Chapter 42:

Chapter 42 – For You

Accidental Encounter

Timo drove Charlotte out of to the edge of the city, ignoring any time she asked more questions, and stopped beside a small park that oversaw the city. She'd been there before and recognized it instantly. Eric's special place.

"There's a party here? I don't see anyone," Charlotte squinted, trying to see into the darkness. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"I'm sure." Timo got out and opened the door for her. She took his outstretched hand. "This way," they stepped into the park and a spotlight turned on.

"Oh!" Charlotte gasped.

The light shone down on Eric in a long-tailed black suit, standing beside a grand piano. He held his hand over his heart and bowed. "Thank you for coming, Char. Please have a seat and enjoy the concert."

Timo set a chair down for her to sit on.

"Thank you," Charlotte sat, her back straight as she focused on Eric.

Eric took a deep breath as he settled on the bench and readied his hands on the keys. He let it out and started to play. His fingers flew across the keys, playing beautiful, flowing music that entranced Charlotte.

I have to do it perfectly for her. Please hands, last long enough for all of them. Charlotte deserves to hear the fruits of giving me this piano.

"Eric..." Charlotte sighed, a twinkle in her eyes as she watched.

"Well worth the effort," Timo whispered to himself.

He played a few different songs, and after playing Chopin Nocturne Op. 9, he moved onto a piece Charlotte didn't recognize. She leaned in closer and shut her eyes as she listened.

"It's beautiful," she murmured. "But I don't think I've ever heard it before."

"No, you can't have."


"He wrote it for you."

Charlotte's eyes widened. "He composed his own song? I didn't even know he had an interest in doing it..."

"Only for you. You inspire him. You are his muse, after all," Timo smirked.

"It's so beautiful... It feels like the tone has changed a few times..." Charlotte wondered aloud as she listened. When he finished, she stood, clapping with tears in her eyes. "That was amazing, Eric."

"Thank you," Eric approached her and knelt down on one knee in front of her as he took her hand. "I composed it for you. It's supposed to be our story."

"It ended with such a happy, soothing feeling to it, but it felt like a rollercoaster."

"I guess my feelings came across in it then. We've been through a lot, though most of it was near the beginning, but I'm hoping to keep this wild ride going forever. Charlotte Burne, will you marry me?" He pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket.

Her eyes widened. "Is this... real?"

"Of course it is."

She glanced at Timo and he smiled at her, his soft eyes full of joy.

Charlotte nodded repeatedly, finding it hard to respond with the lump that formed in her throat and tears trailing down her cheeks.

Holy crap... Eric let out the breath he was holding and placed the ring on her finger.

"And I will point out that he saved all his money from his florist job to buy that ring for you," Timo said, sure Eric wouldn't mention it.

"Timo," Eric hissed. Why would he tell her that?

"What? You weren't going to say it," Timo rolled his eyes. "But considering you live on her dime in every which way, I think it means even more that you didn't use her money for the ring. Also note, he would've done it earlier, but he fell in love with that ring and saved up to buy it, despite taking more than a year to get enough money." He avoided mentioning not letting Eric ask earlier, worried she'd get mad at him.

"Eric... You didn't have to do that," Charlotte hugged him.

I guess she would've paid for that too, but that wouldn't have felt right. "I wanted to, though." Eric squeezed her tight. "I wanted to earn this ring myself."

"But you make a lot more while working as my assistant; why not use the money from that as well?"

"Because it was still money from you. I'm not going to turn away from you because you're the breadwinner or anything like that, and refuse your money, but for this... I wanted to at least pay for this ring."

Charlotte smiled up at him. "Thank you, Eric."

"Now, if you two want to make it official, all you have to do is sign here," Timo held up a marriage license.

"You brought it with you? Don't we need a witness?" Eric asked, still holding her close.

"I am the witness and officiant."

Definitely sounds illegal.

Timo rolled his eyes under their questioning gazes. "I have everything set up; don't worry about it. Now, you'll probably want to sign this before going off on your honeymoon." Timo pulled out a pair of tickets to Kyoto, Japan.

Wait a second... "Um, are you trying to skip a wedding?" Eric asked.

"I'm guessing you didn't know about this, then?" Charlotte looked between the two of them.

"N-no, I didn't. I know how important a wedding can be—"

"It's okay. Timo did it this way for a reason. I was going to tell you earlier, but I have some time off... which is why I'm assuming he did this. We can always have a party later with our friends and family to celebrate, but I, for one, am ready to sign and head off on our honeymoon right now."

"You really wouldn't mind skipping the wedding?"

"As long as you're okay with it."

"I'd only have a couple of people to invite anyway..." Kal and Karen. "So I'm okay with it."

"Of course you both are; did you really think I'd do this without knowing your answers?" Timo wiggled the papers around, tired of waiting. "Now sign and be off with the bags I packed you both; you don't want your flight leaving without you." Timo set the paper down on the hood of the car and held out a pen to Charlotte.

Without any hesitation, Charlotte took the pen, signed and held the pen out to Eric.

Definitely wasn't expecting to be married the same day I got engaged. Eric followed suit and signed.

"I officially announce you, man and wife. You may kiss your bride, after you get in the car," Timo took the paper and held the back door open for them.

"I should do this properly then," Eric swept Charlotte up into his arms.

"Oh!" Charlotte gasped and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Eric carefully carried her into the back of the vehicle and laid her down on the seat.

"Now, please enjoy yourselves during the ride, but not too much. Save that for your honeymoon suite in Kyoto," Timo shut the door behind Eric.

"You hear that? Timo thought we would..." Eric trailed off when he saw Charlotte shrug, looking up after staring at her ring again.

"Can't say the thought didn't cross my mind, but I think I'll be satisfied with the fun we're going to have," she pulled him down to her by his tie. "So, is it Mr. Gidian or Mr. Burne? You can choose whose last name to go with," she whispered into his ear.

"Ha..." He shuddered under her warm breath. "I think... I'd like to go with your last name. I don't have a particular attachment to mine, anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Mrs. Burne," he smiled and kissed her.

"Mm... I love you, Mr. Burne," she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in for another kiss.

"I love you, too." For forever.