

“Thank you.” The boy replied as he made his way to the center row seat of the auditorium with Chesire following closely behind.

“Please enjoy your show,” Skuld said. “Please feel free to call upon my sisters and I should either of you need anything.”