Chapter 26:


We Are ☆ Star Club!

Soon, fall would come to an end. And for that reason, we wanted to see the seasonal constellations for one last time, before it got too cold to stay outside for too long. This night was clear and without rain.

Instead of going to our usual spots, Erica led us to the forest. We all held small lanterns in our hand, and the yellow light did its best to illuminate the way. It wasn't helping much, though. Even with that bit of light, it was unnerving to listen to the sounds of the forest. I couldn't - or didn't want to - imagine what was going on around us. I heard some branches cracking and falling, and the wind rustled through the remaining leaves. A bird cried out, and on the ground, small animals hurried away, crunching the leaves under their tiny paws. I stayed close to the others. This was a scenario straight out of one of Maria's horror movies. I could imagine a thousand ways for us to get lost. Or worse.

At least we had Erica with us. Not only did she lead us to the spot she had in mind, but with her strength, she would certainly protect us. That thought comforted me a bit, but still, every sound I heard made me twitch. And even though my heart raced, I could understand why Erica chose this spot. Out here, it was beautiful to watch the stars through the remaining foliage. Above us twinkled a sea of gemstones set in velvet blue. I was so mesmerized that I didn't watch my step, and tripped over something.

With a small yelp, I fell backwards, tumbled, and rolled down and down a slope. Just by pure luck I didn't hurt my head.


I must have lost my lantern, for there was only darkness around me. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear my friends yell.

"What happened?"

"Where are you?"

I wanted to call out to my friends, but I couldn't. My whole body ached, and I struggled to get up. In the dark, I couldn't see anything. And now, even the stars looked terrifying, their cold light shining down on me. The voices of my friends got quieter. Wait, are they going away? Didn't they see where I fell?

Oh no. Oh no no no no no. I have to get up. I have to do something! Get to them. Say something. Do something!

Somehow, I managed to get up, even though my legs were throbbing with pain. Well, that's good, at least. If I can move, that means nothing is broken, that's good, that's good... My breathing was heavy, and I heard the blood rushing in my ears. I won't touch it... good thing it's dark, and I can't look at it... I'll disinfect it when I get home...

I manged to take a step forward, trying to decipher the direction they took. With my arms outstretched, I could fell the slope where I had fallen from. It was pretty steep, and I couldn't imagine climbing it up again. I was really lucky to have survived that... in complete darkness, nonetheless. I was still alive. I still had a chance. Slowly, I walked through the darkness, walking from one tree to the next, leaning against them. I could only make out vague shapes in the darkness, and even my hearing seemed dulled. Maybe that was for the best. I was so exhausted that I wasn't even afraid anymore.


A ghostly voice wafted over to me. The sound made me flinch.


I couldn't keep myself from being silent. This wasn't possible. Why would anybody else be in this part of the forest?

"...are you lost?"

I turned around, but in the darkness, there were only more vague shapes. But someone - or something - had to be there. Was a ghost considered a person? Surely. But was this even a ghost? I blinked, and for a moment, I saw blood-red eyes flash in the dark.


I screamed out, but I was too weak to run away. I'm the worst horror protagonist, I thought.

" afraid. I help you."

Whatever it was, it came closer.

"I... what..."

I couldn't think.

"A friend."

Somehow, it must have understood my question. Closer, and closer the shadowy person came. I stood still. There was no way I could outrun it, even if I didn't feel like laying down somewhere and curling up in a ball. I would just have to trust it. With a deep breath, I managed to smile at the shadow.

"Good evening," I said.

"Evening," the shadow replied, tilting its head.

"You are right," I continued, "I'm lost. My friends are somewhere else. Could you help me find them?"


The creature sounded pleased.

"Yes. I help."

With those ghostly whispers, it came closer, and the scents of the forest were much more intense: I could smell wet leaves and moss, dirt and pine needles. It wasn't bad, but unexpected.

"Lean against me. We will walk."


This is strange. But... it seems harmless enough, right? So I took a step closer to the shadow, and leaned against it. Surprisingly, it was solid, yet soft, like I was leaning against a moss-covered stone. With its help, I walked into the direction the others had gone in. The sounds of the forest were still scaring me, and I couldn't endure the silence.

"So, who are you?"

I tried not to look at it. But still, I felt safe. Safe enough for a little chit chat.

"I am."

There was no further elaboration. But somehow, that was okay with me.

"My name is Sara, by the way."

Usually, that would be polite small talk, but after those words had escaped my mouth, memories of stories and fairytales rushed back to me. Now that the creature knew my name, would I get cursed? Or eaten? Or would something else happen? I didn't know, and honestly, didn't want to know what my future would hold.

"Nice... to meet you... Sara."

"You, too."

This was strange, but somehow, not too strange. At least it was not worse than talking to any other stranger. Aside from the fact that it was in the middle of the night. In unknown woods. And with someone that wasn't even human. I gulped.


"A bit," I honestly answered.

This is scary. I'm more than a bit afraid. But still... I took a deep breath again.

"I just want to get back to my friends."

I almost stumbled again, but the shadow held me.

"Friends...", it echoed, "yes..."

I smiled through the darkness at it. I saw red eyes blinking back at me, but they didn't seem so scary anymore. Just a bit weird.

"Thank you for your help."

"Yes. I help."

Though we had our difficulties communicating, I enjoyed our conversation. It made the night a bit less dark, less scary.

"Thanks for being here with me. I would be so scared if I was alone."

"So many... thanks..."

I shrugged. While my steps were still slow, my body didn't hurt as much now. Soon, I would be able to walk normally again.

"Well, it's true. Without you, this would be much more scary. And I would probably get lost."

"Lost... afraid..."

I nodded.

"But now, I'm not."


Somewhere in the distance, I could her the faint voices of my friends, still calling out for me. My heartbeat quickened. We had to be close! Not long, and I would be reunited with them. What a relieving thought. I walked faster, and though it was dark, it felt like the whole forest was illuminated, pointing me towards my friends. The shadow at my side remained there, keeping me steady. It muttered only one word.


It was almost like it could read my thoughts. I stopped, and gave the shadow a hug.

"Yes, my friends. Thanks for bringing me to them, and I'm sure they'll want to thank you for that, too."

It was probably the weirdest hug I had ever given anyone, but sharing my daily life with an alien, that probably didn't count for too much.


Arisu's voice echoed through the forest. I let go of the shadow, and turned towards her. I saw her outline behind the small lantern rushing towards me, and the others followed.

"Are you okay?"

"You found us!"

"Ah, I'm so glad..."

"Uwaaaa... see, everything is fine..."

I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded.

"Yes, thanks."

I smiled at my friends, their smiles lit up by the light. It was so good to know we had each other.

"How did you even find us?"

Erica looked at me, half worried, half amazed.

"Oh, that was..."

I looked around me, but the shadow had vanished, as if it was a part of the forest again.

"I got help from the woods, I think."

"The woods?"

I shrugged.

"Or someone living in it?"

They didn't seem like they believed me, but they also didn't question me any further. I took one long, last look into the forest. And even though I couldn't see the creature, I could feel it watching me. With a smile, I raised my hand, waving it goodbye.