Chapter 5:


Realistic Encounter

Shin was on his computer, browsing the internet. Specifically, he was on a website where stories could be published. The website was called Shin opened a story and noticed that the first chapter had 200 views. However, by the tenth chapter, there were only 10 views. A sense of unease began to creep over Shin." I wonder why the views dropped. Of course, I should consider that the later chapters are more recent, so not everyone had the time to catch up with the story. But if my story isn't interesting, readers will go elsewhere. Okay, I already discussed this in Chapter 1, so I won't repeat myself.
Alright, I just need to write the best introduction ever crafted in the history of stories, and my readers will be captivated! Let's start with the protagonist. She's a girl who no longer has a heart, so she can't feel emotions. Perfect, that's really dramatic. Then she's a zombie girl. Now it's also a fantasy story. To add a touch of horror, she's also a ghost. Fantastic. If I keep adding more elements like these, my story will be truly amazing."
Shin began writing like a river in full flow.


Aya rang the doorbell. Shin let her in and noticed that she had a green purse with her today. So, it was pointless to return the violet purse; she could've come to get it back today, Shin thought. Shin also noticed that the green purse matched well with the colors of the short-sleeved violet shirt she was wearing and the green pants that accentuated her figure. If she hadn't forgotten the purse, he probably wouldn't have realized how cute she looked.
"Aya, I'm proud to share the idea for the story I'm going to write."
"Mhh, you seem quite confident. Alright, let's hear it! That way, I can give you some advice."
"Okay. I'll start now. Yui was a zombie ghost girl with cat ears. Her dress was a slightly torn maid robot costume that revealed Yui's qualities. She's a heartless girl trying to eat a boy's heart, but she can only do it to the boy she's fallen in love with, causing the death of his guy and resulting in a deeply moving dramatic scene. Although then I thought that wasn't dramatic enough, so if she eats his heart, then not only he but his whole family dies too. Also, she has the ability to pilot a mech to try to stop the heart curse that a sorcerer inflicted on her when she got hit by a truck and reincarnated as a heartless girl. In the end, she defeats the curse and everyone lives happily ever after."
"So, Aya, what do you think??"
Shin said with a big smile on his face.
"Where do I even begin..."
"Yes, I know. My introduction left you speechless."
"Yes, but for the wrong reasons."

"Okay, Shin, now let me tell you what, in my opinion, doesn't work in your plot."
"Thematic inconsistency: The plot contains very disparate elements like zombies, ghosts, girls with animal ears, maid robot costumes, heart-eating, and mechs. These elements don't seem to have a coherent connection, making the story confusing and unfocused.
Excessive clichés and too many fantasy elements: The introduction has an abundance of fantasy elements and clichés, like girls with animal ears, maid costumes, zombies, ghosts, and curses. The accumulation of tropes can make the story unoriginal and lacking freshness.
Lack of character motivations and coherence: The actions and behaviors of the characters don't seem to be convincingly motivated. For instance, the protagonist Yui tries to eat a boy's heart but only if she falls in love with him, which feels rather contrived and illogical.
Excessive plot complexity: The story features multiple subplots and overlapping elements like the heart curse, the mech, and the boy's family. This complexity can confuse readers and make the narrative hard to follow.
Lack of consistent tone: The introduction swings between different tones, shifting from dramatic elements to comedic moments (like "In the end, she defeats the curse and everyone lives happily ever after"). This can make it difficult for readers to establish a consistent and engaging atmosphere.
Lack of tension and character growth: The plot seems to resolve too easily and quickly, with Yui defeating the curse and everyone living happily. This eliminates tension and character growth, which are often key elements in an engaging story.
Too conventional and predictable: The introduction follows a very predictable narrative structure, featuring elements like the curse to defeat and the happy ending. Lacking surprises or unexpected twists, the story may become unengaging for readers.
Unnecessary details: Some specific details, like reincarnation after being hit by a truck, seem added without a real purpose and can weigh down the plot instead of enhancing it."

After another 10 minutes of Aya speaking uninterrupted, Shin began to lose some hope.
"And that's it. Do you understand what you need to change?"
"...I think it might be faster if I just rewrite the story."
"But no, Shin... if you exclude the characters, the plot, character development, settings, narrative pace, and excessive clichés, your story is good."
"Sometimes I don't understand if you're serious or if you're making fun of me."
"Shin. I'm sorry if my judgment seemed too harsh. But I do it for you, and the better the story you write, the higher your chances of winning. The sooner you realize this, the better."
"By the way you  didn't give me much hope. Can you at least tell me one positive thing about my story?"
"Of course. One positive thing... uh... well... here.........................................."
"Oh, right! Shin, one positive thing is the effort you put into writing the story. As I often tell you, 'No effort is wasted effort.' Sure, I find it a bit hard to see how writing a story about a zombie girl with cat ears can be useful... maybe, with the story you wrote, you've been training your creativity!"
"It's funny how you try to cheer me up and somehow manage to make me even sadder... But I still appreciate your response. Alright, we can end it here for today. It took me quite a bit of time to write the story, so I'm out of energy."
"Okay, Shin. And don't take it the wrong way. Failure is necessary to reach success. The more you make mistakes, the more you learn."
"Okay, Aya, thanks for the motivation. See you tomorrow."
"Okay, bye!"
Aya stood up, and as she tried to leave, Shin immediately stopped her:
"You forgot your purse again!"
"Ahem, thanks... Actually, I was just testing your attention."
