Chapter 15:


What Clichés has this World Wrought? [ Volume One: Another World ]

Returning from the Black Market proved to be easy, especially since their necks were on the line. It was already hours past midnight, the moon high in the sky and the hot desert sky turned freezing, but they didn’t matter— and the only thing that did was Akiro and Ayama arriving back at the inn in time without gathering suspicion.

Unfortunately for them, they were caught, but their luck was not entirely terrible with the one catching them in the act being Kaiser instead of Olivia. Comparatively, Kaiser was more lenient than Olivia.

Akiro and Ayama entered the hotel lobby, showing the receipt of their stay and the key being returned to them; but as they tried to nonchalantly exit the restaurant, Kaiser coughed loudly, his voice catching their attention.

“And where have you two been?” He asked, smirking from ear to ear. “It is quite late, you know.” Kaiser hummed, sipping on freshly-squeezed juice.

“A-Ah…” Ayama yelped, turning around slowly to meet his gaze, “W-We were exploring!”

“--and shopping!” Akiro added, trying to turn Ayama’s white lie into a half-truth. “We were shopping for new items since our stuff was quite worn out.” he smiled.

Kaiser raised a curious eyebrow, “Calm down, I’m not going to lecture you.” He said, much to the relief of the two.

“Y-You won’t?” Ayama asked, puzzled but relieved.

“Not really, but I will ask you one thing.” Kaiser stood up and walked over to the two boys, and he placed his hands on their shoulders, giving them a firm shake. “We’re tracking down a… Illegal market, you see.”

His remark made Akiro and Ayama freeze. “We’ve been trying to… force a location from… other sources, and currently we’re still empty-handed.” He whispered, “But, based on how you two are shopping at this hour– I have reason to believe that you know of this location that I seek.”

Kaiser loomed over the two boys, his intent and aura were unreadable but dangerous, the words he spoke making the two shiver in unease. Akiro and Ayama then gave the location of the entrance they had found by chance, without resisting: but this unforeseen side of the Chief Knight was too surprising, thus the two could hardly get enough sleep. Nevertheless, fatigue allowed them to sleep anyway, lacking as it was.

“So…” Ayama hummed, his morning voice a few octaves lower than his habitual pitch, drinking his nth cup of black coffee, “What’s the plan today? Do we have to do something?”

“Today would be our third day here in Oasis City, and we’ve nearly leveled up fifteen times since killing monsters…” Akiro thought for a moment, “We’ve been leveling up speedily since coming here, but our rate has gone down quite a lot because of the experience drop of being high-leveled…”

Ayama nodded, putting down the empty mug, “You’re right. Leveling up some more does not sound bad, but the desert outside the city walls is a problem, it’s too much of a risk.” He concluded, “Even if we’re high-leveled, without proper supplies and other teammates, we’re still sitting ducks.”

“That’s right,” Akiro agreed, “Even if we were to hire or join other parties, it’s not exactly the safest thing– we don’t know what they would do.”

“They’re too unpredictable– yeah, that sounds just about right.” The blonde frowned, resting his chin on his palm, looking out the veranda of the restaurant, “And even if we were forced to fight humans, I don’t think I’d be able to….to win.”

“I can’t blame him if he was hung up on that.” Akiro nodded, his gaze turning somber as he remembered Ayama’s sorry state not half a day ago. “Yeah… even if your… our hands were forced, I don’t think we can follow through.”

Ayama turned his head, looking at his friend, who was gazing into his reflection reflected by the water cup. “Liar,” he thought, harshly but not in a bitter way, “I saw what you did to that assassin, in that alley– he was still gasping for life, slowly croaking away. There is no way you haven’t killed people before.”

Akiro looked up, his somber countenance no more, “I have an Idea.” he said, smiling brightly and smartly, thinking up solutions to their problem.
“So that’s what you’ve been hiding from me,” Ayama thought, smiling in response to his idea. “It’s been eating away at you, and you don’t even know it; but as your friend, I will support you in any way I can— Well, shoot.” He said, “Just come to me when you are ready.”

Akiro shared his idea for the day, earning him a scrutinizing look from Ayama; but he agreed silently anyway, and he followed along. They paid the bill and returned to their room quickly, and both put on their new equipment; meeting outside the city gates, just by the western side and away from the rising sun, seeking refuge from the heat by the cool shadows.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Ayama pondered, asking himself rather than Akiro. “This is by far one of the most dangerous suggestions you have ever given.”

Akiro, who was on the ground stretching his legs, just shrugged. “How is this any different from hunting monsters? We’ve had our fair share of injuries.”

Ayama gave Akiro a dead look, “Monsters. We fought predictable monsters, not people– I mean— We’ve fought more monsters than people!” He protested.

“Yes, but we both know that we have to fight people sooner or later.” Akiro deflected, “When that time comes, I don’t ever want to see you like that.”

Akiro nodded, knowing Ayama was correct in all accounts; but the image of Ayama battered and weakened because of his weakness and carelessness, was not something Akiro wanted to picture or experience ever again.He pulled the hood of the cloak, covering most of his head, and he pulled the mask of his armor— turning him into what an Assassin was supposed to look like. Ayama sighed, shaking his head apprehensively as he put on the helmethe recently bought.

Peering through the grill-eye spaces, Ayama grabbed the large shield he had purchased in the blackmarket, drawing the broad-sword from the integrated sheath within it. He then assumed a stance, left foot forward with the shield held high and the sword on his right.Akiro took the rusted katana still within its sheath, and held it against Ayama without drawing it, his sickles at the ready behind him.

Akiro unwrapped the katana from the cloth covering, holding it with two hands by the handle whose bindings were coming apart; and Ayama raised an eyebrow underneath his helmet. “Is that a katana?” he thought, “I’m sure that’s a katana, but it’s in poor shape. Did Akiro get scammed?”

“Here I come!” Akiro yelled, leaning forward as he ran straight for Ayama, the sheathed sword he was holding pointed downwards behind him.

Ayama inhaled, steadying his breathing and calming himself, finally taking it seriously as he readied himself for impact. In his charge, Akiro stopped just two steps in front of Ayama’s shield, pulling the sword upwards in a slash, but Ayama didn’t feel contact.

“Did he miss?-- No!” He thought, “He wouldn’t, not intentionally.” Ayama raised the shield by an inch, instantly feeling a strong thrust being bounced off from his shield. Taking that chance, Ayama angled the shield, pushing the sword away from himself; and swung outward with his broad-sword.

“Damn, that didn’t work.” Akiro sighed, pulling back on the thrust, crossing his arms to block the incoming sword with an overhead guard. He had feinted the first slash, turning it into a thrust the moment it reached its apex, just above the shield; but Ayama saw through it.


The steel of Ayama’s sword clashed against’s Akrio’s sword, breaking through the wooden sheath and colliding with the blade within, but Ayama felt his sword losing its accuracy after the initial contact.

“Nice try!” He commented, punching forward with his shield, hitting Akiro successfully.


However, Akiro didn’t fight against the momentum generated and he intentionally lost his footing, rolled back into the sand, under the cover of Ayama’s blocked vision. He assumed a runner’s stance at the end of the motion. “Gotcha! [ Sprint ]!”

Ayama felt a gust of wind pass by his feet, prompting him to make a careless decision, to counter the unseen attack. “[ Parry ]!” he cried, activating the skill and his body moved automatically.

Ayama dropped the shield in his left hand, switching to the longsword that hung on his left side, drawing it partially– instantly clashing with Akiro’s weapon.


“W-What!?” He heard his friend audibly voice his confusion and shock, and Ayama wasted no time turning the situation into his favor. Letting the thrust attack follow through against the inches of steel, Ayama drew Akiro in, turning counterclockwise to strike with his greatsword.

Akrio forwent the sword to dodge the dangerous attack, letting Ayama hit it into the sand.


Dual wielding both swords, Ayama turned to the surprised assassin with a smirk, “Swordsmanship really isn’t your strong suit, Akiro.” He teased, eyeing the assassin with a smirk.

“I know,” Akiro answered plainly, getting up from the sand and dusting himself. “A skill it may be, but it’s still F-Rank. Oh well, I didn't expect much anyway.”

Ayama watched as the disarmed assassin finally drew the older pair of daggers in his possestion, and he sighed, “You’re still not going to give up are you?”

The raven-haired boy shook his head, taking a stance and He stepped back with his left foot, holding the right dagger with a reverse grip. “You must admit, this is quite fun.”

“Fine, I’ll admit.” The blonde scoffed playfully, unable to deny his words, “But I’m still not going to go easy on you.” he said, pointing at him with the long-sword, the Great sword resting on his armored shoulder.

“Didn’t count on it.” Akiro inhaled a large breath of air, letting it out slowly before slowly blending into the surroundings by turning transparent.

“Whoa! That’s not fair!” Ayama gasped, putting both swords at the ready.

 The stealth skill did not last long, Akiro's form slowly materializing shortly after he had dissappeared, only this time, he was much closer. "I see, so the stealth skill only deactivates after quick movements." 

 A right downward slash, with a left horizontal follow up with the other dagger– Ayama dodges hastily, Akiro following the momentum to turn counter clockwise as, sending a speedy horse kick with his right foot to Ayama’s solar plexus.


“U-ugh–” The hero gasped, the wind in his lungs knocked out by the momentum-backed kick, making him drop down on one knee; but didn’t have the luxury to breathe, with Akiro sending his left shin for his temple. Ayama frowned but he had the presence of mind to raise his right arm to block the kick with his armored forearms.


“Argh!” Akiro cried, his legging clashing with armor; but he persisted by leaning back and kicking upwards with his right foot as he retreated with his left leg– however Ayama blocked that too with his palm.

Ayama watched as Akiro jumped back for recovery, his left leg trembling slightly. “I bet that hurt.” He poked, coughing out the damage from the hit.

“It really did, you punk!” Akiro laughed back, Ayama charging forward with his longsword, the greatsword discarded into the sand.

Akiro would’ve stepped back if he was able, but he had no choice but to face the sword head on; so as the sword came down treacherously, Akiro spun clockwise on his good leg as he lifted the other, the sword slicing strands from his hair.

Ayama’s eyes widened in surprise, impressed by Akiro’s move and wary of his counter attack. “Oh no you don’t!” He groaned, using more strength to swing the broad side of the sword to strike the flying assassin.

The blow successfully connected, sending Akiro’s body off-course in the air, the blow reverberating in his hips; but in a last ditch attempt of a counter-attack, Akiro twisted his body, sending his right leg to hit Ayama in the face– both performing a successful, deciding counter.


“A-argh– Fuck…” Ayama doubled back, his head spinning from the impact.

Akiro on the other hand fell on the sand head-first into an uncomfortable position. “...Ughh…Oww….” He rasped, sucking in sharp breaths as he clutched his side.

The blow to Obama's head was effective, and powerful, the force rattling his mind and his body’s ability to keep himself upright. He felt like the world was spinning, and he vomited the contents of his stomach in response to the nausea. Akiro on the other hand clutched the left side of his lower half, cradling the bruised flesh and the aching bones, the pain of which were comparable to needles.``

“I-i’d say– Ugh…We’ve drawn.”

Ayama pinches the bridge of his nose, “I can tell…” He gagged, coughing violently as he regained a stable mind, “Let’s continue with a rematch some other time…ugh…”

“Sure.” Akiro groaned, lying in the sand under the cool shadow of the walls. "Yeah, this was a smart idea, with this we can learn the limits and requirements of our skills."