Chapter 1:

Separate but equal powers to save.

Insurmountable Obstacles

A/N: Every name has significance in this story. Either the meaning or it's pronunciation. 


Let us back up a bit.  Firstly the explanation of how or Hero and Heroine became Hero and Saint. We'll start with Mamori.


Heiwano Mamori looked at the pink ball of light hovering in front of her. She was at once perplexed and annoyed. "Excuse me? Don't you have the wrong Heiwano? I can't fight you know?" 

The ball swayed, "Surely that's not true. Our files say that you have the highest magic power in your family."

Mamori at once understood. "Ah, you must be new to this. Have you read about my magic quality?" Mamori came from a magical family. Her mother was a great witch. Her grandmother was a Omnyouji. Her father was what could only be described as a Magical dandy. Her brother had inherited some sort of magic eyes and had weird charisma. Even her big sister had just recently concluded her adventure as a magical warrior. " I don't have or want any combat abilities."

The light spun in a spiral. "Surely that can't be true. With your potential...." Mamori found it a little odd when the Pink ball of light materialized a green data plate and began scrolling through it. She wondered how it did that with no hands "It say here you have the potential to grow into a saint and that your power to heal and protect will be second to none."

"And," Mamori said patiently as she looked herself a cup of green tea. "What does it say about my combat potential?"

"I don't see what that has to do" The light was clearly startled as it scrolled down to the section Mamori mentioned. "Combat ability and potential to grow zero?!"

Mamori took a sip of her tea with her left hand and pumped her fist with her right hand. 'Alright! Now I won't have to worry about my dates with Hiro-chan being interrupted. I can surely pawn this off to Onee-chan again! If that fails Onii-chan will take care of it for me!' Mamori was, in fact, planning to throw her more combat oriented siblings under the bus. She would like to refuse the stress magical heroics put on one's love life. She also didn't want to attract any weirdoes.

Unfortunately for Mamori's plans the ball of light was rather more professional than she had thought. "Apologies. Let me contact my supervisor." The light winked out of existence.

"Eh?" Mamori was shocked. Wasn't this the part where they were supposed to leave her alone or search for another Heiwano? Mamori suddenly found herself in a White space looking upon a woman with pink hair, pink pink skin, and and red eyes in a tasteful green one piece. "Eh?" She panicked a little. 'This better not be that other world thing. I just got a boyfriend too!'

"Fear not, Heiwano Mamori. Your selection wasn't a mistake. I've come here to explain the situation to you directly. I had to make a space so I could interact with you. You'll be able to go back home after we're finished." The pink woman Explained. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the Goddess of Salvation . My name is Soteria."

".... Soteria-sama." Mamori said a little tersely, "Can you explain to me the reasons for my selection?"

"It's quite simple, really. Your potential to save has only one equal," Soteria explained. "By unlocking your Saintly potential more people will be saved than if it had remained dormant."

'That's not fair!' Mamori wailed inside her head. 'Now I have to accept this annoying position. Wait a minute....' Mamori's had a sudden thought. "I'm in love and have a boyfriend. I'm not going to have to.... stagger our progress and I?"

Soteria blinked, "I don't see why you would? It's not like you'll be married to me or anything."

Mamori let out a sigh of relief. "Alright. I'll do it." Mamori accepted. "On one condition."

"Yes?" Soteria asked. 

"Soteria-sama does time pass differently in this space?"

"Well for every hour that passes here one second passes in your world." Soteria replied 

"Would I age if I were to stay here for a while?"

"You aging in here will ultimately only affect your mind and heart.Why do you ask? " Soteria wondered.

Mamori smiled radiantly and Sela got a feeling that her proposal would be amusing. "Train me."

"I intend to send someone to train you and instruct you in your duties as soon as you leave." Soteria said gently 

"I'm sorry, it seems I wasn't clear, Sela-sama. I want you, Soteria-sama, to train me directly. Right now." Mamori maintaed her smile. "That's my condition."

Soteria smirked at her, "You clever little mortal. You understand that this could take years in this space? What about your boyfriend?"

Mamori thrust her chest out, "He'll be fine." Mamori had a sudden surge of intuition. "Who's my equal in saving anyways?"

"Some green eyed guy named Yuuki Hiro." He's having a similar conversation right now apparently." Soteria pulled up a screen and showed Mamori a live video of Hiro making a very similar proposition to a very buff man in a black three piece suit. 

"Oh! That's my boyfriend!" Mamori squealed.

"...I see." Soteria was a little startled. That was rather convenient." I guess we can connect these spaces on breaks in your training."

Mamori positively sparkled. "Thank you very much Soteria-sama! Shall we get started?


Meanwhile with Hiro.

The Yuuki's were a clan of Heroes. Hiro's Grandfather had once saved an emperor. His mother has saved his father from an Assassin. His father had successfully complained bills that made it easier for marginalized groups to live into laws. His sister had once been part of a six-man squad that saved the world. And his brother..... well his brother had taken righteousness in the wrong direction but he was still fighting for justice. 

So it was no surprise to Hiro when he got pulled into a white Space and was facing a Buff man in a snazzy suit.

"Yuuki Hiro! Rejoice!  For you have been chosen! To be my Champion!" The man grinned winsomely at him.

"...." Hiro was momentarily creeped out. "I see. So, it's time then." Hiro said. "Whose name am I championing?" Hiro asked

"Why the Mighty Heracles of course." Heracles adjusted his tie bringing Hiro's attention to the lion tie clip.

'It was an Olympian?!' Hiro thought panicking a great deal. 'Okay. What do I know about Heracles. Strong, Honorable, Bisexual. God of Strength. Married to Hebe!' Hiro let out a sigh of relief. "So can you tell me why I was chosen?"

"Certainly. Heracles said. "It's because it's time once again for us Gods to pick Heroes. And your potential to save people is only equal to one other. She was chosen to be a saint at the same time you were chosen to be a Hero."

Hiro had an odd but pleasant feeling, "What was her name? I'd like to meet my equal someday."

Heracles pulled out a folder and withdrew a picture from it. "Her name was Heiwano Mamori." He handed the photo over to Hiro. Heracles tilted his head a little like he was listening to something 

Hiro nodded and pocketed the picture. "That's my girlfriend." he declared happy that they've been chosen at the same time for similar reasons.

"So I've heard. Now she's decided to take the Time lapse training course. Would you like to do the same or grow back in your world.

"....if I stay here to train can I see her on breaks." Hiro asked.

"Well, of course you can." Heracles said.

"I'll do it." Hiro made up his mind that very moment.

"Excellent. Most people want to grow on their own. Now an hour here is one second in your world. By the time we're finished you'll be emotionally and mentally ready to be a Hero." Heracles grinned jovially and Hiro got a bad feeling. Heracles pulled out a sheet of paper. "Now it says here that Your Heroic capacity for Strength, Attack, Speed, and Agility are all Top class. But you have zero ability for defense or to heal others. So we'll be training you so that it won't matter what your defensive skills are." Heracles started to stretch.

Hiro gulped and also started to stretch. "We?" He asked?

Heracles Smiled at Hiro who has a sudden chill run up his spine.


1 hour later at the Heiwano residence.

Mamori reappeared in South bloom county lolita dress set and holding a closed pink and white parosol embroidered will hearts. She tapped her parasol on the ground and was about to will away her transportation when she heard the distinct sound of a picture being taken. She whirled around to face her mother. "Okaa-san?!"

"Goodness, Mamori. You're gone for an hour and come back looking so cute!" Heiwano Kana said taking another picture of her adorable daughter with her phone. "Were you finally unable to avoid being selected as a savior?" Kana took another picture.

Mamori was taken aback, "You knew about that Okaa-san?" 

"Of course I did." Kana sent the pictures she took if her youngest to the rest of her family and put away her phone. She went over and hugged her daughter. "How long were you gone?"

Mamori melted into the hug, "10 years 7 months and 6 days." 

"My!" Kana exclaimed "Were you all alone?"

Mamori shook her head against her mothers chest, "No. Hiro-chan was dragged into a connected space. We spent 5 years together in total.

"I see....have you decided to kiss his lips yet?" Kana asked as she stroked her daughters chestnut hair.

"'s not time for that." Mamori said.

"And how old do you want me to treat you as? Are you still 19?" Kana asked. or are you 30 now?" 

"I'll be twenty in three months." Mamori insisted.

Kana smiled down at her daughter. "I see."


Meanwhile at the Yuuki residence

Hiro appeared wearing a velvet brown four piece suit. He was significantly more toned than just an hour ago. His sister, Okimi, looked at him from the living room couch. "Welcome home little bro. Mom! Dad!" she yelled, "Hiro's become a Divine Champion!"

'With just one glance?!' Was all Hiro had time to think before he was overwhelmed by the questions of his family.