Chapter 6:

The Mirror Maze?

This world will Stand

*They are at the Carnival*

"Woahhh look at how pretty this is" Said Yuki holding a clear red Jewel

"But The Fun things are really Here" said Avan

*His hand points to a part of the carnival that has the atmosphere of a circus*

"Let's go and check out what's there it looks fun!" Said Avan

Avan was late. Zachary and Yuki had already left him there for the other side of the carnival. Leaving him but no choice to run off and find them.

Avan : "HEYyyy GUYss cOmE OnnN, GIvE mE a BreaK!"


                                                With Zachary And Yuki

Zachary: "Hey Yu Lets go check out this!" He points to a mirror maze

*Yuki is eating cotton candy*

" A Mirror MaZe? How Childish... LETS GO!" said Yuki

Yuki grabs Zachary's arm and dashes over to the start of the mirror maze.

Yuki: "Hmmm Seems weirdly fishy"

Zach: " Huh What do you mean? "

* Zachary gets a omnisent feeling from the mirrors*

Zach: "Now that you mention it something does seem weird.."

Yuki: "Yeaaah lets go CHECK IT OUT!"

*Zachary turns his head towards Yuki and gives her a Sarcastic face*

Zachary: "Yah sure, lets just walk right in knowing that something is fishy"

Yuki: *Blankly* " Well yeah"

* She shrugs then walks right in*

Zachary Pov: Whatever..

* He steps in*

(The doors close)

Yuki: "Hmmm usually about now the monster shows up."

MiorMind: " GIve it 10.. Seconds" 

Zachary: " Well I guess we have 10 sec till he.. Well kills us, or a big battle."

Yuki: "Well I'm taking the 2nd option, also this time cant you fight?"

MiorMind: "8"

Yuki: " You saw.. something and it told you what to do, Right? So Since this person seems more "stronger" Lets fight together.."

Zachary: "Well I guess.."

MiorMind: "3"

Yuki: "Ok well we better have some good moves planned"

Zachary: "Yep.."

MiorMind: "2"

MiorMInd: "1" He says in a more sinister voice

Yep another cliffhanger... Sorry But I promise I'll give this a great battle!

Find out what happends when the time runs out read next chapter! coming soon!

What does MiorMind look like?

Well it's a guy, He has shards of glass on his face has black hair a very big smile and he has 4 arms.