Chapter 6:

A Call For Help


Yahiko paced around his room a look of frustration was plastered on his face. 
"damn it, there is nothing absolutely nothing i can find that can help us stop Emmia" Yahiko thought. 

"I made a promise to Ayano that i would find a way to stop all this, i cant give up i have to do it for her, for everyone" Yahiko said. 

Yahiko grabbed his coat and bag that was hanging off the back of his desk chair and headed out of his house towards the library. 

"Im gonna find all the information i can about this urban legend and then im going to find a way to stop this once and for all!" 

Yahiko reached the library that was located near the center of town and was about a 15 minute walk from his school which was still out of commission due to the recent deaths that had occurred there.  

Yahiko entered the library and spoke to the librarian at the desk, inquiring about any and all books related to ghosts and urban legends. 

"Of course my dear right this way" the librarian said kindly. 

She directed Yahiko to a shelf full of books about various paranormal subjects like ghosts,possessions and urban legends. 

"Do let me know if you need anything" The Librarian said with a smile on her face. 

"I will" Yahiko replied. 

Yahiko took the first few books off the shelf and piled them up on an empty desk located in a quiet corner of the library. 

"There has to be something in this book that can help us" Yahiko said with a focused look on is face. 

The hours ticked by but to Yahiko every hour seemed like just a few minutes, before he realized it was pitch black outside and he was still buried in a pile of books in the corner of the library. 


The sound of a text message alert shocked Yahiko out of his daze, he rubbed his eyes gently and looked at his phone. 

"A message from Haruki, i wonder what he wants" Yahiko pondered. 

Yahiko opened the message. 


"What the hell, what the hell is he doing at the school its closed because of the investigation, whats he doing their and why does he need my help. Yahiko pondered to himself. 

"I suppose there is only one way to find out, i need to get to the school as fast as possible, but first ill tell Ayano to meet me there two heads are better than one after all, plus i will be able to keep an eye on her and keep her safe" Yahiko said. 

Yahiko quickly sent a text from his phone to Ayano saying she should meet him at the school,and with that Yahiko collected his things placed the books he had used back on the shelf and made his way quickly out of the library. 

 During the journey over to the school Yahiko could not shake the feeling he was getting, it was a ominous feeling something didn't feel right why would Haruki text him out of the blue with a urgent message telling him to meet him somewhere that is closed off due to a homicide investigation. 

After a short while Yahiko reached the entrance of the school, and as luck would have it he arrived just in time to see Ayano standing in front of the school. 

"Hey Yahiko" Ayano said waving at Yahiko

"Hey Ayano, i see you got my text message. Thank you for coming to help me" Yahiko said with a smile on his face. 

"Don't mention it" Ayano said blushing slightly. 

"Haruki didn't mention where he would be so i guess we have to search the entire school, the best bet would be for one of us to search the first floor and the other to search the second floor." Yahiko suggested. 

"Right, i guess ill take the second floor then" Ayano said trying to sound as confident as possible. 

"That leaves me to look around the first floor. ok Ayano lets go find our friend" Yahiko said whilst placing a hand on Ayano's shoulder.

Yahiko and Ayano entered the school and began looking around for their lost friend, Yahiko was searching around the bottom floor, whilst Ayano made her way upstairs to search the second floor. 

Ayano made her way slowly up the stairs, each step she made echoed through out the deserted school. Ayano reached the top of the stairs and was greeted by a long dark hallway outstretched in front of her, perhaps it was a trick of the light in the almost pitch black school but it seemed like the hallway stretched on endlessly.

"Hello" Ayano called out. 

Nothing but an echo repeating her phrase came back. 

"Haruki are you there" She called out again. 


"Haruki where are y-" Ayano tried to say before being interrupted. 


"Ayano....over here" A familiar voice called out from the darkness. 

"Haruki" Ayano called out. 

"Its me, come here quickly" Haruki called out. 

Ayano paused for a moment and then reluctantly stepped deeper into the darkness of the hallway . 

Ayano walked down the hallway all the while trying to follow the voice of Haruki which was contently calling out to her. 

"Come to me"

"Im over here" 

"I need your help" 

Ayano eventually reached the end of the hallway and was greeted with a large wooden door standing in front of her, with a sign above it reading "Student homeroom" 

Ayano slowly reached for the door handle and opened the door, the door slowly jarred open with a eerie creak. 

The room was dark, almost too dark it took a while for Ayano's eyes to adjust. she  scanned around the room trying to make out its features. from what she could see it was a room not unlike the room she and her friends had used for the paranormal investigation club.

Ayano's eyes scanned around the entire room, until her attention was fixated on something in the corner of the room. it was a silhouette engulfed completely in shadow, Ayano could make out it was the silhouette of a person. 

Ayano took a deep breath and mustered her courage. 

"Haruki is that you" Ayano asked. 

no reply. 

She etched slowly closer. 

"Me and Yahiko were looking for you allover you really scared us" Ayano said.


She etched ever closer, now being within reaching distance. 

"Haruki" Ayano called out whilst reaching out her hand to touch his shoulder. 

Ayano's hand made contact with Haruki shoulder and he slowly turned to face her. 

Ayano looked at Haruki who seemed normal if not a tad bit pale. 

"Hey what were you doing here and why did you send a text to Yahiko saying you needed help" Ayano asked. 

" all corrupted all violated her....killed....YOU ALL KILLED HER" Haruki screamed at Ayano grabbing her by the shoulders with great voice. 

Ayano gasped with shock but could not bring herself to scream. 



Ayano looked on in horror as Haruki's face morphed and and contorted, his eyes changed to a hallow black, his face went a pale white and his hair became long and black. 

"EM-EMMIA" Ayano called out. 

The figure smiled sadistically. 

Ayano finally was able to bring herself to scream. 


"AYANO" Yahiko said after hearing the scream from upstairs. 

Yahiko ran up the stairs as fast as he legs would carry him, after reaching the top of the stairs he ran down the hallway at breakneck speed. 

"Ayano, im coming" Yahiko called out. 

I cant let anything happen to her, i promised and im not going to break that promise not now not ever! Yahiko thought as he ran down the hall. 

Finally reaching the end of the hall Yahiko kicked the wooden door at the end of the hall open and it swung open hitting the wall on the opposite side with a thud. 

Yahiko's eyes widened in horror as he saw the black figure of Emmia standing in front of him her hands firmly locked around Ayano's neck, Ayano was making slight croaking sounds and her eyes had rolled up into the back of her head. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Yahiko screamed and ran towards Emmia. 

He jumped towards her. 


A large mass of shadows engulfed the entirety of the room. 

A few moments later Ayano opened her eyes and found herself lying on the floor. she slowly made it to her feet and looked around the room.  she was alone in the room, the entity Emmia had gone and Yahiko was nowhere to be seen. 

"Yahiko" She called out 

"Yahiko where are you!" she called out louder. 



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