Chapter 0:



This is just a non-fictional story for entertainment purposes. The names are randomly not targeted towards any parties

Once upon a time, 500,000 years ago, fairies and humans lived in harmony. Fairies live practically anywhere they fancy. They can be found in your house, garden even in a flower pot. Human hunting played a big role in human evolution. They hunt for animals’ skin, bones and etc. Soon human evolution on Earth is causing environmental degradation. More buildings have continued to be built over the years and it is a never-ending project. 

The trend for clothing made with fairies became very fashionable and their body for meat as they believed fairies’ meat would have power and long live. As demand for the fairy’s wing increases rapidly, the fairy will be lost from the world forever. As a result, human starts up their experiment centre to increase the population of the fairies. 

A mass of fairies’ life was in danger and a thousand were dead on the experiment table. They fought for their life and rescued the remaining fairies that were being caught for experiments but unfortunately, the fairies lost the battle. Since then, the fairies moved to a small town which they called Sleepy Town. No human dares to go there as the fairies have cast the spell in the town to protect the town from an intruder. Whoever comes to the town without an invitation, will fall asleep forever. 

The sleepy town’s environment is very peaceful and soothing, there are a lot of heritage buildings, quaint streets, schools and local shops. The queen has a revenge plan against humans. She set a rule for her citizen fairies. Every fairy that reaches the age of 5 needs to find a human soul to survive. Thirty drops of blood are sufficient to take a soul.  As long as they succeed in taking 4 souls, they can retire and do whatever they want.