Chapter 4:
Lost Memories from Another World
We're already on our third drink at the bar, I'm nearly slumped over the table, feeling like a total level cero, not being able to do anything. The bar is calm and noisy alternately; there are some musicians playing in the background. Everything seems somewhat old and worn, it adds a certain charm.
“I can't believe how you froze there,” Daichi exclaims, he barely can keep his lips from a wide smile. “You were like a paralyzed kitten.” He bursts into laughter, which has been happening most of the time since they rescued me, they haven't stopped cracking jokes.
“It's not my fault…” I say between sobs, taking another sip of the drink. “He was so powerful, probably level eighty and I…”
“You can say it; there's no shame in admitting what level you're at,” Yuki interjects with a mischievous smile.
“I'm… level four,” I exclaim, tears welling up now, feeling so weak like level cero… “I even hurt my butt hitting a rock,” I blurt out, not realizing I said it aloud, and they burst into laughter once more.
“There, there,” Yuki pats my head to comfort me, her touch is cold, but I can feel a warm energy of her, it doesn't bother me at all.
Completing the mission pushed me up a level and earned us a decent amount of gold; we nearly doubled the initial fruit order. They explained, apparently, that the payment was based on the weight of the load and the more, the better. Although a significant part of the sum will probably go towards medicines, potions, and treatments to fully recover Daichi and Yuki. I couldn't do a single thing.
“Why didn't I level up when we killed all those wolves…” I say, my head still on the table without looking at them, “Whyyy?” I wanted to level up to…
“We already told you.” Yuki says while still patting my head. “Because of the level difference, the experience is divided among the higher levels or those who contribute more and other things; it's not fixed.”
“But why?” I persist, getting up abruptly, carried away by my emotions. “If I leveled up, I could do more and train harder! I would be more useful!!” I think, without realizing it, I sound like I'm shouting. Daichi tugs at my clothes to sit me down and tries to take away my glass of alcohol, even though there was barely anything left.
“It's bedtime for the little one; too much alcohol for you,” Daichi doesn't let up with his teasing, but he sees that I'm not moving and gives a sigh.
“You know what is little, that’s your giant D—“ I scream to him, but Yuki takes my drink on my distraction and shushes me.
“It's to prevent the newbies or low-level players from leveling up too quickly.” She explains and drinks my last sip of drink. ”If a level 80 player kills a Kang Krangen with a low-level team like you, they could jump up 50 levels or more at once and that's not how the system is designed.”
“But…” I insist. Also, I'm not ready to sleep and I won’t admit I'm drunk. “Because I am not!!” I think I say it out loud. Both looks at me alarmed by my scream. “Well, maybe I’m a bit drunk.”
Daichi picks me up like a sack of potatoes, not giving me any chance to resist. “I'm sorry, but that's how it is. Sleep now, you have a long day tomorrow. You'll suffer, but you won't stay at level two.” I try to muster some strength to resist, but he won't let me go or loosen his grip.
“I'm not level two, I'm four, FOUR!” This time I repeat practically shouting, both Daichi and some other guys who heard in the bar burst into laughter.
As Daichi carries me, I stretch my neck and see Yuki. I notice her beautiful eyes for the first time. I hadn't realized before, they're a light blue, shining amid the darkness of this bar, like a star in the middle of a dark night.
I observe her feeling my face flushes a little, probably from the alcohol. She looks up at me, I’m sure that my face is turning total red, as if I've been caught. I quickly avert my gaze, hitting the back of Daichi as I do, I see… an awful view. I hope he doesn't pass gas as he goes up the stairs.
Daichi takes me upstairs, where two rooms were reserved for the night. They told me that their house was further north in the city, several hours away and we weren't going there today.
Daichi easily opens the door and tosses me onto one of the beds. “Cover yourself; it's chilly. I'll be back later. The night is still young.”
“I don't want to be level four…” I manage to mumble. It is almost impossible to articulate the words as I struggle with the soft fabrics to cover myself. “I don’t even know what these soft fabrics are called…”
“They are called bedsheets.” and he helps to fully cover me. “And don't worry, you won't be level four forever,” Daichi says as he leaves. Before closing the door, I hear him add, “Tomorrow will be a tough day. Rest well.”
I want to thank him, but he leaves before I can formulate it. I'm sure he'll be back with Yuki in a few hours.
Who would have thought? Too weak even to handle some drinks. Sounds like I’m a level cero in every aspect.
Upon waking up, I stretch my body, feeling unusually energetic. Maybe because I slept for such a long time. I put on my slippers quietly and see that Daichi is still asleep. He's shirtless and I can see all his muscles. Then I look at my own arms, hardly noticeable…
I sigh and leave the room, without making a sound, I wouldn’t want to wake him up. Probably he would crush me in two if I do so.
Breakfast comes with the night's stay. During the day, the bar doesn't seem as gloomy as the night before. A portly man is behind the bar, preparing breakfast for me. There are few people around this time in the morning.
I start observing the drinks, paintings and weapons behind the bar. My eyes fixate on one painting in particular, the same man behind the bar with the woman from last night, equally stout with red hair and yellow eyes.
Watching their happiness and their smiles makes me wonder: why am I so unhappy at level four? I can't accept that this is what I am now. I can get better and focus on the future, but can't I be happy with what I have now? I’am Daichi and Yuki, do I need more?
I’m happy with them… but I want to become stronger, the jokes bother a bit, but I imagine, what if we find big monsters or powerful enemies, what I can do to help my friends?
The portly man brings me something peculiar: a tray with a dish of something liquid and various pieces and things, alongside something more solid and fluffy. He also brings a jug of something hot and another small dish with hard, crunchy items that I find enjoyable. The thick liquid isn't as tasty as I expected, but I'm starving and don’t care what I have in front of me.
I was going to try the weird drink when Daichi and Yuki arrives, I thought they would sleep more. I'm glad to see them, I smile as the man brings them the same meal for them.
The jug of something hot and thicker than the food dish. I take a sip, coughing as I didn't expect the horrible taste. “It has alcohol!”
“It's the house specialty,” Daichi says, taking a sip of his own. “Kolholleti, hot sweet alcohol with a hint of citrus aroma; it's all carefully calculated to achieve this perfection.”
“Yeah… sure it is.”
As we make our way to the outskirts, we explore the city a bit during the day. There are several shops and stores and there are only some residences. We walk with Daichi to repair his armor and, while we're at it, they buy me a simple sword too. Although it's so heavy that I end up using both arms to hold it.
When we leave the store we walk into the others, watching all kinds of shops and tents.
“Wow,” I manage to say, pressing my face against a window that seems to shine with all its displayed products.
“What?” Yuki asks, stopping in her tracks. “What did you see?”
I look back into her blue eyes and then at the gemstone, “Your eyes shine like this jewel.”
Daichi bursts into laughter at my comment making Yuki blushes. “Sapphire blue, Yuki's eyes, or rather, a rotten dark blue,” he laughs again. She gives him a few playful punches, but he remains unfazed.
As I watch them walk, I look at her, a stunning sapphire blue that I can't seem to look away from. “You two are in for it today,” Yuki says with a mischievous expression, her eyes seem to darken.
“What are we doing today?” I ask, curious, remembering what they told me last night. “It will be a long day, how?”
“Just today?” Daichi repeats doubtfully, “We'll be watching you train against level one or two bugs and small monsters all week.”
“All week, every hour, every second. You'll be moving muscles you don’t even know that existed.” Yuki smiles and the result is enough to make me shiver, I could almost swear my bones were freezing.
I’m quite sure that I can feel a cold and malevolent aura emanating from her. Today will be a long day.
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