Chapter 0:

Demon Lord Gets Kidnapped, Gets "Analyzed" and "Physically Violated" by Captors

Swooning A Demon Lord With My Cute Looks!

There was a sign displaying the village’s name. Cainbill was its name, and the way and the size it was written at made it seem like the makers of it were very proud of what they’d done.

But it was too bad that Sosu didn’t care. In fact, looking at well-made signs like these made her uncontrollably drool with excitement.

Excitement for the anticipation of destruction.

So it wasn’t too surprising when she punched a great hole into the village sign, flinging the debris all over the ground.

However, this was only the beginning of her daily shenanigans. That broken sign barely scratched the itch of committing evil acts, so she turned to the direction of whatever was behind that sign.

The village.

The cottages within varied in shapes and sizes, but there was one thing that was constant, they were all juicy specimens for her next activity.

And for her next activity, she needed some ammunition, so she lazily wandered around the debris, picking out the best shaped projectile.

And when she was done shaping the projectile into an intricately-textured ball, she pulled back and started executing an age-old ritual.

Like an eager pitcher, she waved the ball to and fro, triangulating, slowly forming the perfect path for today’s debut.

And when the coast was clear, she swung her whole body and flung the ball with great might, turning the ball into a little meteor as it whizzed through the air.

And in an instant, the ball pierced through the largest cottage, somehow splitting the cottage in two and collapsing it into the ground.

But of course… that wasn’t enough. Sosu needed to see their desperation, or whatever amusing reaction they had, so she set off to the village.

And as she got closer and closer, many of the village people got out of their houses and gathered around in a big mob.

As for why, Sosu didn’t know, but the distant appearance of weapon-holding soldiers, if she could even call it that, was enough to let her know that she definitely angered them in some way.

She wondered why. Kidding. Of course she knew, which was why she was going there.

And after a little trek, she finally got to the village, but not before getting greeted by a battalion of 20 men.

As for their weapons, none of them had any. They were just farm tools.

This sorely disappointed Sosu, who gave an exaggerated yawn.

Obviously, this should’ve angered the villagers more, but the 20 men bowed down to the ground instead.

“Please… p-please spare our village!” the man in the center pleaded.

This amused Sosu greatly, who had never gotten such a pathetic reaction before. However, this was the first time things had actually gone her way, so she had no idea on what to do next.

And after a quick think, she figured that going back to her usual script was sufficient.

“Ahem!” she said.

I am Sosu and I am your demon lord,” she continued.

She snapped her fingers and a golden throne appeared behind her. She sat.

“And starting today, I own this village,” she said.

And to further emphasize how tactless she was, she gave a big bright smile and gave a peace sign.

“Now kneel,” she said.

But something wasn’t quite right. While the male soldiers were still kissing the ground, the women behind were looking at Sosu with seething rage while the children were just outright confused.

“Mom, is she a cow?” one of the children tugged at her mother.

Sosu frowned, as this was the first time someone had mistaken her horns for a cow.

“You, come,” Sosu pointed to the child.

But the mother put the child behind her.

Sosu was going to escalate the altercation further, but there was a bigger problem. A certain woman from the crowd - who was named Gargala - was glaring at Sosu with such intensity that it felt like the woman could pierce her skin with it.

At first, it didn’t seem too bad, but as Gargala got closer and closer to Sosu, she felt a little intimidated, especially with the way the woman was standing.

However, Sosu kept her cool, sitting firmly and - at least outwardly - relaxedly on her throne.

Oi.” Gargala said.

“Huh?” the demon lord said.

Gargala took out a comically large pan and patted it with her hands.

Again, Sosu was invincible, but something about that woman made it seem like she could die at any moment.

The woman leaned closer to Sosu.

“Say, d’ya know what’cha just blew up?” Gargala asked.

Sosu crossed her arms.

“No?” Sosu said coolly.

Tsch,” Gargala said.

“You destroyed the female gossip house, YOU OLD HAG!” Gargala continued.

In an instant, before Sosu could even react, the woman raised her large pan and slammed it into Sosu numerous times, flattening our beloved demon lord and the throne into a large coin.

And for good measure, the woman stomped and dragged her feet across the Sosu coin like it was a piece of bubble gum, turning the coin into some misshapen object.

As was said before, this certainly wasn’t her first defeat, so she was quite used to this. However, she definitely wasn’t prepared for what she was going to learn next.

As for what it was, well…

Ahem, when she did wake up, a tight grip was on her neck, with her limbs shackled to the chair.

She thought she was in some sort of dungeon, but it turned out that she was just in a shaggy old hut with some shaggy old man named Relle.

Though with the way she was all set up, she might as well had been in a dungeon.

“Psst, she’s awake,” a young girl named Mitty whispered from behind.

“She is?” Gargala said.

Gargala choked Sosu with her elbow.

Frankly, too many things were happening to Sosu at once, so she didn’t have the time or energy to try and escape, and tapped the chair desperately in surrender instead.

“Make a move, and I’ll kill you,” Gargala said.

Gargala loosened her grip and Sosu let out a sigh of relief.

Mitty walked up to the old man.

“Psst,” Mitty whispered.

“Do the thing, uncle Relle,” Mitty continued.

Sosu wasn’t quite sure if she was going to get violated physically, mentally, or both, so she planted her feet to the ground, ready to make an escape as a last resort.

“Oh! Right, hehe,” Relle said.

The old man cleared his throat.

Sosu stared straight at Relle, but the old man was quizzically looking at her. Why, it seemed like the old man didn’t even know why he was here!

“Hmm…” Relle scratched his extremely long beard.

The young girl leaned to the old man again.

“Find out how to defeat her, uncle,” Mitty whispered.

Sosu was quite annoyed by this whole situation, as the girl was whispering so loud the whole time that Sosu was still hearing her.

This made Sosu believe that the girl was just deliberately making Sosu hear everything, so Sosu gave Mitty a glare of death. However, the girl welcomed the stare, glaring back at her.

Mitty then smirked and shot out a mischievous wink.

“Oh YOU-” Sosu said.

Gargala choked Sosu.

Sosu tapped out again and the choke loosened.

And after a couple seconds of settling down, Relle finally cleared his throat, signaling that something productive was actually going to happen for once.

The old man plopped a crystal ball on to the table and summoned a staff.

He then clasped his hands into a scope and examined Sosu.

Sosu had no evidence, but the old man wasn’t exactly looking at her face. With the way his scope was aimed, it seemed like he was aiming for her body more than anything. So she gave the old man a stern warning.

“I am a DEMON LORD. PERVERT,” Sosu hissed.

Surprisingly, Mitty took out a wooden hammer and slammed his head into the table, turning his bald head into a perfect flat circle.

Though Sosu didn’t want to admit it, the girl did help save her from her first stalker, so she let out a wry smile.

“Thanks,” Sosu said.

And after a couple seconds, Relle sat back up, making it seem like he wasn’t even hurt by the altercation.

The old man then rubbed the crystal ball.

“Ball,” the old man said.

“Balls,” the old man continued.

The old man then rubbed the crystal ball furiously and looked at his reflection. He then said his impromptu punchline.

“Bald,” the old man said.

The old man looked at everyone with expectant eyes, but unfortunately, none of the audience were too pleased with his joke, especially Sosu, who was wearing a frown. In fact, Mitty smiled, slowly brandishing the hammer again.

“Ahem,” Relle said, shaking his hands in prayer to gain forgiveness.

And then Mitty, still smiling, slowly put down the hammer.

“Please continue, uncle,” Mitty said.

The old man finally took the whole ordeal seriously, making a bunch of hand signs, saying a bunch of chants, and doing other things that wizards were expected to do. It finally came to a point where he was finally ready to say the magic words.

“Oh great crystal ball, please tell us the prophecy,” Relle said.

This perked Sosu’s eyes up.

“T-The prophecy!?” Sosu asked.

“Hmm, yes. The prophecy,” the old man nodded.

However, her eyes perked up not because what Relle said was interesting, but because she’d heard this prophecy shtuff around a thousand times already.

In fact, it came to a point where she didn’t want to hear the prophecy one more time, so she readied her lungs and voice to throw her first tantrum of the day.

“NOT THE PROPHECY!!!!” Sosu shouted.

“WAHHHHHH!” Sosu wailed.

Tears ran down her eyes, and she struggled with all her might to get out of the shackles. The chair she was sitting on would’ve actually fallen to the side, if it wasn’t Gargala keeping Sosu still.

Gargala closed in on Sosu, choking her yet again.

“Calm down, you brat!” Gargala said.

But Sosu still insisted on not hearing the prophecy for the nth time, so she gathered all her willpower to voice her resolution.

“N…o…pr….ph…cy…” Sosu managed to blurt out.

Unfortunately, the choke was too strong, as Sosu finally calmed down again and went unconscious, which finally gave Relle the chance to continue on with his fortune telling.

“Yes, please, crystal ball,” the old man said.

The old man grasped the crystal ball firmly.

“Please tell us the prophecy of how to defeat the demon lord,” the old man continued.

And of course, to make it more official, he said the following word with much conviction.

“SooooOOoOoSSssUUUuuuuUuuuu!” the old man said.

This caused a bunch of magical particles to fly around, toppling over some of the little knick knacks. And when the dust settled, a voice from the crystal ball emerged.

“I am the great crystal ball, Ratattoowee,” the crystal ball declared.

“And I will now tell of the prophecy of how to defeat the demon lord…” the crystal ball continued.

For a second, the crystal ball went silent in order to retrieve a much important memory - or file as the people of other worlds would’ve called it.

“SooooOOoOoSSssUUUuuuuUuuuu!” a recorded voice of the old man boomed throughout the hut.

In fact, it was so loud that Sosu actually woke up.

And after composing herself for a bit, she looked straight at the crystal ball. It was true that she’d heard the prophecy at least once a week, but she’d always heard conflicting narratives from eavesdropping on conversations between people or from random - extortioners - storytellers.

She’d never heard it from an actual magical crystal ball. From her perspective at least, whatever the crystal ball was going to say, it must’ve been more factual than whatever she’d heard in the past, so she actually closed her mouth shut for the time being and kept an open mind, eagerly awaiting for her best source of info yet.

Additionally, Gargala was also excited for the information, as instead of keeping the arm choke on Sosu, she let go of Sosu’s neck, leaning onto the table, staring spell-boundedly into the crystal ball.

“Relle,” the crystal ball declared.

The whole hut fell dark, with only light coming from the crystal ball. It was the signal for the old man to begin communication.

The old man clasped his hands together unto the crystal ball. He then opened his mouth.

“A cute and submissive 21 year old boy will come to this world,” Relle said, with a hint of the crystal ball’s voice.

Relle's eyes turned white, just like the light from the crystal ball.

“Yes… and he will swoon Sosu’s heart,” Relle continued.

Sosu frowned. All the prophecies she’d heard were about being slain or something along those lines, which was of course impossible. But she’d never heard a prophecy as weird as this. She just couldn’t help but voice her doubts.

“Heh, what is this, a love story?” Sosu asked.

Gargala slammed a fist into Sosu’s head, turning Sosu’s head into some deformed dough-like structure.

“Be quiet, will you?” Gargala said.

“Tsch,” the deformed Sosu said.

After being so rudely interrupted, the crystal ball, through Relle, finally continued.

“Yes… Sosu will fall in love with him,” Relle said.

“And through falling in love, Sosu will turn back to this world’s one and only great Goddess,” the old man continued.

At this point, everyone’s faces were plastered near the crystal ball.

Sosu at this point was invested too, but she needed one more thing before she could make a move.

“What’s his name?” Sosu asked.

Unfortunately, as much as Relle wanted to help Sosu, his mind was turning so senile that he couldn’t quite tell what the first letter of the name even was.

“J…G…Gee…Jay…” Relle said.

Unsurprisingly, Sosu wasn’t so amused from watching Relle struggle, so she made a snide remark.

“JGGJ? What is he, a robot?” Sosu asked.

Which was a bad move on Sosu’s part, as Gargala was still literally inches away from her. So it wasn’t too surprising when Gargala stomped on Sosu’s foot, turning it into a swollen tomato.

“AWWHCCHCH!” Sosu yelped.

And while Sosu was being disciplined, Mitty slapped the old man.

“Uncle, you have to pick a letter,” the girl whispered loudly.

Nobody in the room knew what was going on in Relle’s decrepit brain, but some gears seemed to have started turning, as he finally continued.

“J…e…n,” Relle said.

This in turn made Sosu and Gargala stop bickering with one another and made them lean in closer to the table instead.

“t…e…l,” Relle continued.

“Jentel… yes! Jentel!” Relle continued.

“That is the man that will turn you back to normal!” Relle continued.

And as expected, the white light returned to the crystal ball and the old man quickly fell asleep on the table.

Fortunately for Sosu, Gargala was too distracted from the news, so Sosu focused her energy for her great escape.

"BLEEEH!" Sosu wiggled her tongue at the girls, darting out the chair so fast she broke through her shackles.

"Looooosers! HAHA!" Sosu continued, dashing out of the hut.

"Tsch," Gargala chased right after Sosu.

While that was happening, Mitty took Relle's staff and tapped the ground with it, teleporting Mitty to a certain destination.

As for what that destination was, well, it was just right up ahead the escaping Sosu's path.

Sosu, seeing that she was going to be the target, recalibrated her strut in preparation for evading Mitty's target practice session.

And just when Mitty let out a lightning-quick strike with the staff, Sosu narrowly jumped over it, escaping the obstacle course successfully.

"HAHAAHHAHA! See you, LOSERS!" Sosu let out a hyena's laugh as she doubled her running speed.

Unfortunately for Gargala, as she was chasing just right behind Sosu, the staff landed straight to her belly, turning Gargala into a gigantic bear (with a red bowtie on top).

And of course, Sosu, who was still looking their way, just couldn’t help but rub it in Gargala’s hairy face further, so she just had to give her a mildly acerbic comment.

“Heh. You look prettier as a bear, MWUAHAHAHA!” Sosu shouted as she kept running.

On the other hand, Mitty just realized who the bear was, and so she tried to give the bear some words of ultimately useless consolation.

"Oh! Aunty, I'm so sorry!" Mitty blurted out.

Mitty hugged the bear’s face.

“B-But don’t worry, I-I’ll fix you!” Mitty continued.

However, the unfortunate fact was that this was the first time Mitty had transmuted someone, so she had no idea how to turn her back.

Fortunately, one of Relle's wise pieces of advice seemed to apply to this situation: 'If something bad happens, do the same thing again, and it will go away' or something along those lines. So Mitty pulled back her staff and prepared to turn the bear back to Gargala.

How? By repeatedly hitting the bear on the head with the staff.

And as she hit and hit, the only thing the staff seemed to be doing was messing up the beautiful bear's bone facial structure, so she unfortunately had to resort to more extreme measures, which was hitting the bear harder.

And it came to a point where the bear’s face looked like some washed-up painting, so the bear got tired of the ‘restoration’ and bit the staff, giving Mitty a few choice words.

“Meephy,” the Gargala bear said while gnawing on the staff.

“Hehehe… hahaha,” Mitty laughed, trying to dismiss what just took place with a forced smile.

“Shpank mee, shpank mee bac derr,” the bear continued.

At this point, Mitty thought she’d misheard things, so just had to confirm it once more.

“Huh?” Mitty asked.

The bear spit the staff out and sighed.

“Trust me, just do it,” the bear said.

As for why the bear was so adamant in her request, the bear actually remembered the time when she was a wee young girl just like Mitty. The bear also remembered how her own self had a bit of mischievous nature just like that demon lord.

And because the Gargalic Bear was so rebellious at the time, the old man Relle would always spank her with the staff, flinging her off thousands of feet into some faraway place. Gargala figured that if the staff was the same as before, it should’ve still kept that power. And so she continued her insistence, lifting Mitty and throwing the girl to her behind.

And though Mitty had doubts as to whatever was happening, she did have one thing she believed in, Gargala. So Mitty pulled back, and with the great full force of her body swing, spanked Gargala’s bear butt with the staff, sending the gigantic bear straight towards the escaping Sosu.

Unsurprisingly, Sosu was still quite near the village. And what especially surprised Sosu was that she was hearing a great big roar from behind her, so she looked at the source of the noise.

It was a flying, speedy great Gargalic bear, and it was getting bigger and bigger quite fast. So fast that Sosu thought her brain was playing tricks on her for a second. And when that second was up, Sosu realized that she was going to get eaten alive, and so quadrupled her running speed.

Though Sosu had a surplus of speed, she sorely lacked any sort of common sense, as she chose to keep running into a straight line instead veering off at even the slightest of angles, which meant that as Sosu kept on running, Gargala was closing in the gap, further causing a great panic in our beloved Sosu’s heart.

“Eek! D-Don’t go near me!” Sosu said.

And of course that didn’t work, so Sosu gave a classic line.

“SOMEBODY!!! HEEEEELP MEEEEE!!!” Sosu yelled at the top of her lungs.

And the gap went closer and closer, until the great bear finally crashed into Sosu, making both of them tumble all over the ground. And when the dust settled, Gargala was sitting on top of Sosu. And finally, Gargala was able to say what she’d wanted to for so long.

“Sosu,” the great bear snarled.

“You said something about me being pretty, right?” the great bear continued.

Tell me. Straight to my face,” the great bear continued, leaning ever so closely to Sosu’s face and showing her sharp fangs.

At this point, no matter how hard Sosu tried to yank herself out, Gargala’s weight was too heavy, keeping Sosu in place, so she hesitantly obliged, saying those words that were going to give her own self the death sentence.

“Y-You… look prettier as a bear?” Sosu said, with a wide and oh so happy smile.

Which was very unfortunate, as Sosu’s smile further amplified Gargala’s anger, which made Gargala grab Sosu’s whole body with just a single bear hand.

Anyone with a brain could see what was coming next, so Sosu whipped up a way to calm her down, which was by doing a bit of complimenting.

“...Actually, I-I take it back, HAHA!” Sosu said.

“I… I-I think… you look uglier… as a bear?” Sosu continued.

Unfortunately, Sosu’s statement felt more like an even bigger insult than the previous, so Gargala began the execution.

“Tsch. You’re going to die today, Demon Lord,” Gargala said.

The great bear then let out a huge roar before slamming Sosu like a ragdoll into the ground multiple times. And with each slam into the ground, Sosu would look more and more like some used and misshapen figurine, with Sosu letting out an assortment of howls and whimpers.

Which made her situation worse, as her howls of pain made the bear grin with pleasure, making her slam Sosu harder and harder. In fact, when the last slam came, Sosu was so entrenched in the dirt that only her legs were popping from the ground.

“...O…u…c…h,” Sosu said, muffled by the ground.

Gargala then gathered a bunch of dirt and buried it on top of Sosu’s legs, such that all of it was covered and the only thing that could be seen was a big dirt mound.

And to top it all off, Gargala lazily sat on top of the mound, further asserting her dominance on our poor Sosu.

But of course, there was a chance that Sosu was going to rebel again, so Gargala patted the dirt mound gently, hoping that a bit of her compassion was reaching the buried Sosu.

“If you move, I’ll eat you. Alive,” Gargala said.

Sosu, as was shown a couple minutes ago, wasn’t exactly one to follow orders. However, seeing that she had spent all her energy to only taste defeat, she opened her mouth and voiced out a condition of surrender.

“Y..e…s….ma…a…m,” she let out a muffled voice.

And when all was said and done, Sosu was sentenced to rebuilding the gossip house with her bare hands - meaning she couldn’t use magic, with the added bonus of also providing all the materials for rebuilding.

And while Sosu was doing back-breaking work, the actual protagonist of this story was beginning his long winded journey of swooning our Sosu.