Chapter 74:

Lance Makes A Move

Ane And His Seames

A huge wasteland was shown and Ane rose from some debris in the midst of the giant crater. He stumbled forward and looked around dizzily and despair filled his face. "It's night but it's so bright and the city...the city's gone!" Lana said as she came up to Ane and clung onto him; coughing

"Look up." Lisa said as she she came to the two. Ane and Lana looked up to see a huge ball of magma floating there.

"What the f..." Ane began.

"It's him." Ene interrupted as he dug out the debris. A figure landed behind him and the teens frowned before Ene turned. Lance stood there; grinning and exhaling steam.

"You maniac! You blasted a city full of innocent people!" Ane yelled.

"Nobody's truly innocent. Except maybe children. Majority of their fates were linked to the underworld anyway." Lance remarked. The teens stared angrily at him and he rose his hands in surrender. "There's no need to worry. I used my demonic power to chase away the humans in this city. I might be a demon but I'm not heartless." Lance said; grinning.

"So what do you want?" Ane questioned. Lance's smile grew and he eyed Ane and then Ene.

"I want my son." he said with a despicable grin.

Lance stood above the teens ominously. "Over my dead body!" Eina yelled as she slid in front of Ene.

"Eina?" Ene asked.

"It's okay Ene. I'll never let this guy take you." Eina reassured; smiling. Lance laughed.

"You make me sound like a villain for telling my should I put this?" he began; holding his chin thoughtfully. "Ahh...His curfew's over." Lance concluded; nodding and smirking.

" if!" Ane yelled as all the teens stood in front of Ene. Ane nodded at Ene who stared back silently.

"You just sit this one out Ene." Eina said; smiling before glaring at Lance.

"So you kids are all about the "together makes us stronger" garbage?" Lance asked mockingly; laughing. The teens frowned determinedly and Lance stopped laughing and stared. "Oh, you guys are serious?" he queried. Ane appeared besides Lance and kicked the man across what was left of the city. "Good shot!" Lance yelled from behind the teens. Ane appeared before him; frowning and activating his dragon eyes. He summoned his blades and Lance chuckled.

"I guess I'll humor you all for a bit. You won't mind the delay right, Ene?" Lance growled; watching Ene whose eyes were shielded.

"I'll take the lead this time." Eina said as she jumped besides Ane and hit the ground. Large roots stretched out at Lance who stood there calmly. His right arm set ablaze and he casually swung it; instantly burning away the roots. Ane flashed to Lance and fired a kick which the demon dodged to then fire a punch which Ane thrusted himself from. Ane's eyes enlarged and he then dove into the air and all the other teens jumped back. As Lance's fist that he had fired at Ane hit the ground; a huge explosion occurred. A water bullet shot at Lance who sighed before his left arm set aflame and he rose it dryly behind him; evaporating the water instantly. 

"Damn it." Lana said; biting her lip. A dragon claw was barely dodged by Lance as it came rocketing down. Lance smiled.

"As I'd expect...dragon." he said.

"His name's Ane!" Lisa yelled as she shot an arrow with her bow into Lance's heart causing him to fling away. Ane appeared behind him and slashed.

"Demons might have more than one heart...right?" Ane whispered before punching Lance; breaking the man's skull and neck.

"Yeah; some of us have multiple." Lance remarked from behind Ane who turned in shock. Lance stood on some debris; unscathed.

"What? He wasn't there a second ago!" Lisa yelled.

"Hmmm." Eina thought; squinting at Lance.

"Why won't you stay dead!" Ane yelled as he paced at Lance sliced continuously. Lance calmly dodged all the attacks before kicking Ane away.

"Is that all?" he asked.

"No it isn't!" Ane shouted as the dragon's aura spat from him and he landed on some debris. His claws and fangs appeared before he lunged himself at Lance who tried to dodge but received claws to his stomach.

"Pretty impressive transformation." Lance said from besides Ane. He then rose his ablaze hands and a large line of flames was caused. Ane jumped out of the way with insane speed and Lance's hands grew claws as the flames from his arms spread to them and his chest. Lance grinned and dove at Ane who leaned onto one of his arms. He entered Dragon Hunt and phased away. Lance's eyes rocketed about as Ane was visible to him; flashing across the area. Ane dove at Lance and slashed at the man who vanished into flames and appeared above Ane; coming down with his claws aimed for the kill.

A portal appeared between Ane and Lance; teleporting Lance away from the teen. "Made it!" Mandy yelled happily. Ane came out of Dragon Hunt and hopped to her; sighing.

"Thank goodness you're here. Thanks for that save." he remarked. Mandy blushed.

"You're welcome." she said. Lance appeared out from some lava that fell from a huge summoning circle and he stood up; sighing.

"I guess it's about time I get ride of you all. It WAS fun while it lasted." he remarked.

"Screw you!" Eina yelled. Lance did hook 'em horns with both hands and his entire body set ablaze and his hair spiked and grew all the way down to his waist. Ene glance at him.

"Lancer!" Lance chanted.

"This's insane. We need to get out of here!" Lana yelled. Lance nodded continuously while doing the peace sign before smacking his head forward.

"Burn Baby!" he screamed. The teens jumped aside as fire spread far out in a straight line; incinerating all in it's path.

"Forcefield Teleportation!" Mandy blurted. The teens teleported to far behind Lance and Mandy's forcefield surrounded them.

"Mandy?" Ane asked.

"I...had to." the girl responded breathlessly; pointing to the entire area in front of Lance which was now set ablaze as the ground literally melted away.

"T-that's insane." Eina said; looking terrified. Lance turned to the teens; eyes glowing red. He grinned.

"You guys sure a persistent!" he yelled; clenching his fist. Pure malice filled his face as he rose his other hand and the flames around him turned purple. This exact flame began appearing above the teens.

"Look out!" Ane yelled as he formed clones which pulled him and the others away and flung them far back where another clone caught them. The clone that stopped Ane himself; launched him forward as he entered Dragon Hunt once more. He appeared besides Lance and swayed his hands before the demon. The air blew the flames from Lance who grinned.

"I see." he thought as Ane fired a punch to his ribs; crushing through Lance's chest to the back. Ane then pulled his hand out. "DIE!" Lance yelled from behind Ane as he was about to blast Ane with a line of fire.