Chapter 0:


Say Goodbye to Logic

Logic is a strange word. And despite its opposition of absurdity, it does not make logic any less abnormal by comparison.

Why is logic a strange word? Simple, it works.

So instead, how about a story that doesn’t work. A story that repels the regular and dismisses the ordinary.

Such is absurdity.

Such is insanity

Say goodbye to logic. Say hello to madness.


We open on a river, blue as sapphire. Logs rush down it, and they bump up and down as they use rocks as ramps to fly. Fly where? Over a waterfall. A tall waterfall with legs. The legs are trees of course. Sliding through the trees is the water. It gathers at a pool. An outdoor pool. Rubber floaties and ducks and beachballs and… if you cannot tell that was a metaphor. A metaphor for four fortresses in a forest of foreign thought. By that I mean a castle hidden in the trees. Four towers at each edge.

The flag hangs in the starry night sky. A white flag.

The king rushes out, holding up his hands as the police go to arrest him.

The king looks back at his son, a drop of rain flowing down his cheek. A wave is motioned at the son.

The king turns around.

The water from the waterfall rushes over, a tidal wave motioning towards the son, washing him out like a washing machine washes clothes.

Next, acid rain. It falls from the sky and burns everything, murdering everyone at the scene.

The end.


Now, the question you may be wondering is what was the point of that story? Good question.

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