Chapter 17:

Moments Of Disruption

Art in Heart

Even after a week of contemplation, complications, and unexpected twists, I found myself standing on the precipice of a new week. As the haze of the last week's events began to settle, I could feel the weight of my friend's counsel, standing like a steadfast pillar alongside the wisdom of Colie's advice. With my purpose now clearer than ever, the motive to delve into creation took precedence over the endless cycles of contemplation and indecision.

As orientation came to a close, the steady rhythm of college life began to unfold at its own pace. The initial exhilaration of new beginnings gradually gave way to the reality of academic responsibilities. A load of coursework and assignments, once distant on the horizon, now arrived to meddle with our moments of enjoyment. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of schedules and deadlines, the bond between the four of us remained unshaken, a beacon of solace amid chaos. I held onto the hope that this camaraderie would persevere and that our shared moments would continue to weave a tapestry of memories.

But life often has a way of introducing uncertainty at the most crucial junctures. Just as we navigated the labyrinthine corridors of college life, an unexpected twist emerged, casting a shadow over our shared experiences. The path we had paved seemed to falter, and I found myself questioning whether the threads of our connection would remain intact.

Yet, amidst these challenges, I couldn't forget the looming contest with Flaire, the art festival, and the unresolved matter of the old lady's apology. A deeper understanding of her connection to Diana's sudden anger still eluded me, and the enigma only fueled my determination to uncover the truth.

The memory of Colie's daughter and her unfinished artwork persisted, a reminder of the promise I had made.

As I wrestled with trying to complete the canvas imagination, a new revelation emerged—a twist in the tale that I hadn't foreseen. Just as I was consumed by the task of completing the artwork, an unexpected development unfolded. It was a mere three days before the art festival, a time when anticipation and tension hung thick in the air.

"So are you done placing all of it?" I asked the person I was accompanying to submit reports to the professor that day.

Her features remained as perky as always, yet her kindred voice spoke, which couldn't resist offering help, "Yeah, everything's done. We can leave now."

With our task completed, she and I exited the room and ascended the stairs to the first-floor corridor, where our class was situated. As we walked, I expressed my gratitude, "Every other girl and even some boys declined to help. Amidst that, you offered your assistance, Aural. Thanks"

She responded while managing her long brownish braided hair, a playful quirk in her eyes, "Oh, it's fine, Endie. I don't care about others' opinions, and you don't seem to be much trouble." Her tone was kind, and her demeanor radiated warmth.

Clearing her throat, Aural shifted the topic, curiosity evident in her gaze. "So, how was your date with that girl?"

Before I could even respond or comprehend her question, a sudden thud sound resonated from our classroom maybe. I instinctively motioned for Aural to follow me as we hastened toward the source of the commotion. Students were emerging from the room, including Sid and Akhish, alongside two other boys whom I recognized but hadn't interacted with. Professor Jelsa stood at the doorway, her expression a mix of frustration and disappointment. Her words swiftly clarified the situation.

"You four are suspended for one week, starting today," she announced sternly, her voice carrying the weight of authority.

Akhish's temper flared, his ire directed at Sid. "This all happened because of you, Sid," he spat out, his anger palpable.

Sid's expression shifted from perplexity to defensiveness. "Huh? What do you mean? How is it my fault?" he retorted, seemingly taken aback.

Akhish's frustration was palpable as he lunged at Sid, gripping his collar tightly. "Yeah, if you hadn't punched that guy and then clammed up, we probably wouldn't be facing suspension right now!" Akhish's voice was seething with anger, his grip unyielding.

Amidst the tension, the two other boys involved in the scheme laughed mockingly, evidently amused by the situation they had set in motion. Although I couldn't fully grasp the scope of their plan, their reactions indicated it was premeditated. Irritation surged within me as I stepped forward, determined to intervene.

"What the hell is wrong with the two of you?" I exclaimed, my voice laced with a mix of disbelief and frustration. I moved to separate Akhish and Sid, my gaze shifting between them.

Their silence spoke volumes as they avoided eye contact, guilt, and embarrassment clouding their expressions. As the standoff continued, Professor Jelsa's authoritative voice punctuated the tension. "You four, go now. And Endrick, step inside."

I shot one last disappointed look at Akhish and Sid before turning to comply with Professor Jelsa's command. The two of them and the other boys left their footsteps echoing down the corridor as they departed.

As I crossed the threshold into the classroom, a sense of foreboding settled over me, the weight of the situation hanging heavy in the air once again.

The air felt charged with an uneasy tension, the remnants of the earlier commotion still lingering. I exchanged a quick glance with Pam, his expression mirroring my own sense of apprehension. It was evident that the events that had transpired during my brief absence had cast a shadow over our shared camaraderie.

Sinking into my seat. I longed for the college day to conclude, eager to uncover the truth behind his sudden departure and the reasons that had prompted it. My thoughts threatened to spiral into the same cycle of contemplation that had plagued me before, but I resisted, trying to focus on the tasks at hand.

Amidst my internal struggle, I found my gaze repeatedly drifting toward my phone, where the image of the unfinished canvas served as a poignant reminder of my promise to Colie. The contrast between the vibrant colors of the artwork and the uncertainty that now clouded my mind felt stark, a metaphor for the complexities that life often presented.

As the minutes ticked away, the clock's chime signaled the end of another lecture. Gathering my belongings into my bag, I rose from my seat, my determination to seek answers propelling me forward. I made my way to Pam's seat, anticipation and a hint of anxiety coiling in my chest. But to my surprise, Pam's figure was conspicuously absent, his seat empty and devoid of the usual presence that radiated calm and reassurance.

Confusion knitted my brow as I scanned the room, searching for any sign of him. Why had he left so abruptly? I had so many questions that needed answers, and the lack of his presence only fueled my uncertainty. I sighed inwardly, my disappointment palpable. It seemed that the moment I was finally ready to confront our conversation, fate had played a different card.

Familiar with Pam's habits, I assumed he couldn't have gone too far. I quickened my pace, moving from the first-floor corridor down to the ground level. My steps led me to the courtyard, a popular spot for students to gather and exchange gossip. Some students were exiting while others were entering the area. I scanned the scene, hoping to spot Pam among them.

My search continued near the main gate, where a crowd of students was coming and going. Despite my efforts, I couldn't catch a glimpse of his figure. Frustration and disappointment gnawed at me. With a heavy heart, I eventually conceded and made my way back home, the unanswered questions lingering in my mind.