Chapter 3:

FAFO - The Scientific Method

Sunehachu: A Violet Cat's Daydream

Author’s note: karan koron is the sound geta makes while you walk.


The skirt of Koharu’s new dress flits and flaps in the cool breeze on this beautiful day. She stands at the back of the house where a bare garden sits upon a large hill. The stone path requires little hops or big steps as it snakes down through some bushes revealing a stone gate and metal door. Behind the door Koha finds a foot path stairway with many steps. She can barely make out the ocean at the base of the hill while looking in the opposite direction where the shotengai entrance peeks around the corner nestled between two cafes.

Our kitty girl takes off in her new outdoor geta, a different pair from the ones she rubbed her face upon which are now of dark cherry wood and instead of thongs brandish a fat green strap. Brand spanken new boots were left behind because today Koharu doesn’t expect to travel more than 5 minutes to the nearby gardening shop.

Karan koron karan koron karan koron..

Halfway to the shotengai a small park is found nestled and hidden between the sides of two residences and canopied by tall trees obscuring the area, allowing only but trickles of light. A bench, mini slide, and water fountain can be viewed with high difficulty due to the darkness and for some undefinable reason the isolated feeling causes a shiver down Koha’s spine.

The park is quickly passed by with a karan koron karan koron karan koron...

This kitty girl ponders a bit as warm rays light up her exposed cheeks. “I’m glad I’ve found somewhere to live but now that I’m here, iunno what to do next since Velvet hasn’t popped up.” A small shrine is nearly passed by at the edge of a detached section of a home. Engraved on the wooden sign is a cat and ‘Shrine of Feline Vitality’ written upon it.

“Mmm..” Koharu reaches past her head to scratch her neck. She grumbles while clenching her eyes shut and opening her coin purse, fishing out a single 500yen coin. With a small ‘ka-chak’ sound the coin is placed gingerly inside the shrine as an offering. Two keira hands then come together twice and a small bow is given before the violet haired woman takes her leave.

As she turns her back, however, a dull ‘don’ noise is heard coming from the shrine. Spooked, Koharu cricks her neck to the direction of the place she deposited that fat coin. She stumbles back on her ass and scrambles half a meter away, legs pointed into a triangle. “What the-?!”

In the location the coin was placed now sat a small rounded cube box etched in silver.

Her head jets left and right looking for the prankster but this cat girl sees absolutely nobody. She’s all alone on this enclosed stairway.

With a shaky hand slick with sweat the box is slowly picked up and without perceivable danger in sight, the lid is gently lifted. Inside this mysterious box is a purple square of a powdery texture. A single finger pokes and prods the mysterious object which regains its shape just like..

“.. a marshmallow.”

Koharu’s jaw hangs downwards agape in disbelief. “Ehh..?”

Once again she looks around for a suspicious prankster holding a phone yet again finds none. Teeth clenched, a brash decision is made without another thought in order to quell this bursting hot curiosity. The marshmallow is pinched between her forefinger and thumb then brought up to peach lips where the squishy sweet is kissed and consumed.

Very little effort is taken to chew the delightful lavender flavored treat as her tongue constricts it joyfully against the roof of her mouth. “Wow that’s like homemade.” She utters, hands clutching her cheeks in bliss as the marshmallow is finally swallowed.

Suddenly an eclectic sensation pierces through her body like lightning; causing Koharu’s back and tail to arch unnaturally. A surprised gasp wrings out.
Arms first brace inwards painfully with fingers bending in shock before relaxing as the sensation leaves her appendages. The vibrating energy had spread throughout before finally collecting within her chest as it goes from prickly to warm, revolving and reverberating within her bosom before breaching the skin and clothes to encircle her. Tippy toes leave the Earth by quarter of a meter with arms stretching down and outwards while fingers are coaxed to fan out.

Bright particles eat at the woman’s clothes with a whoosh while enveloping the bare skin in a dazzling display, fading into alien garments.
Starting from the toes the beginning of a white scalloped material is brought into existence revealing a skin tight body suit stopping at the underbust. Gaps are left at the outer thighs with a sheet of pink hugging the hips.
Pink spreads from the jugular and ends at the chest as a cape-like turtleneck bolero bib across the shoulders.
Light sheens across the breasts leaving a gleaming purple breastplate in its wake.
Koharu’s arms are beckoned upwards by the raw energy where her fingers caress from her collar to the end of the rib cage and then from the back of her nape to the waist, sliding to her crotch and around the buttocks. In areas touched a black stripe is left containing her name etched upon it.
Purple box-heels pop into view, having a paw print design on the undercarriage with no shoes in sight.
Shiny natural nails emit a glowing pink then finally the violet cat’s hands come together at the center of the collar and once her digits part, a paw print insignia is left.
Feet slowly and gently return to the ground where Koharu bends down, taking a knee with hands grasping the concrete while breathing heavily. Body frozen like a deer in headlights, eyes dart around in panic trying to make sense of the situation she found herself in.

‘This is too similar to Velvet’s clothing shenanigans but like way different. He’s not even here.’ The newly transformed kitty girl slowly and shakily stands up like a newborn calf, ears twisting in distress. Her hair swishes from right to left in the effort as the newly affixed box heels emit some sort of force causing her to permanently be at the balls of her feet like stilettos.


Unfortunately our hero has rolled a 1. Leaning forward way too much in overcorrection she jets forward 10 meters towards the park and crashes in front of it, butt-up arms-forward. Groaning in pain Koha sits up into seiza and rubs her knees. “That marshmallow may have been poisoned with mushrooms. But it tasted so good..” At the corner of her eye something is spotted that causes her to sit up straight, head facing the park. The sounds of birds chirping abruptly stops. Tree branches begin shaking restlessly.

From beneath the slide a pair of fuzzy white eyes stare back, swaying slightly from side to side and slowly inching closer. Koharu swallows, body gone stiff and frozen. A hard to identify noise can be heard with strained ears like strenuous outward breaths which never end. Obscured by the canopy shadow the thing’s form eventually becomes highlighted by trickling light.

A body of pestilence rotten to black with long extruding appendages is visible yet unexplainably leaves no residue upon the concrete. Its outer edges jitter as though at odds with this reality.

Koha’s breath is caught within her throat due to the paralyzing stench. This feeling, similar to hypnosis, makes sure that she’s unable to avert her eyes as it comes closer and closer. A dull pain is felt as though the thing’s fuzzy gaze is boring a crevice into her head and its sounds start to reverberate throughout the air as it crawls within touching range before raising itself to meet Koharu’s terrified eyes. The immediate vincity has become devoid of air. Just what exactly is this madness?

Everything goes black.
