Chapter 18:

The Lover's Moon

City of Exiles

Chapter 18 - The Lover's Moon

Rising high over the glistening waters of the Jade Sea, the full moon enveloped the horizon, bathing the sky in a gentle silver glow. Soothing winds fell upon Issei’s northern docks as the waves brushed against the shore, rocking ships to and fro like a mother with her newborn child. Andros, his arm locked around Yukiko’s, took in the crisp ocean air as the noise of the city slowly faded in his head. In the silence of their company, they left the sight of the Royal Vagrant, away from the crowds of the pier, from the boisterous sailors and the hawking merchants. After a short rickshaw ride, the pair fled the dense urban sprawl of the city and arrived on its outskirts, amongst the rice terraces and the taro fields. Eventually, they stopped beneath a persimmon tree, a top a hill that overlooked the sea.

Here was Andros’ brief escape from the bustle and intrigue of the city. A place of serenity and quiet, where he could work or relax without being disturbed. It had been months since he had been here… and he couldn’t recall the last time he didn’t come here alone.

The two of them sat beneath the tree, atop the soft soil, which was cool to the touch.

“It’s beautiful here,” Yukiko said, a warm smile on her face. “I don’t venture outside of the city limits too often… are you sure we’re not trespassing? No angry farmers are going to try to chase us away, right?”

Andros chuckled lightly. “No… Tendo is friends with the family that owns these fields. They donate ingredients to the Temple fairly regularly. Nobody will bother us out here. Sometimes I would spend days camped out here… just enjoying the silence.”

“You don’t get lonely?” Yukiko asked.

“Not really,” Andros said. “In the city, I have Tendo and Kuana. And our old party before we disbanded.”

Yukiko perked up at the mention of his old adventuring group, her tail swaying back and forth with anticipation. “Did they have a name? Tell me about one of your adventures! Did you kill any dragons? Sea serpents?”

“We weren’t registered as a group… at least not officially. We just sort of helped each other out with jobs. We were still registered members of the Adventurer’s Guild, but most of what we did was… unofficial. We didn’t adventure for glory, or honor, or anything of the sort… no, it was mostly a way to earn some quick coin. I have my research… Kuana has his shop…”

Yukiko tilted her head. “Did you ever want to? Go on bigger adventures, I mean. Away from the city.”

“It’s crossed my mind occasionally,” Andros said, laying down on the soft soil, eyes watching the stars above. “But the opportunity never came… I imagine you’re eager to leave Issei, though… see the world and everything. Get away from your parents.”

Yukiko laid down next to him, golden eyes turning to meet his gaze. “I want to see what this world has to offer. Everything I know about it comes from old books and scrolls my parents keep in their study. I don’t just want to read about them… I want to ride with the throat-singers of the Stormlands, go on a monster hunt with the Mountain Goliaths, sleep in one of those big Ashlander mushroom houses, and visit the grand festivals of Estrella. I want to delve into the ruins of the Infernal Wastes, walk upon the roots of the Great Hollow, and maybe even see other worlds like those mythical planes-walkers do. Wouldn’t you prefer to see the cognitive realm for yourself, instead of just… studying it?”

“Nobody, at least in recent history, has ever done that before…” Andros said. “There’s no telling what a physical visit would do to the mind or body.”

“But that’s the joy of adventure!” Yukiko said, grinning. “Delving into danger! The unknown!” She reached out and squeezed his hand. “We can be the first… the first people ever to see the cognitive realm with our own eyes!”

Andros felt the thumping of his heart. “I…” he stammered, then smiled, closing his eyes for a brief moment before turning his gaze back to her. “I would like that… maybe leaving Issei for a time is what I need, too… different cultures can change one’s cognition…”

“So after we smash the Admiral’s plan,” Yukiko said with a grin. “We go on a grand adventure! We can bring along the others, too… though I wouldn’t mind if it were just the two of us…”

“I… feel the same…”

Yukiko’s cheeks flushed a shade of bright red. She reached over and brushed her hand against Andros’ own cheek. “You’re blushing…”

“Am I?” He chuckled. She was right. “So are you… it could just be the liquor.”

“Is it really?”

“No…” Andros said softly. “No… it isn’t.”

He reached over to caress her cheek, and before he could utter another work, Yukiko leaned over and kissed him. She grinned as she slowly began to pull away, but Andros pulled her back in.

No more words were needed…

They melted into each other. With every caress and tug, with every kiss, gentle or otherwise, the thin layer of propriety that once separated them faded away. Their thoughts were only of each other, cascading into a wave of intimacy that drowned out everything else. Radiant silver moonlight bathed the silhouette of two intertwined lovers in glistening shadow as the wind shaped goosebumps on their bare skin.

Some time later, they lay curled up beside one-another, Yukiko’s head pressed gently against his chest, feeling the heavy thumping of his heart. “There’s so many adventures I want to share with you…” she spoke softly, her voice barely higher than a whisper. “The whole world is ours to explore, Andros… I want you to promise me that when we bring the Admiral to justice… you’ll still be there to share these adventures with me.”

“I promise,” Andros said, still breathless from their shared intimacy.

“Good!” Yukiko kissed him. “I’m going to hold you to that. So help me… if you get yourself killed, I will tear your soul from the roots of the World Tree and beat the shit out of you.” She smirked, then sighed. “I know it sounds selfish… but I don’t ever want to go through what Akaja is going through right now.”

“That’s understandable,” Andros said, kissing her forehead. “She hides her grief well though…”

“Mhm…” Yukiko clung to him a little tighter. “Kaja’s a lot stronger than I am… physically, mentally… everything-ly. I don’t think I could cope well in her shoes…”

“Give yourself some credit, Yuki…” Andros said. “I don’t think I could’ve gotten through that wake without you. All the damn talking…” He shook his head. “I think you’ll surprise yourself given time.”

“Yeah…” Yukiko murmured. “You know… I think our first adventure after this one should be visiting your homeland. You’re not from Issei, right? Your name sounds Serenican… I want to see where you’re from!”

“Serenica is right,” Andros said. “I was born there… at least I think so…”

“You don’t know?”

“I don’t really have any memories from before I came to Issei,” Andros admitted. “Only Tendo knows that since… well… I just sort of woke up one day in the temple with no recollection of my past aside from my name, and some knowledge of magic. He said he found me washed up outside of town with a blade through my chest. The other acolytes didn’t think I’d make it, and it’s a miracle I even survived at all.”

“I see,” Yukiko gently brushed her hand along the scar on his chest. “I was going to ask about this, but um… I got distracted.”

Andros chuckled. “I can’t blame you… anyways… I’m not even sure if I’m really from Serenica. Tendo just assumed because of my name, and because I can still sort of speak the language. There were also some papers that managed to survive me washing up on shore. Old research documents… a letter of disapproval from the Arcane Academy disavowing my research into the cognitive realm.”

“Is that why you’re so interested in that stuff?” Yukiko asked. “It’s the only thing that connects you to your old life.”

“Yeah,” Andros sighed. “I guess I sort of just clung onto it. The old me had something to prove, so the new me needs to continue that work. Part of me thinks that my research will bring those old memories back somehow, but I’m not sure. What if the ‘old me’ isn’t someone I’d be proud of? Or what if I lost my memories for a reason?”

“I’m sure the old you is just as handsome as the new you,” Yukiko teased. “Still… even if you don’t get your old memories back. We can make new ones together.” She set her palm on his chest. “I want you to know if there’s anything I can do to help… just ask. And I’m sure my parents would be willing to help too once they got to know you better!”

Andros chuckled lightly. “I appreciate the offer, and… making new memories. I’d like that. Regardless of who I was… who I am right now has you.”