Chapter 7:


The Path

Nuntius hated most of his life including everything he had and could never become. Living alone so close to the end of the world wasn't easy, it didn't even have perks. And yet, he would stay here until the end of time.

This is what happens when love and duty align.

Maybe because he had been by himself for so long, his first instinct when he heard the screeching of the black raven above him, was to run inside his small hut and lock the door.

He followed that up by looking bewildered out of his small window expecting the bird to fly away.

But it stayed and simply stared back at him with empty eyes.

Nuntilus stared back and before he knew it, something moved inside him. A feeling he hadn't experienced in years, no rather decades.

It was curiosity. In its purest and most innocent form.

Nuntilus slowly opened his door and took a few uncertain steps toward the raven. The animal didn't back away, instead staring at him quietly. He tilted his head wondering what this raven could possibly be doing here, so close to the final door. The raven mimicked his head tilt and Nuntilus started to giggle quietly. Then, the raven turned around and hopped away a few paces.

Nuntilus's first immediate thought was that he scared the bird. But it soon came to a standstill and turned back at him tilting its head and waiting patiently.

Nuntilus frowned.

"Does it want me to follow it?"

He pondered for a few seconds. Then he shrugged his shoulders and followed the crow into the nearby woods.