Chapter 1:



Agh, my neck still hurts. A 10 hour flight will do that to you. There's so many people in the airport today and they're all...Japanese. Duh, I mean, obviously we're in Japan, yes. But I guess it's been so long since I've been back. To Japan that is. Every summer, I used to... hold on-

"Dude, do you know where baggage claim is?"

"No, bro I just got off the plane just like you did. How should I know?"

"Wait, look at that sign. I think it says baggage claim is right around the corner, near Gate F."

"You think? I thought you were Japanese."

"I am. My kanji is a bit rusty; I'll be honest. Besides, I only have a carry-on bag. You're the one who needs to go to baggage claim. Have you learned nothing? Why do you bring so much stuff? It's just a short vacation, here for a few days and leave."

"Because-" he snatched, or tried to snatch my chips, "...We have work to do. It seems like I'm the only responsible assistant. Don't forget, all of your other ones quit."

What a low blow. "Don't forget all your other ones quit"!  

"What are you a kid or something?"

"No. Ridge, that is your name, right?"

"Don't be funny."

"Okay I was trying to be a little funny, but in all seriousness, we're not going to be here long. All we need is a good sample of a yuzu. Once we find it, we can leave. Actually, it might not take days, we might be able to leave tomorrow."

"Huhhhh, that would be nice, but I know that's not going to happen. We'll be here for a week at the earliest which is WHY I brought all these clothes."

"No, seriously, like you said, we have to compile this research. You're right, we have to get something done to report to the Dean. Ugh, he's so annoying."

"You said I'm what?"

"You're right. Don't act as if I never give you credit."

"I didn't say that."

"But you acted as if I never give you credit, for being right. Even if it's far and few."

"Keep it up you might leave Japan alone."

"I never leave a place empty-handed, you know that." Oh, wow. Baggage claim was in front of us the entire time, now where are we going to stay for the night...?

Okay, what was I saying before? It was about all the people in the airport being in Japan...ah! Ok, yeah, I came here every summer because my mom made me. To keep up the culture and visit family and make sure I knew Japanese. Very useful right about now I'll admit. When I was a kid, I didn't really understand the logic behind it too much. All my friends were non-Japanese, we all spoke English...I guess it was natural to not come back, but here I am. Back in Japan. 

We finally left the airport and found a place to stay for the night. It's pretty cheap and it got a 1 star review, which to be fair, could be a mistype or something. Or it could be a 0 star review...which would just make it out of business. Actually no, yeah it's just 1 star worthy. You would think, the same university that funds your travel, supplies, research materials would also give you a decent place to stay, but no. It's 70 bucks per night in the middle of Tokyo. Eh, like I said, could be worse.


"Ah, forgot my glasses in the room." 

"Yeah, it's pretty hot outside today. How does it feel? To be back in Japan." he said, rummaging through some bins. Radishes, maybe? He held some up at me and I just shook my head. Not good enough.

"Well, it feels the same as any other trip does, I'm looking for the best."

"Yeah, I know, the best. Which, isn't poss-"

"It is." I interjected.

"Which isn't possible, but let me rephrase: Why come here? To Japan? If you were going to look for an authentic yuzu and more about its history, we should've went to China. That's where they were created."

"True, but as you know, culture and history get mixed up and lost in the details. Korea and Japan have just as many authentic yuzu trees, too."

"So, what's the significance of the market we're at now?"

Wow, these are some good radishes, "Uhh...there isn't? I thought surely you would do some research before coming."

"Well, you're my professor. No matter how young you may be."

It's flattering, I'll admit. Having subordinates. Not to control them or anything or even make them do errands or of the sort, nope. Only to have people I can teach fruit too.

There has to be at least...30, no, 40 stands of vendors here. Who knew it was such a big thing in Japan. Well, it's not exclusive to the West. I'm walking through the crowd of people, right, and there's this habit I always keep. No matter what, I always...I forgot. But the selection is second to none. Stands and stands, I tell you. You wouldn't believe it and you know it's so annoying about myself, but I get excited at places like these. Every time, as if I've never been here before. 

We're under a tent right now, me and Ridge. Oh, I didn't introduce him. Well, I won't. His name will come out through the story. Anyways, we're in a tent and it's so hard to smell fruit through a mask. I try and take it off but people look at me so I just decided to keep it on at this point. Less trouble. Mangoes, Radishes, Zucchini...and oh I remember! I keep my hands in my pocket because I don't want people to assume I'm stealing. That's what it was. Just remembered. It's so ha-"

"Bro, lo-"

"Bro? You mean professor? Or docto-"

"Tss. I'm not calling you that. Look," he pointed towards a lone stand, dramatic I know, but it really is isolated by itself. It's under a tent by itself, I just said that, but I guess I keep saying the same thing. 

We're walking over there and it's just a mono stand. Meaning, only one type of produce or fruit, vegetable, root, or what have you. But then it's like, why by its--oh.

"Looking for something specific?"

Can never finish my thought! "You only have one type of fruit?"

"But that wasn't the question. I asked if you were looking for something specific. Besides, there's more around back."

Oh. Ha. "Oh, ha. I didn't look."

"It's okay. If you have any questions, let me know." she walked off. That was weird.

I'm walking around the stand, and you know, I forgot how much I enjoy the vibe in Japan. Everyone is to themselves, people always help you. Anyways, they have...let's see...berries, carrots, but the rest are apples. Fuji, Gala, blah, blah. Ugh, what a disappointment. As far as Tokyo goes, they said this was the best market to go to. I'll have to investigate who "they" are next time-


I give up. "Wha-" he handed me...

"Dude, you were right! They're all here! Look!"

Bumpy, a few cuts, not bad. The same weird lady, from before, I finally saw her. Apparently, she had two carts, both separate from each other.


"Uh...hey? Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Yeah," I keep staring for some reason, "...I guess they're all in front of me? They're not bad."

"Not bad he says, hm-hm. Only the best yuzus in the region, actually if we're being honest, the country. Japan personally asks us for the first batch of the season."

Wow, they actually are not bad, but still..."Oh yeah?"

"Yup. The Emperor himself visits our farm every year to wait for the first one to grow."

"And your name?"

"Were you listening?"

"Yes, that's why I asked for your name."

"Well, I'm going to continue, and if you want my name, you'll have to keep listening." she said with her back turned, bagging up other fruit. "Thank you for visiting!" "I hope I'll see you next week."

Okay, I'll listen. She said something interesting. "Okay, I'm listening. You said the Emperor waits for yours to grow? Don't you mean ripen? Yuzu trees only grow every 10-15 years, you would have to have millions of yuzu trees for that to be true."

"Not a million, but a lot. Hm-hm, wow. You know quite a bit about yuzus. I love how you simply accepted the fact of me telling you the Emperor waits for our families' yuzus specifically."

"Was it not true?"

"It is."

"Then what's wrong with believing you?" No, no..., not this one. I must've went over this row 10 times.

"Nothing. What if I was lying?"

"But you weren't."

"But if I was..."

"But you weren't...look I don't deal in hypotheticals." Mission failed. "Uhm, thanks for your time but I don't see any yuzus that catch my eye. You have a really good selection." Off to the next market. Where's Ridge? He's always roaming off somewhere or maybe that's m-

"You never got my name." she said, with her back turned to me again.

Ah, I see. I didn't. I guess I expected more from this market. Today was a bust. "You said you were going to continue and give it to me once I listened."



"You're rather dense, "Thank you for your purchase!" for a moment, you seemed smart. Why are you so interested in yuzus? You keep holding each one for like 10 seconds."

"That's not a long time."

"To be holding something, it is. "

"But to answer your question, it's my job."

"What is?" she turned to face me for the first time since I greeted her. Green apron, her hands were full of cuts and calluses and her hair was pulled back in a bun. Wow.

"Fruits. I'm a Nutrition professor back home."

"Professor?! How old are you?"

"24. It's rude to ask that kind of stuff where I'm from, you know?"

"And where is that? How can you be a professor at 24?"

"I don't know myself sometimes. I came here for research to find a perfect yuzu to take back home with me but I guess I didn't have any luck."

"How long are you staying?" she started to peel an orange, layer by layer. She was sitting on her stool now. It slowed down a bit as the sun started to go. Isn't eating your own product bad for business?

"Well, I don't know. I thought I was going to leave today and find a good sample for my research." 

"You should know it takes more than a day to find the perfect fruit."

Hmmm..."So you believe they exist? Perfect fruit?"

"Of course, it's the only reason I'm peeling this one right now."

"And where do I find all the perfect fruit in Japan?"

Continuing to peel her orange, "They're all around. There's some in the grocery store, the market, farms. A good fruit only exists if it's grown and picked well."

"With GMO's nowadays you can never really be sure...anyways, it was nice meeting you. I hope you continue your path with fruit."

"Same to you," she held up her orange as a salute. How festive, "I hope you find what you're looking for as well. If you need help with that, come and find me."

I turned around. What a weird woman. "What do you mean?"

"I'm a stranger, remember? Didn't your mom teach you better as a kid?" she continued to peel her orange. 

"No, seriously, what do you mean?"

"Why don't I show you?"

"Like you said, I'm not going anywhere with a stranger."


"What's that?"

"My name. We're no longer strangers."


Ana Beatriz Fantasia
Mario Nakano 64
Died in Vain

