Chapter 9:

Important Text

BLISSANDO |Volume 1|

The transition from the elevator's sleek interior to the rugged and dimly lit mine entrance was a stark contrast. The atmosphere was heavy with the scent of earth and minerals, and the air felt cooler against their skin.

Jeht glanced at Bliss, noticing the miner's apprehension and the way his fingers twitched slightly. This was a critical juncture, the beginning of their descent into the chasm-like underground mines. With a reassuring smile, Jeht extended a hand towards Bliss, silently offering his support.


Bliss met Jeht's gaze, his own a mix of determination and a hint of vulnerability. Slowly, he reached out and placed his hand in Jeht's, their fingers intertwining. It was a simple yet powerful gesture that conveyed trust and unity, a silent agreement to face whatever challenges awaited them together.

As they stepped into the mine, the path stretched out before them, illuminated only by the dim glow of small lanterns hanging along the walls. The uneven ground was rocky and uneven, making each step a careful maneuver. The air grew colder as they descended deeper, and the distant sounds of echoing footsteps and murmured conversations filled the tunnel.

Jeht led the way, his steps confident and purposeful. Bliss followed closely, his grip on Jeht's hand never faltering. The mine's walls seemed to close in around them, the earthy scent growing stronger as they ventured further into its depths. It was a world apart from the city above, a realm of darkness and hidden treasures, but mostly, uranium.

They navigated through the bustling gathering place in the mine, surrounded by the industrious activities of miners and their attendants. The atmosphere was a blend of focused determination and quiet camaraderie as they worked together to fulfill their roles in the underground world. Jeht led Bliss through the maze of people, his steps purposeful as he guided him toward the officer responsible for keeping track of the miners' activities.

As they approached the officer, a woman with a friendly demeanor, she greeted them with a warm smile that seemed to convey a genuine sense of welcome. Her attention shifted from her computer screen to Bliss, her gaze inquisitive yet gentle.

"Welcome. We've been waiting for you."

Bliss felt a mix of curiosity and nervousness, his gaze shifting between the officer and the computer screen. He could sense the significance of this encounter, the process that would formalize his presence within the mine. The woman's voice held a reassuring tone as she continued.

"For the record, I'm going to ask you a few questions. You can use the paper and pen on the table to answer."

Bliss released his grip on Jeht's hand, his fingers finding the pen and paper on the table before him. He took a moment to collect his thoughts, ready to provide the information required.


Carefully and deliberately, Bliss wrote his name on the paper. Each stroke of the pen was deliberate, as if every letter carried a weight of its own.


The officer's eyes remained focused on the paper, her professionalism evident as she continued her queries.


Jeht couldn't help but be curious, his own intrigue piqued by the notion of learning more about Bliss's past. He discreetly cast a glance at the answers, his heart momentarily skipping a beat as he absorbed the revelation.


Suppressing any visible reaction, Jeht maintained his composure while inwardly processing the newfound knowledge. He was taken aback by the realization that Bliss was slightly older than him, a fact that he hadn't anticipated. Holy fuck!


Bliss's uncertainty was palpable, his eyes seeking reassurance from Jeht. Without hesitation, Jeht stepped in to provide the necessary information.

“October 4, 2023.”

The officer diligently noted down the responses on her computer, each piece of information recorded with precision and care. Bliss's presence was now officially recognized within the system, a subtle yet significant step in his integration into the mine's community.

"Ok. You can enter the mine. They will help you next door.”

The woman's words signaled the conclusion of their interaction. Bliss exchanged one last look with Jeht, seeking a reassuring nod that he indeed received. Jeht's expression conveyed encouragement, a silent assurance that they would be reunited soon.

With a final deep breath, Bliss turned to follow the officer's instructions.


Jeht had wanted to wait for Bliss at the mine, but the officers had fired him. He had to wander around the city until the working hour was over.

“What am I going to do now?”

He didn't like to roam around at all, so he decided to sit in the first cafe he came across.

"There's nothing like disturbing Olga while I’m having tea."

He took his tea, then sat on the couch and texted Olga on his phone.






He had texted them one after the other so that the notification sound would always be heard. Usually Olga would respond very quickly, but not this time. Ten minutes later, Jeht texted again.




Another five minutes passed before Olga answered. His message contained only one word.


Jeht frowned.

If Olga wrote such a message, it must have been something really important.

“Should I go as well?”

He was wondering what was going on, but they probably wouldn't have included him if he did. He wasn't in the same rank as Olga, so Jeht wasn't allowed to know everything he knew. And he didn't want to stir up trouble and find out because of the sudden suspicion he felt.

"Nevermind. If it's that important, they'll send us a mission."

He had to get Bliss from the mine first anyway. They had given him one of the miners' single dormitory rooms, so he no longer had to stay in that cold cell. Jeht's last assignment for Bliss was to get him to that dorm room. Then there was nothing left for him to do but watch from afar. He would return to her original military duties. Even though he doesn't want that too much.

He nervously finished the hot tea in one gulp. The heat of the tea scorched his tongue and throat.


Weeks slipped by like grains of sand through an hourglass. The rhythmic routine of the mine had gradually enveloped Bliss in its embrace, becoming an intrinsic part of his daily existence. The tasks, once unfamiliar and daunting, had become second nature. The repetitive motion of mining, the camaraderie of his fellow miners, and the sense of purpose he found in the depths of the earth – all had contributed to his gradual assimilation into this subterranean world.

Yet, beneath the surface of his apparent adjustment, Bliss was keenly aware of the undercurrents that swirled between him and Jeht. The distance between them had grown, not in terms of physical space, but in the emotional space that had once been filled with shared laughter, playful banter, and a palpable sense of connection. Jeht, burdened by the dual role of guardian and soldier, seemed weighed down by the very responsibility he had taken upon himself.

Jeht's turmoil wasn't lost on Bliss. He observed the strained smiles, the suppressed gestures, and the times when Jeht's presence seemed more like a shadow than a partner. The vibrant energy that had once defined their interactions had dimmed, and Bliss felt a pang of longing for those moments when they could simply be themselves around each other.

The unspoken tension held Bliss captive, silencing his words before they could escape his lips. He understood that Jeht's concern for him was the reason behind this change. It was a complex paradox – the very presence that should have comforted him had become a source of unease. Bliss found himself longing for a way to bridge the gap, to convey that he was capable of understanding and that he didn't need Jeht's watchful eye at all times.

As the days began to blend into one another, following the rhythm of mining and the dull routines, a new day dawned with the echoing sound of an emergency meeting call from Olga. The command reverberated through the mine, stirring a sense of urgency within every member of their squad. Jeht and Bliss exchanged a look, a fleeting connection that held a mixture of shared curiosity and determination.

Gathering in the upper meeting room, the squad assembled in a formation that reflected both unity and purpose. The atmosphere was tense, each member aware that Olga's summons signaled something of significant importance. Olga's usually composed demeanor carried an air of gravitas, her voice heavy with solemnity.

“We recently received a message from Sirius. When the ambassadors they sent us returned empty-handed, they decided to come here with their own military units."

The room seemed to hold its collective breath, the implications of Olga's words echoing in the silence. The potential arrival of another nation's military units was a matter of extreme concern, fraught with the possibility of conflict. Olga's voice held a measured strength as she continued.

"We want this to be settled as peacefully as possible, so we will allow them to enter the country without any trouble. Whatever they want to talk about, we will talk here in our own field. We will not show this to the public in any way."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on every heart present. The responsibility of safeguarding the nation, its people, and their way of life rested upon each member of the squad. But it was Olga's final words that seemed to strike the deepest chord.

"At this point, a great responsibility falls on me as well as on you. Protect our country, protect our people, and most importantly: protect our miners."

Protect our miners. Those words reverberated like thunder in Jeht's mind. They encapsulated a sense of purpose and duty that went beyond borders and politics. The miners, the very heart of their society, were at the forefront of this call to protect. It was a charge that transcended personal grievances, putting into perspective the importance of their roles and the greater good they were tasked with safeguarding.


Creator's Note:


First of all, I am very grateful for participating in this competition. I wanted to participate in previous competitions, but I couldn't because I was not available. It is an honor for me to participate this year. Although I couldn't finish my story this year for some reasons, I didn't want to back out this time. I wrote to finish Volume 1.

I hope you enjoy reading my story. Thank you!