Chapter 4:

Chapter 4: The King Who Came Back, Kazuki Hoshino

Kazuki: Volume 1

Chapter 4: The King Who Came Back, Kazuki Hoshino

Kazuki entered the castle through the front gate. He was greeted by a guard at the entrance.

"I'm here to see the king."

"I'll take you to him. Follow me."

"Thank you."

Kazuki followed the soldier, and they made their way down a long hallway. As he walked, he glanced out the window at the courtyard garden. There was something familiar about the scene.

"Where are we?"

"This is the castle's inner garden."

"It feels like I've seen it somewhere before..."

"Have you ever visited the royal palace before?"

Kazuki shook his head. "Never."

"Then you probably haven't been here. This is the place where the king usually spends his free time. He likes to come out here and relax."

"That makes sense. It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you think so."

"Where are we going now?"

"We're almost there."

The corridor ended, and the guard led him to a large room. There were several chairs set up inside. The floor was carpeted, and there was a small table with tea service beside each chair.

"Welcome, sir," said the guard. "Please, sit down."


Kazuki sat down in a chair. The others did the same. The guard placed three cups of tea on the table in front of him.

"Here you go, sir."

"Thank you."

Kazuki took a sip of the hot, sweet green tea. "This is delicious."

"We make it fresh every day," the guard said proudly.

Kazuki nodded. "I see."

"So, sir," the guard asked, "what brings you here today?"

"I came to see the king."

"Are you aware of the situation surrounding the Kingdom of Shiganshina?"

"Yes, I am."

"In other words, you know about the invasion by the Kingdom of Shiganshina?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you know how many people have been killed?"

Kazuki: Volume 1
