Chapter 13:

The dead have stories and tales to tell.


When you die it doesn’t matter who you were, you simply disappear leaving nothing behind but memories…memories for the living to inherent.

Whether you were a renowned powerful mage like me, or an actor playing the lead in a show you’d much rather not be a part of like my sister, or a fool among fools like Marine, or an idol to the people around you like Elea, or someone who simply loves money like a certain someone, you can’t take anything with you when you die.

That much is true.

I died today, but I’m sure everyone reading is already aware of the fact, so saying it again has no significance whatsoever. And yet pointless as it may be, insignificant as it may be, I’ll say it again if only for the very last time. Allow me to tell the story one more time.

Where do I start?

Several months ago I died and became a ghost.

No one could see or hear me ? And they could walk straight through me. Being a ghost isn’t much fun it seems. 

A few hours after my death someone must have called the police, because my apartment was swarming with crime techs—In truth I’m not really sure if their officially called crime techs, I learnt that phrase from watching cop movies and reading crime novels— ‘the crime techs’ were searching for finger prints and evidence patterning my murder.

Technology sure is impressive. To think they could simply scan for fingerprints and footprints. We certainly are living in the future.

I was standing right next to a woman as she scanned the door knob. Another officer checked the bathroom while another searched the kitchen.

They had been scanning and searching the entire apartment for evidence ‘it’s as if their Ghostbuster’s hunting down a ghost’ I thought. Wait? Is that an analogy a ghost should be using?!

I giggled quietly to myself. No one heard me of course.

I don’t like the Idea of strangers going through my personal belongings but if it’s their job it can’t be helped, not that they’ll find anything though.

While I was alive I used the last of my magic to erase all evidence that my little sister took my life. I didn’t do that out of some sisterly love, but because I felt it was the right thing to do.True she did take my life but something was off about the way she did it, it’s as if she wasn’t herself.

If it was suggestion magic that forced her I would have noticed something immediately? And the quality of magic—the spirit energy she used was beyond her level…And then there’s this?

Another strange anomaly was the fact that I had become a ghost. My soul was being bound to the land of the living by some means of advanced magic. The only people capable of such a feat would be…

Another candidate must’ve done this? Why though?

“We can’t find anything.” One of the crime techs a man spoke “No foreign fingerprints just the victims. This case might be better suited for the S.I.D.”

“Why give it to the S.I.D this is clearly a suicide. We don’t want to lose an important case like this to them!” A woman replied.

“Yeah in the situation we’re in, we should take every chance we can get. The station and chief are on thin ice from the higher ups. Solving a case involving a candidate would be big for us. And this is an open and shut case.”

It seems the police are rendered obsolete by the S.I.D and are losing their place in the city, solving a case involving a candidate might do them some good.

This way they get an easy win and Frey will be just fine. 

A win win, I was satisfied with this ending but she wasn’t.

“We won’t deny the victim justice! If we did that Just so we can further our own ends. If we acted in the best interests of ourselves, then we don’t deserve to exist in this city! If the S.I.D can catch the killer or find evidence that we can’t!”

“...Then it’s our duty to do what’s right by the victim and let them handle it.”

“…But Lesley we—”

“We are handing this case over to the S.I.D and that’s final!”

I doubt the S.I.D will be able to see through my spell, but still at the very least you have my respect…what was her name again? Ah Lesley was it?

The area was sealed off and the crime techs left taking with them their equipment; they left my body there however. Seeing as I had nothing better to do, I stuck around waiting for the S.I.D.

A woman with long blonde hair emerald green eyes in a blue uniform spoke, but was cut off. “The victim Ms Aste—”

The man, who cut her off, was a young looking fellow with clear blue eyes, in a blue uniform of his own. “You don’t have to tell me her name I`ll refer to her as Ms Blank I only bother knowing the names of people of value to my own life.”

That’s a pretty weird policy…And his tone is upsetting in a way.

She sighed. “Fine then…Ms Blank didn’t put up much of a struggle aside from the mess with the blood and organs everything else in this apartment seems to be untouched.”

Oh-ho ho this woman isn’t human…The young man has a strangeness about him too but what?

The blonde woman uttered. “I`ll look around for residual traces of magic.”

Unfortunately my magic is way beyond advanced. You won’t find any trace of Frey in a hundred years.

“I can’t find any traces of foreign magical energy.” She related nonchalantly.

Yes I expected that.

“What exactly does that...mean?” The young man asked in a confused tone.

Well I suppose Frey is safe now seeing as the only logical conclusion at this point is—

“All the magical energy in this place originates from that body on the floor,” she responded dispassionately, “she likely used highly advanced magic before her death.”

He gave her a stare that said ‘I know where you are going with this but…?’

—obviously suicide.

“…Suicide.” She continued with a blank expression. “You were thinking the exact same thing weren’t you.”

“Something about that doesn’t feel right.”

I knew it there’s something strange about him as well.

“Humans do vile things to themselves and others all the time, for reasons such as this, and reasons, such as that…It’s not that hard to imagine.” She replied motioning her hands at the top half of my body that wasn’t blown into last week.

He steadily walked over to my corpse and knelt beside it…Hmmm? What’s he doing? 

He groped my corpse!

I suppose he’s only doing his job but still…I think some lines just shouldn’t be crossed!

“Hey I don`t appreciate you rummaging through my body like that, I may be dead but I still have my pride as a woman to uphold.”

“I didn’t realize it bothered you that much.” he replied without turning and carried on with his invasive inspection.

Something about the way he phrased it upset me and...I replied.

“Not really I was merely pretending to be bashful.” I tried to make my voice bubblier to hide my embarrassment and frustration. “But could you stop?”

Wait!? It just occurred to me, but how are we even  having a conversation--communicating with me right now should be impossible, so how, how is he even able to perceive my existence, this shouldn’t be possible I’ m dead.

He carried on regardless. “For reference...Could you tell me your name?”

I smirked and declared “You’re asking what my name is but you already know the answer.”

“…..” Silence he responded with nothing but that. Then glanced over his shoulders and saw my face… "You`re..."

“But I suppose there’s no harm in giving you my name. My name or rather the name you’d prefer I use is 'Ms Blank right'.  I`M a candidate for the title of greatest mage.”

I suppose I shouldn’t use my real name since I’m better off as blank to him. I thought at the time.

“Human boy who exactly… are you talking to?” His partner chimed in, with an empty blank expression.

“A ghost.”

Shouldn`t he give her a better explanation than that!

“A ghost huh, I`ll leave you to it then.” She replied.

She believed that...! I suppose an existence such as her wouldn`t be surprised by my own current existence...

“Your partner is quite the character,” I whispered, “a demon in the literal sense how amusing.”

Even after finding out I’m a ghost he seemed mostly unfazed…what’s more is he was still defiling my corpse as we speak! Talk about rude. 

“So tell me any questions you`d like to ask this dead mage, cause I`d appreciate it if you could stop groping my corpse…You can ask me anything what, secrets do yo—”

“Tell me then… how did you die.”

“That’s easy enough to answer I killed myself. I’m glad you didn’t ask for anything too outlandish.”

Like my bust size…


He wasn`t buying it one bit.

“You don’t look too satisfied with my answer, it looks like you`d be more content if I gave you a reason.”

His blue eyes stared at me intently, mesmerizing me in a way; it’s as if I could fall in love right here and now, of course not really. I`m not that easy you know.

“I just want to find out who or what could kill a candidate for the title of greatest mage, for the safety of this city, if you could tell me I`d appreciate it.”

You can ask me why but I won`t have an answer for you, I don`t know myself why I trusted him. if I had to guess it was the way he looked at me, for some reason I felt as if I could trust him. Strange as it was that was the way I felt.

“Then can we go on a walk to the beach then?”

“Why the beach?”

“I promise you at the beach we`ll meet…the reason.”

Day had turned to night.

We left the apartment building and started our walk to the beach taking in the city lights each step of the way.

“Is it okay to leave without telling your partner where you’re going?” I wondered, “Won`t she be worried?”

“It’s fine she and I have an understanding.” He smiled. “Outside of work she doesn’t really care much about me.”

“I can tell that beast has faith in you even if she won`t say It.” At least that’s what it looks like to me.

He eyed me from top to bottom. Then squinted his eyes I could see a faint grin then he said. “I`ve been meaning to ask, why aren’t you wearing any clothes?”

Huh I don’t know!? Um...Why is that anyway!? What kind of answer should I even give him. I can`t let him see it bothers me!

 “Oh that it’s not by choice…As your soul leaves the physical plane your earthly possessions are left behind.”

Okay let’s shift the embarrassment your direction! “So has the sight of a naked woman aroused you?”

“Who could say...” He replied. “Does it bother you?”

He reversed it!

“Not really I was merely pretending to be bashful.” I forced a smiled.

As we got closer to where Frey was and the silence of the night began to sink in, I asked him something. Why? I Suppose I just wanted to find out what kind of person he was.

“Hey…Tell me have you found it,” I smiled and then questioned him, “that which shines and glitters in your eyes?”

The wind sent my silver hair aflutter under the moon lit sky.

“That which shines and glitters in my eyes and by that you mean gold?” he replied.

He caught on quick but still didn’t give me an answer so I explained it further.

“Yes that which you treasure more than life itself! Someone or something you`d be willing to live for, protect…and if need be...

“Die for, to me that’s gold.”

He stared up into the sky his blue eyes challenging the stars themselves. “I can’t say I have anything or anyone like that and you.”

No you do everyone does…

I didn’t tell him what I thought so instead I answered his question honestly and with a smile.

“For me it’s my little sister.”

“My sister and I would take walks on the sandy seashore smiling, laughing together, and making memories, having simple chats—

Perhaps I simply wanted to reminisce, or maybe I wanted to share this story with the only person in this world that can see me. I guess you can tell Beverly my story when you get the chance I`d appreciate it if you did. Oh where was I.

—I`d give anything to be able to do that with her again, so please promise me when you see her you`ll tell her, that I was truly happy to have had a little sister like her.” 

We arrived at the beach. She was there crouched down on the sand next to the sea. She had a strange expression on her face It wasn’t quite sad or happy. An expression I`d never seen her make before.

I smiled at her…Frey’s gaze however was directed elsewhere, at the sea. Of course I forgot she couldn`t see me.

We walked over to Frey then she asked him something...

“Can you see it?”

“She isn’t talking about me, she can`t even see or hear me.” I told him with a smile on my face. “She means something else.”

“I can’t see it...” he responded.

 I knew what exactly what she was talking about, it was the blood stained clothes she had on...He took a seat right next to her and said…

“You killed her right.”

“Yes I did, so are you hear to arrest me?” She sounded distant like her body was there but her mind was somewhere far. Where no one could ever reach her.

“Not really.” He sighed.

“My sister sent you right” She guessed. You seem like her type."

Huh? She could tell? Wait no-no-no, not he`s not my type at all!

“She did but you knew that already didn’t you.” He sighed then said, “Is that why you admitted to killing her.”

Frey agreed.

The two of them sat in silence and stared out at the sea.

“Your sister told me to tell you she thinks of you as gold but to me…You’re more like...fool’s gold.”

He more or less delivered my final words even though he added his own take. So I’m grateful nonetheless…

Night turned to day...It was such a long night. Aren`t people supposed to rest when they die but I got the short end of the stick. Anyway...

The rising sun`s light glittered on the surface of the calm sea, putting an end to a long night we walked side by side, as we enjoyed the view. I was a bit sad to part ways but I can’t follow him around forever.

“Thanks for delivering my message, to her; it means a lot to me…If I was alive I`d probably fall in love with you.”

His face turned completely red

That’s what got him?!

Heh heh…Are you flustered.”

“Not really," He smiled,  "I was actually just pretending to be...bashful.”

With him that might actually be the case…Anyway that’s fine by.

I smiled and turned to walk away. “Hope we can meet again sometime.”

“Hey before you go, could you please….Tell me your name.”

“….Isn’t that name of a popular movie from twenty sixteen [2016]”


You know the one with a female lead named Mitshua and a male lead named Taki you remember it right.”

“Was the girl blind? And only able to speak in sign language.”

“No you’re thinking of a silent voice! And she wasn’t blind she was deaf! I’m talking about your name.”

March 2nd

Central Police department.

Lunch hall.

"You just ruined a perfectly good story!"

"Did I?" her voice was calm and gentle like a summer breeze--but her personality was wild and bubbly in its on unique way.

 That`s who Asteria was.

 On the one side she was cool, composed, strong and dependable but on the other side...she had fears like everyone else, about life and...about death.  

Which side was truly her...both sides were her true self.

The person who brought out this side of her personality and allowed her to feel the most free was Lesley.

Forty eight hours before the events of the kidnapping incident of several girls was resolved by the S.I.D officer Lamia kageyaku, and the three students Frey Azrael, Marine and Elea Parker from cigma high school...

And twenty four hours before Wiliam Parker and Beverly Ko would work together to stop the arms trade between two major criminal organisations. Improving the Police departments image. A story was told.

Asteria was in the middle of explaining the story of how she died to a new friend of hers, Lesley, a police officer at the station. It was during their lunch break. 

THE ENDING MADE NO SENSE!! Lesley thought.

“Stop! Stop right there Asteria there’s no way that last part is true.”

She drank a soda she bought with Asteria--rather Beverly`s money and protested.

“That’s exactly how it happened if you doubt me you can always go read chapter one yourself.”

“Just stop it already this is getting sad.

“Huh? I don’t know what you mean?”

“What you’re saying is just a trick to weasel people who started from this chapter into reading chapter one!”

“I would never do something so shameless! Have some faith in me…. Anyway chapter one is accurately titled ‘Where do I start’ representing the authors’ lack of any idea where to take the story give it a read okay— tehee!

Tehee! My foot Asteria, you were just blatantly advertising right now! Also there’s something cute about Beverly saying ‘tehee!’ like that! Do it again.

I know right I could say it all day tehee— tehee— tehee— tehee—tehee—tehee—teheee! teheeee!

I need to record this; I have to show it to her one day!”

“Okay—done wait! The issue here is your shameless advertising.

“I have no idea what you mean.”

“Forget it just continue the story. So what did you do after bailing on the S.I.D guy and how did you end up possessing Beverly?”

“Before that I have an important question that should have been addressed chapters ago.”

“What is it? And Asteria don’t make it long…the word limit is looking kinda tight right now, it’s possible no one might’ve even made this far.”

“Got it…what city and where in the world are we?”

“Don’t know.”



