Chapter 7:

Confrontation and Provocation

Art in Heart

As the second echoing sound resurfaced from within the house, it became increasingly apparent that Jerez's grasp on his sanity had slipped, and his actions had changed into a perplexing manner. In response, a small group of figures emerged, just three in number, from the confines of the dwelling.

This trio appeared to be adolescents, resembling high school students. Among them were two boys and a girl. The boys remained stationary, their lips sealed, exhibiting nearly identical statures but showcasing distinct clothing styles. Meanwhile, the girl, who held a cleansing cloth in her hand, possessed a petite frame that contrasted with the assertiveness of her voice.

As handing over the cloth to us and exuding confidence, she declared, "Only those who wear the eye patch will proceed. The rest shall accompany me to the backyard."

Reacting with his characteristic urgency and resolve, Sid protested, "Why should we heed your words? Jerez is our friend."

Offering a more composed and thoughtful perspective, Pam suggested, "Let's stay composed, Sid. It might be better to not say much, they are just kids."

Yet, Sid remained steadfast in his opposition. In response, Pam and I exchanged meaningful glances, prompting the three of us to convene in a hushed huddle.

"Consider this: they seem quite youthful. Perhaps we should go along Jerez's peculiar request but-," I proposed to Sid.

With a reluctant nod, Sid conceded, "Alright."

After resolving our differences through silent nods and whispered exchanges, I cleared my throat and approached the diminutive figure before me. Her bangs partially obscured a distinctive claw tattoo on her neck. Addressing her directly, I said, "Very well, I will only proceed. These two are prepared to accompany you."

Her gaze scrutinized me, gauging the authenticity of my words. However, her attention shifted behind her as she commanded, "Let him go, Theo and Arel."

Taking cautious steps toward the door, Pam, who remained rooted in his spot, inquired, "By the way, you haven't introduced yourself, young lady?"

The girl retorted with her same adolescent voice, "Why should that concern you?"

Sid interjected, "Perhaps it's his curiosity."

Near the door, one of the individuals in an orange t-shirt held it open for me. Seizing the opportunity, I candidly addressed the person in the blue t-shirt, "Ah, my friends can sometimes be rather imposing. May fortune favor that girl."

The individual in the orange shirt, likely Arel, advised, "Simply enter. We'll figure it out."

However, as I stepped inside, the situation unfolded as we had strategized. I didn't venture far, instead positioning myself just inside the door. After a brief period, I swung the door open and observed the two mischievous young boys near Pam and Sid, successfully engaging them in a heated argument. Seizing the moment, I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Run, Sid and Pam!"

In response to my command, both of them dashed past the children. It seemed the youngsters were unaccustomed to Sid and Pam's agile running, leaving us safely inside the door. As I closed the door behind us, both Sid and Pam were catching their breath.

Sid grinned and remarked, "That was quite exhilarating."

"Indeed, but now let's move forward and encounter this peculiar version of Jerez," I suggested.

Pam playfully added, "Or perhaps an untamed version. The Beast"

We shared a hearty laugh and found ourselves advancing through the area. However, the surroundings remained shrouded in pitch-black darkness, as though light itself had become lost within the intricate labyrinth of darkness.

"I explicitly stated that only Endrick should come. Yet all of you found your way here. Well, fine," Jerez's voice echoed mysteriously from the depths of the darkness.

Having known Jerez for a considerable time, although our interactions had been limited, I couldn't help but notice the stark change in his demeanor. "Jerez, enough of this. We've come here to inquire about a certain girl and seek your assistance," I said.

Though the room was enshrouded in darkness, a faint light illuminated the central area where Jerez stood. He stood in his characteristic sleeveless attire, exuding an air of slight menace despite his now shortened hair. The different hues and strokes adorning his skin spoke of his artistic endeavors, with a canvas board at eye level and scattered pages around his feet bearing evidence of his creative process.

"It's not quite how you all are surmising," Jerez replied, his attention focused on his creative work over the canvas board along his brushes caress.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Sid pressed, "Then how is it, Jerez? The last time we met, you weren't like this."

He let out a sigh, gently caressing the canvas board with his brushes before addressing us, "Well, allow me to inquire. Why do you believe this girl might be here?"

Pam interjected, clarifying, "We never claimed she is here. We simply wish to know if she has been here or if you possess any information."

Pondering the situation, I suddenly recalled, "We came across an artistic clue that seemed to depict your house and its surroundings."

Even from a distance, I could sense Jerez chuckling softly before he revealed, "Well, my apologies, Endrick. The girl did indeed come seeking assistance, and yes, she is here."

Upon revealing such a crucial part, Jerez halted the tender caress of his brushes over the canvas board, placing his art belongings upon the already cluttered table. His movements were deliberate, a silent symphony of purpose as he walked toward us, a canvas cradled in his hands. The air seemed to hold its breath as if anticipating the weight of his more revelation.

Coming near, Jerez's presence seemed to summon light, coaxing it to pierce through the previously shrouded space. In this newfound illumination, his home's walls came to life, adorned with an eclectic array of his artistic creations. Playful stick figures danced alongside childlike renditions of majestic mountains and rivers that appeared to flow with liquid colors, perhaps watercolors that had melded into life under his skillful touch.

Eyes widening, I ventured forth, my curiosity undaunted by the enigma that lay before us. "If she is truly here, then allow me to speak with her," I proposed, my voice echoing with a mixture of determination and intrigue.

Jerez's response was measured, a counterpoint to my eagerness. “That's not quite how this will unfold. First, answer the questions I have."

Before any of us could reply, Jerez pivoted the canvas toward us, showcasing his creation. It was a vibrant, exhilarating painting that seemed to pulse with life.

As our eyes drank in the vivid hues and intricate strokes, Jerez's lips curved, a knowing smile gracing his features. "The answers you seek lie intertwined with your perception of this masterpiece," he intimated, his voice carrying a note of challenge.

A question that might be a bit hard for me to fully grasp, as my pursuit of life has always been about creation since that day. Though, there is no meaning in contemplating it for now, as it does not matter for this time. But visualizing other’s pieces of art and then sharing our thoughts with them can also be seen as a really important part. 
