Chapter 24:

You can balance out our extremity with your own

Noa's Arc


"But Noaaa! You promised!"

"I promised I would help aiMeter for a day, not join it."

Milli wraps her arms around my left arm and forces me to sit down at the sofa. Their living room is nearly twice as spacious as the apartment Gin and I share. It's fully furnished with colorful but not overbearing fixtures and appliances. From what I recall, Milli and Deci record most of their videos in this room.

Sitting at the center of the long crescent sofa is Deci, a tall artist model android wearing a white form-fitting pea coat and matching pants. They have their legs crossed and arms resting on their lap in a languid yet elegant manner. Their face is a highly customized module: beautifully androgynous with ornate engravings around the eyes. Deci lazily gestures to me with an open palm.

"We're not asking you to become a permanent addition, just a guest for today's 2ich stream."

"I'd rather not call any more attention to myself than needed. Can't I just work behind the scenes?"

"But Noaaa!"

Milli starts tugging on my arm again. She is wearing another one of her baggy hoodies. This one is light pink with slightly glowing white and yellow stripes running across the sleeves and spelling 'A.I.' on her chest. Her hair is tied in a high ponytail and is strawberry blonde this time around.

"If you're that averse to the limelight, how about a disguise?"

"Oooh makeover!"

I raise an eyebrow.

"A disguise?"

"A costume, an alias, a false identity. You already have experience dressing up as a fabricated character, yes? We'll simply introduce you with a fake name and your mundane day-to-day will be kept safe from the public."

Deci pulls out their rPhone from the inner pocket of their coat. After a few taps they hold it horizontally and it projects a holo-image of my cosplay from earlier.

"Please delete that image."

"Why? You pulled it off fine for a first-timer."

"I know right?! She's so cute."

(more description? artist model)

"I'm going to be honest with you Noa. Ever since Centi left, aiMeter has been on the decline."

"Screw that bitch!"

"Milli, hush."

Deci looks at Milli with a scolding glare before locking eyes with me once more.

"The group dynamic is what really made aiMeter, aiMeter. With Centi gone, we've been making do as a duo but..."

"I'm too energetic and Deci is too much of a lanky anemic sloth on anesthesia."

Deci stands up and disappears into the next room, but they manage to maintain a loud enough voice to keep the conversation going.

"Centi was like our mediator and voice of reason. Milli and I march to our own beat and Centi would keep us in line. Or at least she tried to. Without her, our metavids as of late has been a bit too chaotic for our audience."

"And you expect me to be her replacement."

"For the rest of the day. You being a straight and strict security model is perfect actually. You can balance out our extremity with your own."

"I can never tell if you people are complimenting me or insulting me."

"Then you won't have to worry about audience opinion. Here, swallow it."

Deci returns with a relatively large multicolored capsule pill between their thumb and finger. He hands it to me and I stare at it on my palm.

"What is this?"

"An old v16PalettePill. More commonly known as 'Rainbow hair'. It'll allow you to change hair color. I'll style it and Milli can probably modify your face to look different since she's using the same module."

"Deci calls it old but the v17 we're using only released like ten days ago."

"In our line of work, what's old is defined by the amount of new coming out. And there's always something new everyday."

I suppose if they can ensure my privacy, it won't be too bad. I did promise to help after all. Along with my apprehension, I swallow the pill.
