Chapter 34:

Act 3 - Chapter 5, Part 2

The Celestials Prison - Envoy of the Damned

"So that's your weakness! Light!" Angela jumped with the sword raised.

Ajal dodged backward as the blade slammed into the ground, a layer of frost spread at the point of contact. 'It is an ethore, most likely an ice ethore... Seems like that blinding flash only appears when she puts the mask on...' Zeus ran forward, 'Huh... he doesn't even have his gift right-' A white flowing substance stretched towards him and covered his arm, creating one large blade. Angela pulled out a piece of paper with a glowing white symbol on it. The paper faded away, and Angela vanished from sight. 'A camouflage with magic!?' Ajal still sensed Angela's spirit but ducked to dodge Zeus's horizontal swing. As he rose, he sensed Angela's spirit from above him, he tried to jump back but couldn't in time. A searing pain sliced down his chest and cut through his shirt.

"Urgh!" Ajal stepped back as he winced, he felt a chill from the wound freezing his nerves.

Angela's camouflage faded and she came back into view, flipping her grip on her claymore to swing it up and slash once more. Zeus ran forward at Ajal to flank him. Ajal opened his third eye as he jumped, ready to blast the both of them.

"Noble of House Rover, cease your attack!" Vala ordered.

Zeus and Angela both turned their heads to the rubble in the direction of the civilians. Ajal looked over as well. The queen entered the clearing, a look of determination on her face.

"The off-worlder will assist us, we shall annihilate the swine who dare desecrate our sacred city," Vala declared.

"Huh!?" Ajal tilted his head.

"Huh? That's the off-worlder?!" said Iris.

"The hell do you mean I'm going to join you? You're part of the damn problem on this planet!" Ajal shouted back as he landed.

"So you'd dare to defy me," Vala squinted.

"Defy you?! Who the hell do you think you are!"

"Who- Who do I think I am!" Vala scowled.

"Wahahaha!" Banhu laughed out loud. "This is exactly what this planet needed, true judgment from beyond the sky. Perfect for the hypocrisy of this alliance of fools!" Banhu mocked.

Iris ran at Ajal with her blade raised.

"Roku's Array! Fifth Form!" Iris chanted menacingly, she dashed in front of Ajal and took a stance with her blade pulled back with both hands.

"Roku?" Ajal whispered as he jumped.

"Beasts Bane!" Iris roared and lunged the blade forward.

Ajal conjured two small scythes and blocked her strike, she leaned forward and managed to push Ajal back. 'What the hell... It's like I'm pushing against a wall... Why is her strike so heavy...' Iris started running forward. Ajal focused his spirit on his heart as he breathed in. 'Spirit Manipulation!'

"Roku's Array! Fourth Form! Wild Frenzy!" Iris roared as she swung her blade viciously at Ajal.

Ajal spun the scythes in his hand and blocked the first slash. She swung the sword up to slash again and Ajal jumped backward, pushed off the ground with his hands, and pushed himself further away. She jumped upwards to strike once more.

"Shura's Array! Fourth Form!" Ajal heard the queen approach.

Vala ran forward and conjured the wide straight sword, two lines appeared running down her face across her eyes.

"Prism Slash!" Vala shouted.

A blue flame flashed in front of Iris and clashed with her, then flashed again and blinked behind her slashing down Iris's back. Iris turned and slashed, but Vala vanished once more. Iris quickly flicked her blade in her palm and defended the third slash above her. 'She was aiming for her throat, and managed to predict where the last slash would be! Her gift isn't just physical enhancement, she can predict attacks very well without Spirit Sense...' Vala pushed her back and Iris turned in mid-air.


The giant ram with brown fur and long tower-like legs fitted with steel hooves appeared above the queen. Iris blocked but was driven straight into the ground. A shockwave of force popped Ajal's ears, leaving a ringing vibration behind. Banhu jumped up to strike it with the bell, however, a force dragged the bell backward. Down below Oberon raised his palm at the bell, pulling it back and stopping Banhu's strike.

"Oberon! Damn you!" Banhu cursed.

"Shura's Array! Sixth Form!" Vala roared as she jumped up to Elrin's stomach and kicked off it as Elrin vanished, leaping at Banhu. "Grelt's Steel!"

The bald man raised his arms as the queen was about to slash her with the short sword. Iris stumbled slightly spun around, and crouched. She breathed in and focused her spirit, she used a Spirit Ignition and launched herself toward the queen to intercept her.

"Roku's Array! Sixth Form," Iris suddenly lowered her blade and shouted. "Grelt's Rain!"

Iris jumped up and clashed swords with Vala, their two blades grinding against each other as the force from their strikes caused a loud clash. The shockwave pushed the cloud of dust away. Oberon ran forward towards where Banhu would fall with his axe raised high. Banhu conjured his bell and quickly swung down. Oberon let go of the axe and ducked, the shockwave sent it spinning in the other direction. As the axe pierced into the ground, Oberon quickly stood and grasped Banhu's weapon, then slammed his forehead into the resistance commander's face.

"Agh!" Banhu grunted.

Banhu stumbled as Oberon grabbed his collar and leg, then threw him across the ground. Banhu tumbled but tried to stand, but Oberon stomped on his back. Banhu shielded himself as he got up, but took a jab to the face. Before Banhu fell, he was pulled back by Oberon's gift for another jab. However, Banhu raised his foot and slammed it into Oberon's stomach.

"Son of Jestaul!" Banhu shouted with a wide, bloody grin.

"Don't you dare say his name!" Oberon demanded, letting out a bellow of rage.

Oberon reached for the axe, but Banhu turned and swung the spine with a bell at the end of it. He grasped the bell with a close-handed grip and started swinging it at Oberon. Smashing the giant bell through the horns in his helmet and breaking a quarter of it off. Multiple small shards scattered across the ground. Banhu swung the bell upwards and knocked Oberon in the chest with the bell.

"Rgh! Raa!" Oberon stumbled, but held his ground and roared as he clenched his fist.

Blood leaked from Oberon's head, but he stepped forward and punched Banhu again. Banhu stumbled to the left. The hulking clan leader from Baltin stepped forward and continued to clobber him. Banhu raised his fist in the air and slammed it into Oberon's dented chest piece. Oberon wasn't phased as he pulled his head back up with his fist ready and punched Banhu with an uppercut. However Banhu had spun right around and switched to a long grip on the weapon, the bell dragged through the ground as he swung it up and launched Oberon away. Banhu stepped back to catch his breath.

Ajal focused his spirit on his feet as he ran for where Oberon flew. 'Spirit Ignition!' He jumped upwards and caught Oberon from being launched too far. Ajal glanced at the multiple fights and different fighters trying to join. 'This is turning into a rumble, a lot is happening-' The sound of electricity crackling wildly and approaching fast alerted Ajal.

"Zetsu! Shura's Array! Fifth Form!" The queen conjured her jagged black sword in mid-air.

Vala swung the blade and it extended with several wires between each part of the sword, the disconnected sword was engulfed with flames. Avery jumped up and spun trying to land a punch to Iris's other side. Ajal landed and ran past Oberon, he focused his spirit to his feet immediately. 'Spirit Ignition!' Ajal jumped upward at great speed and caught Avery's fist. The electricity crackled, through his arm, tearing his sleeve.

"Beast Tamer!" Vala grunted as she clashed with Iris.

A wave of flame burned the resistance commander as she blocked the jagged blade. 'Heart of Darkness!' Ajal clad both his hands in a black aura. He absorbed the flame with one hand and the lightning in his other.

"This again!" Avery panicked!

Ajal's arms burned on one side and electrocuted on the other. 'Mold the energy!' Ajal's hands were covered in black lightning, and his sleeves burned off as he landed. He dragged the orange flames with his hand clad in shadow and pulled a dark flame out of it. The rest of the flames followed Ajal's hand and spiraled into a black cowl. The inside of it a pure white. He stuck both hands in the flame and suppressed it within the lightning. 'This lighting has almost physical properties to it, but delivers explosive damage...' Ajal looked up at Banhu with a hateful glare.

"Damn... Was that black magic?" Iris commented as she observed the tainted flames that were pulled off her.

"You continue to get in my way," Vala uttered angrily.

"Banhu!" Ajal roared as he dashed forward.

Banhu conjured his weapon above his head and stepped back, still slightly exhausted. As Ajal approached, Banhu swung the weapon down. Ajal slipped into the shadow as the bell hit the ground. As it bounced back up Ajal dashed above him and clasped his hands together, slamming both into his head. A burst of black flames and electricity added to the impact.

"Ahagh!" Banhu gasped.

Banhu was groggy, but he looked up and tried to swing back. Ajal blocked the strike by kicking his wrist, then threw two punches before Banhu could react. The flame and lightning burned Banhu as he fell backward. Banhu grunted in pain as Ajal grasped his collar and pulled him back in. He was burned and electrocuted after each punch Ajal delivered. Banhu tried to block, only to get hit at the spots he couldn't cover. Ajal was silent all the while, a look of scorn on his face as he continued beating the life out of Banhu. The resistance commander fell on his back, writhing as he grasped his stomach.

"Prepare to suffer for what you've done."

"Ba- Banhu..." Iris uttered with hesitation in her voice.

"I thought... He wasn't trying to kill anyone..." Avery muttered.

Banhu grasped his stomach, he looked up as Ajal's foot came down and smashed into his chest. 'Spirit Ignition!' Banhu cried out in pain, the clothes on his upper body burned off as Ajal grasped his throat and pulled him up. The clan leaders just stood by and watched with expressions of horror. Iris tried to run forward but shielded her face from the heat and electricity spreading across the battlefield. Ajal walked forward, his shirt flapping loosely off his shoulders as he lifted the resistance commander by the throat.

"Banhu!" Iris called out.

"St-stop," Banhu weakly uttered.

"Stop?" Ajal clenched his teeth and slammed his foot into his stomach. "Stop!?"

Ajal kicked Banhu in the chin, launched him into the air, and then jumped as well. 'Dark Passage!' Ajal clad his fists in a black-and-white aura as well. 'Spirit Ignition!' He slammed his fist into Banhu and ignited his spirit, launching him into the ground, the force making his body bounce off the stone. 'Triple Ignition! ' Ajal focused his spirit to his feet and dashed past Banhu as he bounced upwards. Ajal kicked him in the chin and launched him back into the air. Then crouched, Ajal leaped back up within half a second, slammed his fist behind him, and launched him even higher.

"Gah!" Banhu uttered with his last breath.

"Someone, who can't be remorseful for the hundreds they killed? Doesn't deserve mercy!" Ajal roared while beating Banhu ruthlessly.

'Dark Passage!' Ajal appeared below Banhu and punched him even further up. 'Dark Passage!' Ajal activated once more and appeared above Banhu.

"Imperial Battle Arts! Axe!" Ajal began punching Banhu repeatedly as they descended.

Ajal delivered a final Spirit Ignition with a kick and drove Banhu straight down into the concrete. Ajal landed, stood, and walked forward. Banhu struggled to his feet, the resistance commander raised his hand weakly. However, Ajal delivered a quick uppercut, launching Banhu back into the air. Banhu soared up once more, barely even conscious anymore, the wrath of Ajal's assault left him bruised, burned, and broken. Ajal jumped up and delivered another kick to his stomach. Ajal released another explosion of ether in the form of flame and thunder at the resistance commander.

"Agh!" Banhu cried out in pain.

Ajal breathed in and out, his fist shaking as he stood above Banhu, it felt like his conscious was begging him to stop. 'What a gross feeling...' The flames and lightning dissipated. Each clan leader stood in shock. Iris had trouble processing what she had just witnessed. Banhu groaned weakly on the ground.

"You're still conscious, good," Ajal crouched down and put the tip of his finger against Banhu's forehead, 'Dark Silence.'

Ajal's hand turned black and shriveled. Banhu's half-closed eyes fully opened. His pupils dilated and started to vibrate. Ajal stood and his hand changed back to normal.

"Now repent, face your sins and the reality of your actions, scum!" Ajal spat.

"What- What'd you do..." Iris asked a look of genuine shock on her face.

"It's a technique I don't like using, but after what you people have done here today... I'll use it on you too if I have to..." Ajal turned to Iris.

Banhu began to scream and cry, grasping his head as the visions tortured every part of his mind and being.

"His consciousness is being exposed to the sins he's committed throughout his entire life," Ajal explained.

"What the hell..." Iris uttered, "What the hell are you."

"I am the divine being of Imperion," Ajal said as he opened his third eye.

The moment he did, he sensed someone coming. He turned while conjuring a scythe and threw it at Rolo who approached with light steps in an attempt to kill Banhu.

"Dammit!" Rolo grunted as he was pushed backward. "Vala! We need to send reinforcements to Dorad!" Rolo roared.

"Rolo?" Vala turned.


"When I was launched earlier! I saw smoke rising in the east! Dorad is under attack! It was a two-pronged attack!" Rolo shouted.

All of the clan leaders who had already been in a state of shock were even further dumbfounded by Rolo's announcement. Vala's eye twitched slightly.

"Geral Murdok! That bastard!" Vala hissed.

"Vala!" Oberon and Avery cried out with extreme concern in their tone.

Iris grinned as an arc of flame flew through the air and hit the queen in the back, the queen cried out in pain as she fell to her knees. 'What the hell!' Ajal looked to the southwest and saw a man with two flaming red swords and a mohawk standing on the rubble with a smug grin on his face. While he had a belt and strange red fur on his shoulder, his pants were the same as Iris and Banhu's. The sound of hundreds of people came from his direction behind him, figures with flaming swords marched over the jagged rubble rapidly.

"Greetings fools, fools! And the fools I'm friends with!" the man cheered. "What a wonderful festival this is!"

"That's what's going on you bitch, you were never winning this from the get-go," Iris giggled with a smug grin, "I knew Geral wouldn't fail us," she cooed quietly.

'What? What did she mean by that?'

"Impossible! Blaize Eluk, you bastard! You opened the gate!" Vala cursed as she held her shoulder.

"Haha! That's a face I want to wake up to every day, it's time for the hybrid alliance to fall! Descendants of Tyra! Light your blades! Tonight! We are justice!" Blaize roared, and the army howled as the rumbling of marching feet became loud. Their blades started to light one after another, and hundreds of dark red flames approached.

'You've got to be kidding me...' Ajal watched an army of soldiers with swords and red fur somewhere on their upper bodies charge onto the battlefield. Ajal let out a sigh. He conjured two scythes and ran forward. 'More of them...' He dived through the shadow and then emerged out of Avery's and charged at the army. 'Dark Assault!' Ajal through the two spears spinning, then conjured six more in front of him, and sent them spinning at the army. The soldiers blocked the scythes but were launched back. More swordsmen took the lead, and Ajal kissed his teeth.

"Ugh..." Ajal groaned as he walked forward toward the army while he shook his head.

"Who the hell is that? What'd he just do!" The man who slashed the queen roared.

"Blaize this guy is dangerous! And crazy! Be careful men!" Iris ordered as loud as she could. "He defeated Banhu!"

Blaize's expression turned to shock, he looked through the battlefield and saw Banhu writhing on the ground.

"No way..." Blaize uttered.

As Ajal was about to clash with the army a wall of light appeared in front of him.

"What the hell..." Ajal muttered as he looked around quickly, discovering he had been surrounded by walls of light.

"Light Magic: Solid Light Cage!" a stern voice spoke.

"Light... Magic?" Ajal repeated.

Everyone looked at where the voice came from. A man with black hair and a blue robe walked forward between the two sets of combatants. 'Another angel?' He wore a white shirt with the golden insignia of a sword on it, the guard of the sword had a single eye on it. The robe he wore was quite large although he looked thin, 'A mage? ' There was a platoon of angels in glossy white armor, their chest pieces glowed green.

"Arid Lightbringer?!" said Vala. "Where have you been this whole time?!"

"Arid! He's dangerous, hit him with everything!" Avery shouted.

"Arid?" Ajal recognized the name, 'That's that noble Jack mentioned... The noble of House Lightbringer...'

The man walked forward with a calm expression, it was almost like he didn't care about the various battles happening around him. The platoon of angels surrounded the cage of light.

"All angels! Stand guard!" Arid ordered.

"What?" Rolo uttered in shock.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Angela asked, confused as well.

'Why is the other angel confused?'

"Angela, Zeus, cease your attack. As for the hybrids, I have no part in your business," Arid Lightbringer caught the eyes of each fighter.

"No... Part?!" Vala tilted her head. "What do you mean? We're allies!"

Arid walked toward the cage of light that encaged Ajal, ignoring the queen, and adding further frustration to her expression. Ajal put his palm to the wall of light, he slammed his palm against it to get a sense of its strength. Arid Lightbringer walked in front of him on the other side of the wall.

"Can I call you Ajal, divine being?" Arid asked.

Ajal squinted at him, 'What's this about...'

"Sure," Ajal replied.

"What do you seek? Your home? No... You assisted the non-unified, you seek safety for them too don't you?" Arid asked another question.

"You asked a question and then assumed my answer and asked another question..."

"Well, am I right?"

Ajal squinted, "Partially... I will set the non-unified free... "

"There is a continent in the north known as Pandora, inhabited by demons, creatures with immense power and access to the Spirit Arts techniques of Aka."

Ajal tilted his head, "I'm surprised you know about Aka... Most people just tell me about the demons but... You seem to know more?"

"You're good at reading people," Arid complimented with a lazy tone, his face had been lifeless the whole time. "Help us take the continent from the demons, and we will no longer require the non-unified, they will be free."

Ajal observed the man, 'Is he lying... Trying to use me? This barrier is pretty strong... it gives me a lot of time to charge my spirit though...'

"Help the clan leaders!", "You damn resistance members!" various hybrids who had been caught in Banhu's attack were entering the battlefield.

'Shit... The civilians want to fight too now... Huh?' Ajal noticed Reinhardt standing on top of the rubble, he was looking straight at Ajal.

"You seek to end this world's conflict, and so do we. The resources we require to survive are provided by the non-unified, the angels provide the technology and infrastructure as well as the faith of the Celestial-"

"Shut up," said Ajal.

"Hm?" Arid tilted his head.

"Do you think I'm stupid?"

"I don't understand what you mean?"

Ajal reached forward and touched the wall of light, it felt like a block that was fixed into place. 'Perfect...'

"You cannot escape this barrier-"

'Heart of Darkness...' Arid's eyebrows raised in shock as the golden wall of light became black and glowed a white light from within.

"Who said anything about escaping..." Ajal smirked.

"Black magic?!"

"How many times are people gonna use magic against me before they understand I counter it completely..." Ajal sighed.

"You- you took my magic?" Arid uttered as he stepped back.

"Yeah, and I'm gonna use it to end this," Ajal threatened them all.

"Damn Angels! You fools, destroy the barrier!" Vala ordered.

A bright flash of light appeared from Angela as she put her mask on, however, the barrier didn't vanish.

"My technique doesn't convert elements into darkness, it pulls the darkness out of them. Light and dark elements, like life and death, have properties that blend with the basic elements. You're little flash bang won't destroy this barrier."

"You- You're aware of the properties of magic?!" Angela uttered in disbelief.

"Of course I am..."

Arid clenched his teeth as he stepped back and pulled out a staff with a blue crystal ball at the end of it. 'I don't recall seeing him in the same room as the elders earlier...'

"If you want the non-unified to live good-"

"You want me to join you, no there's more to this than just the non-unified. Tell me why the demons are so vilified despite apparently secluding themselves away from all of you. Which is probably the right thing to do," Ajal chuckled.


"I'm not finished yet... Tell me the so-called crimes the non-unified committed. Tell me why Spirit Arts is unknown despite you knowing about Aka and where it comes from. Why do you even know about Aka? How much information are you hiding, Lightbringer?" Ajal asked with a condescending tone.

Arid didn't reply.

"Your lies won't work on me, I understand the balance of power far more than the rest of you. The Celestial, the divine beings, the harbingers, the abyss... Aka... They are the very foundation of this world."

Ajal focused his spirit on every part of his body, igniting his spirit across his spine all at once. He turned back to Arid who didn't seem phased about the approaching army.

"You people think I'm just gonna pick a side and join you as if your causes are right. But I've seen what your causes bring. Suffering... A cycle of hatred... And destruction. On top of that, you try to push this world towards what you want whilst controlling what they all know and don't know, right?" Ajal gestured with his hands in the air.

"And you think you're better?" Arid spoke back. "You're nothing but a weapon. That's all the divine beings are."

"Weapon..." Ajal uttered with grit teeth as he squinted. "You people think you can use me, that's your biggest mistake... None of you truly understand your place!"

His third eye opened and intent to kill flooded the area. Everyone stepped back in shock as they were overwhelmed by a sense of death. Ajal ignited his spirit across his spine all at once, the ground started to rumble.

The clan leaders watched with wide eyes. The civilians and the soldiers from Argol all froze and looked at the cage of black light. Ajal's clothes flapped wildly, his hair rose upwards. The third eye began to glow bright, a purple plasma emanated out of it. His spirit pulsed across his spine. Ajal hands clasped together, connecting his straightened thumb, forefinger, and annular finger's tips. While only connecting the curled middle and pinky fingers.

"Spirit Bloom..." Ajal uttered. "Wrath of the Reaper!"