Chapter 16:

Second verse

Dreams of Reality

I used it before, but this time it might be confusing so to clarify: text in bold means that a character other than the mc is speaking, regular text is the main one obviously. I prefer this style when only two people are talking because I don't have to use the x told and etc. to avoid repetition.        

       I woke up early for some reason. I was freezing, but I found out really quickly why. I forgot to close my window. This never happened to me, and it was probably the reason why I woke up. I remembered what was in store for today. I am supposed to go out with Shara in the evening. I have no idea how that will go.

       It's weird that she would ask me to spend time with her because I don't think we are friends or anything, but I am open to the idea. Maybe it's because I am the only one in our class who isn't all over her. I don't get why is she getting this much attention from other classmates. I don't know what is so special they see in her.

       I didn't do anything special until It was time to go. We unintentionally agreed to meet in the same park I saw her just a few days ago. I was a little nervous because I didn't know what to expect from all this. The park was small, so when I was finally near it, I could see her sitting on a bench already.

 She saw me too and waved at me with her hand. We both greeted each other.

 "You are here quite early."

"Not really, the bench is still cold. Do you want iced tea? I don't know what kind of drinks you like but I haven't met anyone who doesn't like iced tea."

       I could feel the good intentions from this and honestly, it made me happy a little. I thanked and reassured her that I like them. I must say that the cloudy weather wasn't really the best time to have an iced tea, but when I got one in my hand, it wasn't cold at all so it was fine.

 "So how's your time here so far?" I asked.

"It's alright I guess. It's a little tough to adjust, but I think I will get over it after some time."

       I started to feel the tension in the air. It was exactly as I thought. There is nothing we can talk about. It's already hard and we have been sitting here for a few minutes. It's awkward. I honestly wished I could be home in my bed.

 "But there is one thing." When I heard that, I got worried a bit about what's to come.

"I don't get why people here treat me like something they have never seen in their lives. Why do they all act like I am something special or how to say it? It was never like this before. Back where I used to live, I was and felt like an average girl, and people treated me as such. But why here everyone is so... obsessed? It's making me feel like I am from another world, to be honest. I thought it would stop after some time but... it never did."

"I was also thinking about why is the entire class like this, but I never came up with anything. I've never seen a class freak out from a new classmate so much."

       There was a brief silence but I came up with a question easily.

"Does it like bother you a lot that people are treating you this way?"

"I thought that it didn't, but after some time and thinking about it, I started to feel that it makes me feel sad. Or weird, I don't know the right word but I feel excluded for some reason and alone even though there are always people around me."

       I did not imagine that it would be this bad, but I felt like I understand her problem, even though I never experienced anything like it.

"Is the fact that I never showed the same level of interest in you as others the reason we are sitting right here, right now?"

       I really wanted to ask that for some reason.

"It's one of them. I mean if you don't care just say it, I won't be mad or anything."

"I never said that." 
