Chapter 8:

Chapter 8 (The Aftermath)


After the Wynde family left, Richard was indignant. Especially on Margaret for degrading him as disabled. He wasn’t fresh throughout the day and didn’t eat dinner well. The other servants couldn’t know the reason except for Bak Joan.

During bedtime,

Bak Joan prepared Richard’s bed and placed him on it. Richard couldn’t control his sadness more and began saying,

“Bak Joan, Why does everyone talk about my legs? People called me a loser or disabled because of these useless legs. Look what Margeret made me today,”

Bak Joan gently rubbed Richard’s hair and said,

“Master, you shouldn’t hate her. After all, it was better, to be honest. If not, both of you may face problems in the future,”

“Why has my leg made me such a hated and disabled person?”

“But Master, don't care about those words by people. Those are just unfair conceptions by people. Your legs’ disability is not your fault. People called and judged the earth by many names: as private land, as a kingdom, and as a field. In the end, the earth is just earth. Just like that, you should stop listening to unfair judgments and be yourself. Master, you are not disabled. You can do many things in a wheelchair. You can read, write and calculate. Those are your abilities,”

“But I will have to spend my life in the wheelchair,” Richard couldn’t yell this time as tears rolled down.

“Master, there are people who can’t even buy a wheelchair. Many can’t go to school because of their disabilities. You were lucky. You still have a teacher for homeschool. And it was your responsibility to help the damned one I’ve mentioned above in the future,”

“Yuh, I still have a better condition,”

“The most important thing is not to call yourself by the names given by the others,”

“Bak Joan, there’s something I want to tell you. Since a young age, I have been dreaming of nightmares. Recently, they have become worse and more realistic. The injuries I got in them appeared in real life,” Richard finally spoke out of his misfortune.

“It might be your mind playing tricks,” Bak Joan said, pretending he didn’t know about it.

“No, it was real. The day when you got here, I dreamt of falling in front of bloodthirsty monsters. And a warrior boy in golden armor saved me. Yesterday, I dreamt that a serpent hypnotized me, and the same boy saved me again in the dream,”

Bak Joan (Vithura) was interested in Little Richard’s words. Last night, he saw a Marae near Richard’s bed in the form of a serpent.

“I thought of not telling anyone about this as they would think I am a fool. I am afraid that if I die in the dream, I will die in real life,” Richard sobbed while saying.

“Oh, Master. Don’t cry,” Bak Joan said while hugging him.

“I am sure the warrior boy will save you if you get into trouble,” he said.

“Now, you should sleep,” Bak Joan left the room after saying that.




Later that night, when Little Richard might be sleeping, Bak Joan (Vithura) approached the room in his godly form. But, as soon as he opened the door, a dark obstacle hit him, causing him to stick to the wall.

Bak Joan could see around ten Maraes surrounding Richard’s bed before losing his vision. All he saw was darkness then.

“Darkness. Darkness,”

Vithura lightens up his aura, and the darkness surrounding him dissolves. He ran to the Maraes and attacked them. But before he could get nearer to Richard, a Marae hit his leg, causing him to fall. And the Marae said to him in one voice,

“Little Deav, if you know what his father was doing in India, you won’t stop us,”

Despicable images of Mr. Gratville appeared in Vithura’s eyes. Within a minute, a portal appeared and took him to Bengal.

Thank you for reading
