Chapter 18:

The Successor

How Not to Be a Medium

"I didn't come to say hello, just to tell you not to bother and get lost," he said, putting his hands in his pockets and turning his back on me.

"Hey, you little bastard, don't you dare underestimate me when I've already come all the way to see you!" I called and followed him. "Don't think you can get rid of me that easily."

"Get lost!"

He quickened his pace, so I did the same. I didn't expect a big welcome with a banner, balloons, and a party, but I didn't expect complete ignorance either. The young one pissed me off at the beginning and I wanted to go, but I promised the coordinator and myself that I would try. The boy clearly intended to lose me, so at some point, I had to start running, which only increased the level of my anger. I didn't wear high heels, but low ones, still heel is a heel, not really comfortable to run now. Also, I was very hungry.

I stopped abruptly as I saw Sebastian surrounded by several ghosts of different ages who start pushing him around, laughing at him. They hadn't spared him, and if it had been going on for a long time, it's no wonder he couldn't deal with it, and he was reacting with aggression in the real world. I wished I had brought some spirit equipment with me. I thought I should have asked Tristan to come with me after all. I looked around and saw a small metal trash can. I felt like I saw some of them on TV... Damn criminals, we got a lot of them caught, so obviously, they hated us. For an experienced medium like me, they couldn't make life difficult, but for a novice like Sebastian, they could. I got even more pissed off and charged at the ghosts with a battle cry.

"We said we'd hurt her if you didn't get rid of her," said, probably the leader of the group of robbers and grabbed the teenager by the shirt, lifting him up.

"I'm going to hurt you sooner!" I screamed and hit the one closest to me in the head with all my might.

I guess they assumed I was just a medium, not a 2.0 one, so I used that trash for another one of them. It wasn't a very good weapon, because after a while it bent and didn't impress them. It started to get serious and unpleasant, I took a fighting stance, wanting to kick their spiritual ass, as one karate fighter once taught me. Despite my self-confidence, they hit me more, but soon help arrived.

"Well, you did quite well 942," said the ghost of a tall, handsome man, but I recognized his voice.

"Yeah, you've got to give it to me 904," I muttered, smiling and holding my stomach where I'd been hit a couple of times.

"I had good timing," he laughed. "I wanted to check on my successor. Are you okay?" he turned to Sebastian, who nodded hesitantly, sitting on the ground.

"I didn't think you looked that good when you were young," I said, examining the ghost. "But while we're here, what happened that the young one showed up so late?"

"I had an operation that kind of extended my life by a couple of years," 904 announced sadly. "I'm sorry you had to suffer because of this." He looked again at Sebastian, who didn't seem to understand much. "I'll make sure they don't bother you again. I know now I don't have to worry about you. You are in good hands.“ He winked at me.

"I'm starting to doubt it a bit," I said hesitantly. "But I will try."

The former 904 laughed and disappeared. I walked over to Sebastian and offered him my hand to help him up. He didn't take up my offer. He stood up and stared into space, wrapping his arms around himself. I checked my phone and fixed my messy hair.

"Lead to your guardian," I said firmly.

"What for?" he asked without emotion. "You don't know anything about me, you'll pretend like everyone else that you care."

"So that I can take you to dinner because I'm freaking hungry," I replied with an accusation, searching in my bag for the file I was looking through on the train. "When I talk to her, go through it yourself, and you can fill the rest yourself later."
