Chapter 6:

Chapter 6: Let it happen

Green and Gold

“Oh boy, well where do we start eh?” Nathan exclaims as he makes the decision to tell Akari about the boys’ past whether it will help them or not in the future remains a mystery.                                                                             “Our brother Isaac who is having dinner in your company and is the sole reason we are here tonight is very close to your daughter and she made us feel very welcome despite us only being here for about a week as we are English teachers at the university which we appreciate massively as we didn’t really receive a lot of love when we were young as we were all at the same orphanage which is how we all met, only Isaac can really remember his legal parents but I cannot even memorize them if they spoke to me today, Kyle has an idea but can’t really recall their faces but to know that we can potentially brighten someone’s day is good enough for us three, due to our different characteristics but similar ideals, it became inevitable we’d stay by each other in the long run”. “I mean we have done everything together from a young age such as playing knock a door run to making paper aeroplanes and launching them at teachers, and also setting fire to the curtains at prom with a lighter and a fart, it gave kids like us a lot of joy, we may have had a rough childhood but we made sure to be the best we could and have fun doing so as Isaac isn’t going to stop until he can smile back at himself in the mirror, that’s why we’ve stuck with him throughout his life and will continue to do so” Kyle tells Akari as the three are sipping wine after wine becoming a bit tipsy as the night went on with the effects of the wine making them all drunk upon belief.

“Burrrrrrrp, I’m not sure it’s been told but we’re not very classy so we apologies in advance but believe me as we say we can make fun out of anything” Nathan drunkenly tells Akari who is laughing at his belching as Kyle is stacking up the plastic glasses and bowls them back over with a softball but dropkicks the remaining glasses. The boys are an absolute mess when drunk and decide that there are no boundaries with their actions or words however its common sense that they needed to be careful in the presence of a lady of this class. “I must say I haven’t had this much fun in a long time and I’m 43” Akari responds and laughs. “Fuck off you’re 43, you don’t look a day over 21” Nathan and Kyle passionately tell her admiring her beauty. “However there is one thing I should ask of you, I didn’t wish to bring it up but I feel I have to, you see Isaac does suffer from mild autism and does tend to struggle with stuff but we please ask as friends to treat him no different, all he wants is for everything to go well and bring smiles to the faces of many his way” Nathan confidently tells Akari whilst Kyle is taking the mick out of Yukia and Ena by picking up the ladle and putting it as high as he can until Ena gives him a gut punch showing to not mess with her.

“My goodness Nathan I would never of guessed a good lad like him had autism, I’m glad you had the courage to tell me just now, your friend and you lot are all very special and I’d love to invite you all round again, I promise on behalf of myself and the family to not treat him any different as that would be wrong and disrespectful, he’s showed nothing but love and care to my daughter, if there’s ever anything we can do to help, please don’t be afraid to ask” Akari replies as she soon becomes mesmerized by the proposed skill that Kyle has asked her to watch as the music continues to play throughout the room, considering the stupid shit Kyle has been up to all night, this came at a massive shock to Akari as Ena throws a bottle in the air to which Kyle back kicks and lands a trick shot with the bottle flying at high speed forcing everyone to duck and strikes Yukia on the head. Everyone deciding whether to laugh or help her out decide to help as Akari is completely shook over what she’s seen. “Wow that was impressive, when did a boy so young learn to do that”. “Remember when I said we have different characteristics, well Kyle’s leg muscles are built like a fucking train plus his flexibility and movement is no joke, he always did prefer karate and working his legs as he was very fussy growing up whilst myself and Isaac focused on upper corer strength in the cadets”. These comments and actions from Nathan and Kyle especially Isaac’s ambitions sparked a change in Akari noticing a kind of power unlike ever seen before.

It was time for us all to leave as the night grew far too late even for them as Sara is at the front door to dismiss us after what was classed as an eventful evening. After the farewells were said, Akari makes her way to where her husband is present and decides to enlighten him with her much recent experience with the lads in a short space of time bearing in mind, she’s been on the red wine all night and is stumbling towards Hozumi stood at the top of the stairs placed in the centre of the room where he can see the door.

“Sweet heavens dear, how much did you have?” Hozumi says. “E-enough to know that you need to give ‘burp’ that young lad Isaac a chance, you know your son was right all this time, that boy can offer the same even more than the Ito’s boy can, all he ‘buuurp’ needs is the chance, you know Sara is going to say no to every offer that doesn’t include Isaac as this new connection is genuine, see for yourself” as Akari points her husband outside the window to two dogs humping in the street indicating how drunk she is as Hozumi saves her the embarrassment and looks towards the door as I receive a kiss from Sara as I make sure to tell Hozumi many thanks for having me round.

“I know my daughter better than anyone and she has never opened herself up to anyone quite like him, they have many qualities and I personally believe they could be an asset to our foundation”. “Do you truly think so? It’s like Kosuke told me, I should attempt to make amends with Isaac and learn more about all 3 of them but I want to see it through my own eyes, I will give him a week, that should be enough time to have a final agreement, is that fair with you honey?” Hozumi states as his wife is passed out on the floor asleep not hearing a single word. “Don’t worry father I heard it all” Kosuke in the hall says as he picks his mother up for bed. “I’m sure Sara will want you to see them again, the real question is how will you explain this to Kuragari, just keep in mind you will have mine and the foundation’s full support should it all go to shit, well I’ll be taking mother to bed before she falls down the stairs like last time, goodnight”. “I appreciate it son, goodnight” Hozumi says as he then figures out his next plan of action. ‘I think now would be a good time to give Kuragari a call before I forget, would he be awake at this time? Then again, he’ll always make time for me whether its business or idle chatter’ as he locks the door and makes way to his office. A twist in the works has taken the form of a butterfly, how will this new relationship between two lost souls effect those around?