Chapter 9:




Let's go home together!」said Hayami

*perplexed*「-I've got work after this, so-. I'll have to pass.」said Kuro

「Didn't you say the same thing yesterday?」said Hayami

「Our manager and boss like to work me to the bone, you know- *it's such a pain!*」said Kuro

*dash*「Anyway need to go!」said Kuro

「He ran away.」said Ino

「Yup ran away.」said Souta

*sigh*「He doesn't want to home with me either. Am I a bother to him?」 said Hayami * gloomy *

* comforting * 「I don't think that's it.」said Nanami

「Yeah, it's just that-. Yamagi-kun probably hasn't made up his mind on how he's going to face you.」said Yuri


(The other day-)(Kiyoko confessed to me.) {Kuro}

*remembering*「Sigh. Really, how do things end up like this?」said Kuro * problematized *

「What are you saying, You lucky man? Isn't that good for you? It must be bliss to have a cute girl chasing after your ass.」said Kiichi

「No, it isn't. (Don't say 'ass'!). 

I have simply no idea what Kiyoko's thinking.」said Kuro

「If we could understand what goes on in the minds of girls, then the men of this world wouldn't be suffering so much right now.」said Kiichi

「Hey, Why are you smoking anyway? Go back to work.」said Kuro

「I will after I finish this. Emi-chan won't let me smoke at home, you see~」said Kiichi

* * * *

* ding dong *

「Well, I have to say, I was surprised when you suddenly confessed to Kuro. (It was jaw-dropping.)」said Ino

「I think it's okay? There are some things that you need to tell Kuro transparently.」said Souta 

「If you just acted normally, I don't think Yamagi-kun would have noticed your feelings.」said Yuri

「We're right behind you, Kiyoko-chan.」said Nanami

(-But, Kuro's been avoiding me ever since I confessed to him-

On my whim, I told him to fall in love with m, but-)(Is he already in love with someone? 

If that's the case-)

「By the way, do you know where Kuro went?」said Hayami

「I haven't seen him.」 said Yuri

「Maybe he's-」said Souta




「There he is」said Souta

*jolt*「Why are you both here?」said Kuro * averting *

「Don't you think it's futile to be holding yourself up here during breaks?」said Ino

「Kiyoko won't be able to follow me in here, and she won't be able to corner me. So, no weird rumors will start.」said Kuro

「I think holding up inside the toilet would surely start weirder rumors.」said Ino *concerned*

*sigh*「Stop being stubborn. If you like her, then date her.」said Souta

「I- I don't like her!」said Kuro * flustered *

「Then turn her down properly. You're being such a hypocrite if you're gonna run away from her without answering.」said Ino


(-What the heck-. What do you want me to do?-.

Fall in love with you? 

In the first place, if you ask me if I love Kiyoko or not, then-)

*embarrassed**shake* *shake*

(NO. No way. I don't "love" her yet!)(But I don't hate her either!!

Besides, If I admit That I like her now, it's like I'm too easy!

In the first place, I have no idea why someone would even like me.)


「Kuro!」 said Hayami



「Can we walk home together later?」

「Ah, I've work so-」said Kuro

「LIES! I asked Kiichi-san. You've got the day off.」said Hayami

「-Yeah.」said Kuro (damn you, Kiichi-.)

「Well, If you've got a plan, then I won't force you, but-. There is something I want to talk to you about. Could you give me some of your time?」said Hayami

「......? Okay.」said Kuro

........... ding dong ...........

「What do you want to talk about?」

「Um- Kuro, are you in love with anyone?」

*Blushed* (Don't ask me that-)「Why would you ask me that kind of thing?」

「Because, I told you to fall in love with me, but-. If you were already in love with someone else, then I'd feel sorry-」

(What would she do if I say yes? She won't give up anyways? Or-)「-No, not really.」said Kro


「What good will it do if I lie?」

「Thank goodness-. So the chance that you might fall in love with me isn't zero.」


(Nuh-uh, no "ba-thump" going on here. But, since everyone is telling me to date, Kiyoko, then maybe it would be better if I try dating her for now and-) {Kuro}

「By the way. No "Let's try dating for now", okay?」said Hayami

(Hm?) 「Huh?」

「I don't want you to date me if you don't even like me. Kuro, you even said to me that that's wrong.」said Hayami

「I guess-」(Yeah, I did say that.) said Kuro

「Besides, what would we even do if we tried dating?」 said Kuro

「Huh? Um- Phone calls?」said Hayami

「We still call each other even though we're not dating.」said Kuro

「Yuri-chan mentioned going on dates-」said Hayami

「Ah, she did say that. As for Ino and Miyoshi-san-」siad Kuro

*Embarrassed*「-No, about kissing and stuff, well-」said Hayami

「........ You said you love me, but-. Do you want to do that kind of stuff with me?」said Kuro

*red-faced*「Wh-why would you ask me that kind of thing?」saidHayami

「Ah, s-sorry. I said that without thinking.」said Kuro

「Umm, I can't say I'm not interested in it-. And, if I had a boyfriend then, that kind of stuff is-.

Yeah, I want to, I think.」said Hayami

「HUH!?」*shocked and embarrassed*

「I am not saying I want to do it right now, you know!? 

*self-defense* I'm talking about when you fall in love with me!」*flustered*

「Then what's with that pose!?」

「You don't particularly like the girl, but you'll try dating her anyway-

Everyone else is telling you to, and you want to try it out anyway-. I don't want that.」said Hayami


「That' way, if you fall in love with me, Kuro-

If that comes, then-

*ba-thump* -Bye, see you tomorrow.」said Hayami

*ba-thump* *ba-thump* *ba-thump*

(Th-then what?)

* * * * *
