Chapter 8:

REMAID- Moments In Time #2- Sept 7th-Sept 10th

My Grandma's Loving Maid Is My Classroom Neighbor?!

September 8th, 2023

So, today was an interesting day. I actually ended up spending most of it with a boy I’ve mentioned to you before grandma. His name is Take. If you remember him, then I’m sure that you also remember what he’s most known for. That’s actually why I bought the extra First Aid Kit from the drugstore. Today was pretty bad though. I was walking to school with Rimi when we noticed something in the river. It was white and black, and seemed almost like some cast out clothes. I very quickly realized those weren’t just clothes, and, of course, was the one who had to go get him while Rimi ran for someone to get help. Yes, I’m still an abysmal runner. I am, however, actually a really good swimmer, so it wasn’t all that difficult grabbing them and dragging them back to land.

Getting back on solid ground, I finally examined who I was holding. I probably don’t have to say, but yes, it was Take. His face was beat to shit and he was shakily breathing. Thankfully, it didn't seem like he was drowning, though I’m not sure how. Maybe he tried to swim his way back but passed out with his face above water? Well, whatever, don’t look gift horses in the mouth. After my last attempt at cpr, I wasn’t going to try again so quickly. I didn’t have to anyway, with Rimi practically dragging a doctor from the clinic behind her soon after.

With luck, the doctor got him awake and treated his injuries. Regardless of even the water, Miura and his gaggle of goonish bastards got him good. Swollen eye, split lips, a deep cut on the cheek. Those fuckers were relentless this time. Needless to say, thank fuck someone was free and available for outside clinic support. Once Take was bandaged up, we both volunteered to stay until he was better enough to remain conscious, after we got him to the clinic and in one of their free beds of course.

So, if school called you today about me not coming, I gave them a note so it’s already cleared up.

Anyways, Take was out for a few hours, so me and Rimi mostly kept entertained through talking about the turtles and school work and Rimi's sister ruining her other sweater and her having to wear one that was just as revealing and even tighter. I certainly wasn’t complaining…in hindsight maybe I should have called myself out for being so turned on but, past is the past, better to worry about future failings.

Take woke up around 1 in the afternoon and was feeling like absolute shit, but also good enough to at least walk. Oh, I should also mention he was very grateful for our help which, yeah, understandable, but man it was awkward too. I was never more thankful for school than at that moment. Anyways, once we knew Take was alright enough for class, we booked it. Somehow, we made it in time for Final Period, where Mina gave us looks of annoyance and confusion. I did my best to ignore them, already disheartened by the massive pile of work I knew was waiting for me.

Next time he’s in the river…well I’ll still grab him, but I’ll be upset it happened twice.


September 9th, 2023

Grandma, I did it. I went somewhere with a girl. Well, it was Rimi, so it wasn’t anything romantic. Just a little book shopping. It turns out she’s actually a total book nerd. I thought she was pulling my leg until she pulled out a reference to Barkie, author of Hellraised Soul. Now confirmed by me as an absolute nerd, we stopped off in the bookstore. Walking down the aisles, I was honestly surprised by the selection. Yeah there was all the basic popular stuff you’d expect from any book shop, but the international catalog and indie darlings were an impressive sight to see. I was, quite honestly, in love with the place.

Rimi picked up a book by Saligrey, Like Clockwork In The Frozen Hell, and began gushing about the romance of it. Saligrey is a great author, but come on now, there are so many more better options for romance. We did a bit of bickering on the topic, until she informed me I was simply wrong and I simply informed her to bite me.

She did. It was really cute.

After shopping around, I ended up grabbing a fair few books. I picked up a few of Saligrey’s novels I hadn’t caught up on yet, a collection of manga called Shallow Spaces, and a book about angels called Clip the Strings. After we left, we stopped off at the river and Rimi looked so cute under the sunset as she laughed at one of my jokes. I know we’re friends, but I find myself thinking if we ended up being more, I’d be a really lucky guy. Ah well, I can dream.

Grandma Update- Kiss her.

Me Update- No.

Grandma Update- Little bitch.


September 10th, 2023

It was, without a doubt, a day alright. Really, if what happened a few hours ago didn’t happen, I imagine I wouldn’t have even bothered writing an entry for today. However, I believe I’ve managed to do something that also stands as a record for my time here. Make Mina say thanks.

Yes, it sounds impossible to me too, but hear this out. So, I’m walking into the living room and see through the window pane between that room and the kitchen, Mina having trouble. The sight of this did bring me some joy, but I still decided she could probably use my help. Thus, in I came. The welcoming she gave?

“Oh, I’m fine Master Yuta.”

Perfect as can be, what a grand maid she is. So anyways, I did the opposite of what her words suggested, coming closer and gazing at the problem. Ahh, she cut herself, and now there’s blood everywhere. Uhm, right, I should also add nothing got in your food grandma, I swear. Still, how unnaturally calm she was in the situation allowed me to stay calm as well. Taking out some tape and a paper towel, I wrapped the wound despite her kind defiance and taped it. Once that was done, I confiscated the knife, informing her that she probably wouldn’t be able to focus with the pain she was probably going through, whether she was showing it or not. Mina, despite being in maid mode at the time, made a soft tongue click at that.

I washed the veggies of any blood that may have gotten on them and finished cutting them up. Mina, deciding to be involved at all is better than not, begins informing me of what to do at each step. I chop, slice, bake and cook all as she instructs. Once we’re done, we assemble the plates as the recipe instructs. Rice, diced fish, breadcrumbs, an egg and some wine sauce. Boom, dinner was served. With a sigh of relief I began moving things into the sink before calling out that dinner was ready. As I did, I heard a quiet “Thanks” in a voice between Mina’s usual angry tone and maid voice. Perhaps this was her real voice? The thought made my heart stop.

In short, my abusive classmate made my day, and I made her dinner. We’ll call that an even trade.

Kya Hon