Chapter 2:
City of Exiles
Chapter 2 - Little Crow
Overlooking the water on Issei’s northern docks, The Royal Vagrant Lounge & Tavern served drinks, food, and moody atmosphere to its clientele of adventurers and sell-swords. Inside, a pianist played a soothing melody from a corner of the tavern’s large common room. A bulletin board sat at the room’s center, attracting a small crowd of novice adventurers with the promise of odd-jobs offering poor to decent pay. For many, the Vagrant’s bulletin board was a good place to get established in Issei. An adventurer picks up a few jobs, does well, and will eventually get noticed by the owner, who passes down more lucrative work.
Akaja couldn’t help but to feel a faint twinge of nostalgia each time she passed the board. She liked to watch all the little ‘baby adventurers’ gather around, all eager to make some coin, or earn some glory.
Speaking of coin…
Akaja strode up to the bar, playfully tapping her knuckles against the counter. “Ryoma! Over here!”
Slowly pouring a mug of coffee for another patron, a tall middle-aged human turned to look at her. A red patch over his left eye, he gave Akaja a knowing grin. “Be right there!”
When Ryoma finally came over, Akaja was playfully spinning around on her bar-stool. With a crank of a lever, the stool raised itself, so that she could be eye level with the man while siting. “Got the thing for the job,” She said softly, patting the sack which she placed on her lap. “Felt a little too easy, you know? Guy I nabbed this from was sloshed out of his damn mind! Like stealing candy from a baby!”
“And in record time too,” Ryoma said. “Client isn’t due to pick it up until tomorrow night. Easy money, eh?”
“Easy money!” Akaja grinned, opening her sack to take a peak at the object she had stolen.
It was a pretty orb the size of her head, rough in texture, but always seeming to shift between different colors. The thing was strange. She thought she could see… pictures inside of it? Whatever it is, that wasn’t her problem. She wasn’t paid to ask questions, and she didn’t really care enough to ask anyway.
“Got any more work for me?” She asked, glancing up from the orb.
“Already?” Ryoma sighed. “Kaja… this is the fifth job you’ve taken this week. You sure you don’t need a break?”
“Thanks, but I’m fine, Ryoma.” Akaja said, waving him off. “I like being kept busy anyways…”
“You sure it’s not because of…. him?”
Akaja scoffed. “NO!” She lied. “I haven’t even thought about him ONCE today until you went and brought it back up!” Another lie. “The only thing I’m concerned about right now is getting paid. I want to buy a ship one day! Go treasure hunting! Become a pirate! Get a little parrot or monkey and have it sit on my shoulder.”
“Just don’t work yourself too hard. My daughter it worried about you.”
“Yukiko is just a little worry wart! She just gets anxiety about everything. I’ll be fine…. so no job?”
Ryoma sighed. “I’ll have to speak to my contacts and see. Anything else I can get you?”
“Give me an egg pie,” Akaja said. “A WHOLE egg pie. Oh, and some rum. Actually the whole bottle too… and a tray of shrimp and oysters. Just take it out of my share when the client comes for the orb!”
“Really?” Ryoma shook his head. “You’re going to throw up again.”
“Don’t care!” Akaja beamed. “Chop chop, old timer! It’s my money, and I get to spend it how I want!”
Tonight was a celebration for a job well done, and a victory over Yu. She didn’t need him, and his stupid family. She could take over this whole city if she wanted to! No matter how handsome or funny he was in the past, Akaja was on a new chapter of her life! The chapter of independence, and wealth!
Finally, the first course of her feast had arrived. A bottle of Estrellian rum, and one of Ryoma’s famous egg pies all to herself. She poured herself a tall mug of the rum, before preparing to chow down on her pie, which was, essentially, a giant deviled egg inside warm pie crust, topped off with parsley and a creamy sauce.
Absolute heaven…
“Ms. Akaja…” She heard a familiar voice behind her. Groaning, she turned around.
“Talai…” Akaja rolled her head at the woman, who stood at least a head taller than Akaja, with long crimson hair, and a sharp scar across her left cheek. “Did he send you? I told you last time, and the time before that - I don’t want, or care to speak with him! Tell him he can go die in a hole, or something! I have more important things to do…”
“Don’t play stupid, Akaja…” About a half a dozen armed thugs approached her as well, standing beside Talai, their glaring down at Akaja. “We know you killed him.”
“Killed who?”
“Your precious Yu… our boss.” Talai frowned. “I didn’t think a lover’s spat would be the thing to do him in, but I shouldn’t be surprised… come quietly now. Perhaps quick retribution can be earned.”
Murder? Yu? The last time they spoke she did feel like strangling him, but she wouldn’t have actually done it. Her heart sank at the news… she had hoped the man would come crawling back to her, flowers and sweets in hand, begging for her forgiveness, but… that would never happen. “No, no… Talai you have the wrong gal!”
Talai ignored her, and instead, slowly began to reach for her weapon as the other thugs began to slowly close on her. It was clear that Talai wouldn’t listen to a word she had to say.
Akaja attempted to leap over the bar, and away from her attackers, brushing away any dishes, bottles, or trays in her path, but before she could even get over the bar, she suddenly felt her muscles tens. A burning excruciating pain shot all throughout her body, feeling as if molten iron were seeping through her veins. She tried to call out for help, but found herself unable to scream.
Her body began to contort itself, like a twisted puppet, and she stumbled over to Talai, who’s palms were out, hands moving in motions that simulated her own movements.
Blood magic? Akaja thought. No… how?!
“Come quietly, Ms. Akaja…” Talai’s voice echoed within the back of her head. “The pain you’re feeling… ‘tis only a fraction of what I have in store for you.”
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